Chapter 10 - The Girdle of Hippolyta
Rule for printing a parser error when the latest parser error is the nothing to do error and the player is in Amazonia and hippolyta-unconscious is true:
say "There's nothing here which is immediately available, but you might try taking anything you can see, even if it seems decorative or attached to something else. This is an emergency, after all!"
Amazonia is east of the Peloponnesian Shore. "This vast jungle has a natural ferocity to it that makes one's hair stand on end. A sense of mysticism, beauty, and raw power is palpable here. The only exit you can see is back the way you came, to the west."
The Amazon warrior is a woman in Amazonia. "An Amazon warrior is here, tall and toned and incredibly fierce. [if hippolyta-unconscious is true]She is currently performing rapid chest compressions on Queen Hippolyta as she lies unconscious. [else]She could probably crush your skull in with one flex of her thighs, and her beauty is such that you would gladly let her.[end if][first time][paragraph break]She smiles as you arrive. 'We foresaw a visitor. I have instructions to not let anyone see Hippolyta unless they can show me the mares of Diomedes.' She looks at you expectantly.[only]"
The description of the Amazon warrior is "One of the strongest people you've ever met, without a doubt. [if hippolyta-unconscious is true]She's currently performing chest compressions on her leader, Hippolyta, perhaps a little too rapidly. But that will only serve as a stall. Hippolyta needs some kind of medicine, fast![end if]"
Administering CPR is an action applying to nothing. Understand "administer CPR" and "do chest compressions" and "perform CPR" and "perform chest compressions" and "do CPR" as administering CPR.
Check administering CPR:
if the player is in Amazonia and hippolyta-unconscious is true:
try waking Hippolyta instead;
continue the action.
Report administering CPR:
say "There's nobody in distress here!"
A thing can be coffeeable or uncoffeeable. A thing is usually uncoffeeable. The bottle of Benadryl is coffeeable.
Hippolyta is a woman. "Hippolyta is here, [if hippolyta-unconscious is true]slumped and unconscious beside[else]lounging regally on[end if] an [ornate throne] of [vines] and [roses] set atop a mound of [moss] and [glowing dirt]." Hippolyta wears the girdle. The glowing dirt, some vines, and the moss are coffeeable undescribed things. Some roses are undescribed things. The description of some roses is "The roses look very delicate. You would have difficulty holding them without slashing them with your lion pelt claws."
Some roses are nowhere. Some rose powder is nowhere.
Bowing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "bow" as bowing.
Report bowing:
say "There's no need to bow at the moment, you're not in the presence of royalty.".
Check bowing:
if Eurystheus is in the location:
say "You give a very respectful bow to your cousin, the King of Tiryns, whose advisors you can suddenly hear snickering behind the throne. 'Lower,' says your cousin, an amused sneer playing on his lips. 'And while you're at it, you should kiss my ring too.' The advisors positively howl with laughter." instead;
else if Hippolyta is in the location:
if hippolyta-unconscious is false:
say "You give a very respectful bow to Hippolyta, the Queen of the Amazons. A soft smile appears in her eyes and she bids you stand. 'I appreciate your respect, young hero, but the Amazons have long since done away with these needless formalities. Please, simply ask of me what you will and treat me as your equal.'" instead;
say "There's no need to bow at the moment, you're not in the presence of royalty. (Or at least, not in the presence of conscious royalty.)" instead;
else if Diomedes is in the location:
say "There's no need to bow at the moment. As much as Diomedes might disagree, you're not really in the presence of royalty, so you see no reason to feed his ego." instead.
Kneeling is an action applying to nothing. Understand "kneel" as bowing.
Report kneeling:
say "There's no need to kneel at the moment, you're not in the presence of royalty.".
Check kneeling:
if Eurystheus is in the location:
say "You kneel in front of your cousin, the King of Tiryns, whose advisors you can suddenly hear snickering behind the throne. 'Lower,' says your cousin, an amused sneer playing on his lips. 'And while you're at it, you should kiss my ring too.' The advisors positively howl with laughter." instead;
else if Hippolyta is in the location:
if hippolyta-unconscious is false:
say "You respectfully kneel in front of Hippolyta, the Queen of the Amazons. A soft smile appears in her eyes and she bids you stand. 'I appreciate your respect, young hero, but the Amazons have long since done away with these needless formalities. Please, simply ask of me what you will and treat me as your equal.'" instead;
say "There's no need to kneel at the moment, you're not in the presence of royalty. (Or at least, not in the presence of conscious royalty.)" instead;
else if Diomedes is in the location:
say "There's no need to kneel at the moment. As much as Diomedes might disagree, you're not really in the presence of royalty, so you see no reason to feed his ego." instead.
