Chapter 11 - The Cattle of the Monster Geryon
Haggling is an action applying to nothing. Understand "haggle" as haggling.
Check haggling:
If Geryon is in the location:
say "Yes, it does rather look as though the monster would like to haggle. You could try buying something, selling something, or asking it about various products if you like." instead;
else if the merchants are in the location:
say "You'd rather not get trampled within the crowds of the marketplace." instead;
say "It doesn't look as though there's anyone here who particularly wants to haggle.[if a person is in the location] However, I suppose you could try to ask someone about an item just to make sure.[end if]"
Erytheia is northwest of Elis. "This is a lovely scenic isle with friendly [palm trees], a neatly-tended [ranch] area, and [ocean] as clear as you've ever seen. The only exit you can see is back the way you came, to the southeast." Geryon is a neuter person in Erytheia. "There is a three-headed monster here[if cow-gotten is false] holding a [cow][end if]. You know the monster's name to be Geryon.". Geryon carries a cow. The cow is a female animal. The cow is portable.
Selling is an action applying to one thing. Understand "sell [something preferably held]" as selling.
Before selling something:
if the player does not carry the noun:
say "(first taking [the noun])";
continue the action.
Check selling:
if the player does not carry the noun:
try silently taking the noun;
if rule succeeded:
try selling the noun instead;
stop the action;
else if Geryon is in the location:
continue the action;
else if the merchants are in the location:
say "You'd rather not get trampled within the crowds of the marketplace." instead;
say "You can see no buyers." instead.
Carry out selling:
try showing the noun to Geryon instead.
Understand "monster" as Geryon.
Does the player mean giving something to the Cretan Bull:
it is very unlikely.
Does the player mean giving something to the cow:
it is very unlikely.
Does the player mean showing something to the Cretan Bull:
it is very unlikely.
Does the player mean showing something to the cow:
it is very unlikely.
Does the player mean asking the Cretan Bull for something:
it is very unlikely.
Does the player mean asking the cow for something:
it is very unlikely.
The description of the cow is "A small and thin-looking beast with the trademark udders and black and white splotches of a cow. It doesn't look particularly healthy or appealing but it's the only cattle you [if the player is in Erytheia]can see[else]saw[end if] within the entire ranch." Understand "cattle" as the cow.
The ranch is scenery in Erytheia. The description of the ranch is "Very neatly tended."
The palm trees are fixed in place things in Erytheia. "Some friendly palm trees dot the landscape here." The description of the palm trees is "Very friendly." Understand "tree" as the palm trees.
Instead of tying the flag to the palm trees:
say "This would be a lovely spot for a hammock, but the trees here are too far apart for you to create one successfully."
Understand "pay for [something]" as buying.
Instead of buying the cow:
if Geryon carries the cow:
try asking Geryon for the cow instead;
continue the action.
Instead of buying the coin purse:
try asking Geryon for the coin purse.
Instead of buying the coins:
try asking Geryon for the coins.
Instead of climbing the palm trees:
say "No WAY. You're far too afraid of heights, and clumsy enough that you're liable to slip and break your neck."
Instead of asking Geryon about "[Geryon]":
say "'The name's Geryon, Geryon is me. You be buyin or sellin?'"
Instead of asking Geryon about "himself":
say "'The name's Geryon, Geryon is me. You be buyin or sellin?'"
Instead of touching the cow:
say "You pet the cow and it gives a weak little 'moo,' nuzzling up to your fingers a bit."
Check asking the cow about anything:
say "The cow lows softly at you." instead.
Check telling the cow about anything:
say "The cow lows softly at you." instead.
Check showing anything to the cow:
say "The cow lows softly at you." instead.
Check giving anything to the cow:
say "The cow lows softly at you." instead.
The description of Geryon is "The monster Geryon seems more genial than you've heard. It's ugly, sure, with three heads (two of which don't seem to do anything), trollish features, patchy hair and a strong odor, but it isn't openly hostile towards you. It's currently using one of its six hands to count the [coins] in its [coin purse]."
Some coins are in the coin purse. Some coins are undescribed. The description of the coins is "Golden drachma, you believe.". Understand "golden drachma" and "drachma" and "gold" and "golden" as some coins.
Geryon carries a coin purse. The description of the coin purse is "It's Gucci, you believe."
Instead of taking the coin purse:
say "Geryon bares its sharp yellowed teeth at you with all three of its heads, looking like a truly hostile monster for the first time. 'That'd be a mistake, that would, yes sir it would.'"
Instead of taking some coins:
say "Geryon bares its sharp yellowed teeth at you with all three of its heads, looking like a truly hostile monster for the first time. 'That'd be a mistake, that would, yes sir it would.'"