The glowing dirt is a coffeeable undescribed thing. The indefinite article is "some". Some vines are a coffeeable undescribed thing. The moss is a coffeeable undescribed thing. The indefinite article is "some". The moss is nowhere. The glowing dirt is nowhere. Some vines are nowhere.
The description of the moss is "Just a lively bit of jungle greenery."
The description of some vines is "They're thin jungle vines, but they look pretty sturdy."
The description of the glowing dirt is "This rich earthy loam seems to be glowing with the power of the Amazons."
The description of Hippolyta is "[if hippolyta-unconscious is true and Hippolyta wears the girdle]Hippolyta still radiates power and grace even in unconsciousness. But there's no time to waste. She needs some kind of medicine, fast![else if hippolyta-unconscious is false and Hippolyta wears the girdle]Hippolyta radiates power and grace like nobody you've ever met. Her signature girdle flashes green from her waist.[else]Hippolyta radiates power and grace like nobody you've ever met.[end if]"
Understand "queen" and "Queen Hippolyta" as Hippolyta.
Understand "belt" as the girdle.
Warrior-guard is a truth state that varies. Warrior-guard is true.
Check asking the Amazon warrior about anything:
If warrior-guard is true:
say "She raises an eyebrow, amused, but there is no reply." instead;
say "'Now is not the time or place for that question.'" instead.
Check telling the Amazon warrior about anything:
If warrior-guard is true:
say "There is a slight, amused smile, but no reply." instead;
say "'Now is not the time or place for discussion.'" instead.
Check giving anything to the Amazon warrior:
If warrior-guard is true:
say "The Amazon warrior frowns, suddenly very serious. 'I sincerely hope you are not trying to bribe me.'" instead;
say "The Amazon warrior refuses your gift. 'Now is not the time or place for that.'" instead.
Check showing anything to the Amazon warrior:
If warrior-guard is true:
say "The Amazon warrior frowns, suddenly very serious. 'I sincerely hope you are not trying to bribe me.'" instead;
say "The Amazon warrior waves away your display. 'Now is not the time or place for that.'" instead.
The ornate throne is a fixed in place thing. The ornate throne is nowhere. The description of the ornate throne is "An object radiating power, just like Hippolyta. Some [vines] and [roses] still curl about its surface, and a mound of [moss] and [glowing dirt] serves as its base."
Instead of entering the ornate throne:
say "Are you the Queen of the Amazons? No, I thought not."
A thing can be medicinal or normal. A thing is usually normal. The moss and the glowing dirt and some roses and some vines are medicinal things.
Instead of taking a medicinal thing:
if the player is in Amazonia:
if the player carries the noun or Amazonian Coffee is happening:
say "No, you don't need any more.";
else if the noun is some roses:
if the player carries the rose powder or Amazonian Coffee is happening:
say "No, you don't need any more.";
else if hippolyta-unconscious is false:
say "You can't pluck things from the throne with Hippolyta standing right there!";
continue the action;
else if hippolyta-unconscious is false:
say "You can't pluck things from the throne with Hippolyta standing right there!";
continue the action;
continue the action.
Instead of showing the mares of Diomedes to the Amazon warrior:
if warrior-guard is true:
now Hippolyta is in Amazonia;
now the glowing dirt is in Amazonia;
now some roses are in Amazonia;
now some vines are in Amazonia;
now the moss is in Amazonia;
now the ornate throne is in Amazonia;
now the mares of Diomedes are nowhere;
now warrior-guard is false;
say "She takes the mares, examines them briefly, then nods her head and rushes off into the forest without a word. You are breathless by the time you catch up with her through the jungle and feel that you desperately need your inhaler. But as you look around you realize that you are in the court of [Hippolyta], Queen of the Amazons, who sits on an [ornate throne] of [vines] and [roses] on a mound of [moss] and [glowing dirt], in the midst of the deepest part of the jungle. You feel very honored--very few mortal men have seen this sight!";
continue the action.
Instead of giving the mares of Diomedes to the Amazon warrior:
if warrior-guard is true:
now Hippolyta is in Amazonia;
now the glowing dirt is in Amazonia;
now some roses are in Amazonia;
now some vines are in Amazonia;
now the moss is in Amazonia;
now the ornate throne is in Amazonia;
now the mares of Diomedes are nowhere;
now warrior-guard is false;
say "She takes the mares, examines them briefly, then nods her head and rushes off into the forest without a word. You are breathless by the time you catch up with her through the jungle and feel that you desperately need your inhaler. But as you look around you realize that you are in the court of [Hippolyta], leader of the Amazons, who sits on an [ornate throne] of [vines] and [roses] on a mound of [moss] and [glowing dirt], in the midst of the deepest part of the jungle. You feel very honored--very few mortal men have seen this sight!";
continue the action.
Hippolyta-unconscious is a truth state that varies. Hippolyta-unconscious is false.
Does the player mean asking the Amazon warrior about "[girdle]":
it is very unlikely.
Does the player mean asking the Amazon warrior for the girdle:
it is very unlikely.
Instead of asking Hippolyta about "[girdle]" for the first time:
say "Hippolyta smiles at you and comments, 'Straight to the point as I expected, young hero. I know you require this item for your quest. You have proven yourself very worthy, having won possession of the mares, those meanest animals ever created by mortals. The time has come for me to--'[paragraph break]But suddenly she is cut off, as the land in front of her begins to glow a bright blue and the light condenses around a matronly woman in a flowing blue ballgown and a blindingly white tiara. You'd know that jealous face anywhere - it's your stepmother Hera. She sneers menacingly at you and says 'So the bastard pipsqueak managed to get this far through luck and cowardice. Pathetic. Well, you may have swindled Hippolyta but you won't swindle me! If she's not woman enough to keep the girdle from you, I feel I must step in,' and with that Hera turns around and shoots a quick jolt of electricity at Hippolyta, who falls down, unconscious. Turning to the Amazon warrior, she says, 'Now you know who is responsible for the fall of your leader, girl. Do with him what you will!' and shooting you another last menacing sneer, disappears in a puff of cloud-gray smoke.[paragraph break]The Amazon warrior cries out and rushes to her queen to try and aid her. Then she turns back to you and growls, 'You'd better make some medicine to help her out, or you're finished, boy....' and immediately begins chest compressions.";
now hippolyta-unconscious is true.
Instead of asking Hippolyta for the girdle:
if the score is less than 9:
try asking Hippolyta about "[the girdle]" instead;
continue the action.
Check asking Hippolyta about anything:
if hippolyta-unconscious is true:
say "She's unconscious right now! She needs some kind of medicine." instead;
say "Hippolyta smiles at you cryptically, but there is a cool dominance to the smile, like the smile you might give to a lost puppy who runs up to you on the street." instead.
Check telling Hippolyta about anything:
if hippolyta-unconscious is true:
say "She's unconscious right now! She needs some kind of medicine." instead;
say "Hippolyta chuckles at you cryptically, but there is a cool dominance to the chuckle, like the chuckle you might give to a three-year-old child when they tell you about their day." instead.
Check showing anything to Hippolyta:
if hippolyta-unconscious is true:
say "She's unconscious right now! She needs some kind of medicine." instead;
say "Hippolyta nods at you cryptically, but there is a cool dominance to the nod, like the nod you might give to a kitten presenting its dead mouse for approval." instead.
Check giving something to Hippolyta:
if hippolyta-unconscious is true:
say "She's unconscious right now! She needs some kind of medicine." instead;
say "'I require no offerings from you, young hero.'" instead.
Instead of pushing Hippolyta:
if hippolyta-unconscious is true:
try waking Hippolyta instead;
continue the action.
The rose powder is a coffeeable thing. The indefinite article is "some". The description of the rose powder is "A powder composed of the slashed-up petals of a lovely rose."
Instead of attacking some roses with the lion pelt:
say "You slash the roses into rose powder.[line break]";
now some roses are in Amazonia;
now the player carries some rose powder.
The clay bowl is a container. The description of the clay bowl is "You can just make out an inscription all along the side of the container. It reads 'Combine the elements of earth and life, wrap them both up with the tree's strength, tight. Sprinkle it all with the powder of love, and drench the mixture in the sleep from above. Then you will create the Amazon Coffee, that elixir of gods that tastes better than toffee.'"
Instead of taking something:
if the noun is in the clay bowl:
say "You've already ground it into the clay bowl, no need to remove it.";
continue the action.
Bowl Found is a scene. Bowl Found begins when the player carries the glowing dirt for the first time.
When Bowl Found begins:
now the clay bowl is in Amazonia;
say "As you pick up some of the glowing dirt, you notice an empty [clay bowl] lying beneath it within the mound. It must have been a religious ornament at some point in the distant past.".
Medicine-fetching is a truth state that varies. Medicine-fetching is false.
Instead of going west in Amazonia:
if hippolyta-unconscious is true and the bottle of Benadryl is in Amazonia and the the lion pelt is in Amazonia:
say "'You're not going anywhere until she's better,' growls the Amazon warrior in between chest compressions.";
else if hippolyta-unconscious is true and the player carries the bottle of Benadryl and the the lion pelt is in Amazonia:
say "'You're not going anywhere until she's better,' growls the Amazon warrior in between chest compressions.";
else if hippolyta-unconscious is true and the player carries the bottle of Benadryl and the player carries the lion pelt:
say "'You're not going anywhere until she's better,' growls the Amazon warrior in between chest compressions.";
else if hippolyta-unconscious is true and the bottle of Benadryl is in Amazonia and the player carries the lion pelt:
say "'You're not going anywhere until she's better,' growls the Amazon warrior in between chest compressions.";
else if hippolyta-unconscious is true and the bottle of Benadryl is in Amazonia and the player wears the lion pelt:
say "'You're not going anywhere until she's better,' growls the Amazon warrior in between chest compressions.";
else if hippolyta-unconscious is true and the player carries the bottle of Benadryl and the player wears the lion pelt:
say "'You're not going anywhere until she's better,' growls the Amazon warrior in between chest compressions.";
else if hippolyta-unconscious is true:
say "'You're not going anywhere until she's better,' growls the Amazon warrior in between chest compressions. [paragraph break]'I'm just going to get some medicine, I promise I'll be back soon!' you protest frantically.[paragraph break]'Any medicine you find out there won't be strong enough! You'd better get back here or you're finished, boy.' With those words running through your mind, you speed off to the[line break]";
now medicine-fetching is true;
continue the action;
continue the action.
Every turn:
if the player is in Amazonia and medicine-fetching is true:
say "The Amazon warrior looks up at you between chest compressions and glares. 'Took you long enough. She needs medicine, now!'";
now medicine-fetching is false.
Amazonian Coffee is a scene. Amazonian Coffee begins when hippolyta-unconscious is true and the clay bowl contains the rose powder and the clay bowl contains the glowing dirt and the clay bowl contains the moss and the clay bowl contains some vines and the clay bowl contains the Benadryl tablets.
Instead of inserting something into the clay bowl:
if the noun is coffeeable:
continue the action;
say "No, it doesn't look like that goes in there.".
After inserting something into the clay bowl:
say "You grind [the noun] into the clay bowl."
Grinding is an action applying to two things. Understand "grind [something] into [something]" and "grind [something] in [something]" as grinding.
Check grinding:
if the second noun is not the clay bowl:
say "You can't grind something into that." instead;
try inserting the noun into the second noun instead.
When Amazonian Coffee begins:
now hippolyta-unconscious is false;
now the clay bowl is nowhere;
now the moss is in Amazonia;
now some vines are in Amazonia;
now the glowing dirt is in Amazonia;
say "As you mix the last of your ingredients into the clay bowl, you hear a whooshing sound and a brilliant green flash emits from the container. The resulting substance feels hot and heavy in the bowl, is black as night, and smells like lightning. You rush over to Hippolyta and pour the coffee down her throat. Her eyes open instantly, and she jolts up so quickly that the bowl flies through the air and smashes against the ground, broken.[paragraph break]'Hippolyta!' cries the Amazonian warrior and she gives her leader a fierce hug before helping her up. As Hippolyta comes to, her eyes begin to focus and she breaks out in a smile. 'Well, hero, I think at this point you've MORE than proven yourself worthy of the belt of the Amazons,' and she takes off her girdle and hands it to you.";
now the player carries the girdle;
increase the score by 1;
follow the notify score changes rule;
try requesting the score.
The Benadryl tablets are nowhere. The indefinite article of the Benadryl tablets is "some".
The description of the Benadryl tablets is "They are some ground-up Benadryl tablets from your trusty bottle of Benadryl."
Instead of inserting the bottle of Benadryl into the clay bowl:
now the Benadryl tablets are inside the clay bowl;
say "You grind some Benadryl tablets into the clay bowl.[line break]".
The description of the girdle is "A flashy green belt[if the score is greater than 8] with a small price tag on the inside leather. 'Worth 5 drachma' it reads.[else].[end if]"
Instead of wearing the girdle:
say "No, it's not your style. You're more into practical waistwear like cell phone clips and fanny packs."
Test girdle with "sw/ se/ s/ s/ se/ e/ show mares to Amazon warrior/ ask Hippolyta about girdle/ take dirt/ take bowl/ take moss/ take vines/ take roses/ attack roses with pelt/ put dirt in bowl/ put moss in bowl/ put vines in bowl/ put rose powder in bowl/ put benadryl in bowl"