Check asking Geryon about anything:
say "'I don't know about nothin['] much except the goods I sell meself.'" instead.
Instead of asking Geryon about "[the coin purse]":
say "'[']S Gucci, that is. I'll give it to yer for 10 million drachma and not a penny less.'".
Instead of asking Geryon for the coin purse:
say "'[']S Gucci, that is. I'll give it to yer for 10 million drachma and not a penny less.'".
Instead of asking Geryon about "[the coins]":
say "'Me golden drachma. Not for sale.'".
Instead of asking Geryon for the coins:
say "'Me golden drachma. Not for sale.'".
Check telling Geryon about anything:
say "'Sounds interestin... is it worth anything?'" instead.
Instead of telling Geryon about "[the cow]":
If Geryon carries the cow:
say "'I know that already - it's me cow, after all!'";
say "'It's yers now, kid, do with it what you want.'"
Instead of telling Geryon about "[the coins]":
say "'I know that already - they're me coins, after all!'".
Instead of telling Geryon about "[the coin purse]":
say "'I know that already - it's me coin purse, after all!'".
Check showing anything to Geryon:
say "'On a cursory glance it don't seem to be worth much, but I'll take it if yer offering.'" instead.
Check giving anything to Geryon:
say "'Free samples? Sure!' The monster begins to grab [the noun] before you quickly re-think your decision and snatch it back. 'Aww... no take-backsies! Please?'" instead.
Time-one is a truth state that varies. Time-one is true. Time-two is a truth state that varies. Time-two is false. Time-three is a truth state that varies. Time-three is false. Time-four is a truth state that varies. Time-four is false.
Instead of asking Geryon for the cow:
try asking Geryon about "[the cow]" instead.
Instead of asking Geryon about "[the cow]":
If Geryon carries the cow:
If time-one is true:
say "'You want me cow? No sir, I'm not parting with this one, no sir, this one's magic see. So I can't sell it to you for anything less than 80000 drachma.'";
now time-one is false;
now time-two is true;
else if time-two is true:
say "You tell the monster you can't afford that much and it scratches its left head. 'Well now, all right then, I'm not supposed to do this, but for first-time customers we used to have a bargain 90% off deal, and I suppose I could go back to that. So now it can be yers for only 8000 drachma. What a bargain!'";
now time-two is false;
now time-three is true;
else if time-three is true:
say "The monster scoffs as you say that's also too expensive. 'Cheapskate, eh? Well I suppose I could double the 90% deal but I'd have to consult with th['] higher-ups first,' and it reaches into its pocket to pull out an old Blackberry flip phone. It talks on it for a few minutes in a garbled, ancient monster language and then puts it away. 'Okay, they say I can do it. Only 800 drachma... I really shouldn't be doing this, but I'm telling youse, it's really an incredible bargain!'";
now time-three is false;
say "Geryon has had enough of your price range. The monster bellows 'Good Gods, kid, do ya have anything on ya of any value at all?'";
now time-four is true;
say "'It's yers now, kid, do with it what you want.'"
The receipt is a thing. The receipt is nowhere. The description of the receipt is "It's a very professional-looking store receipt you received from the monster Geryon along with your cow."
Instead of taking the cow:
if Geryon carries the cow:
say "'Hey, hey! Hands off th['] merchandise. If yer want me cow, you're going to have to pay for it!'";
continue the action.
Initial-complete is a truth state that varies. Initial-complete is false. Cow-gotten is a truth state that varies. Cow-gotten is false.
Instead of showing the girdle to Geryon:
if time-four is true:
say "'I'll take it but I still won't give yer the co--' Geryon begins, but then its eyes sparkle as it finally notices the price tag. 'Is tha['] truly the girdle of Hippolyta yer have there?' it wonders aloud. 'It would make a splendid addition to me belt collection...' The monster's eyes go blank for a split second and then it seems to make up its mind. 'Alright, fine. It's a damn crime what you've got me to do, I might be fired if the higher-ups ever find out, but I'll do it. Here's yer stinkin['] cow, just give me that dang girdle.' And it hands over the cow and your receipt (printed out almost instantly from an unseen electronic device in its pocket) just as you hand it the girdle.";
now the player carries the cow;
now Geryon carries the girdle;
now the player carries the receipt;
now initial-complete is true;
now cow-gotten is true;
increase the score by 1;
follow the notify score changes rule;
try requesting the score;
continue the action.
Instead of giving the girdle to Geryon:
if time-four is true:
say "'I'll take it but I still won't give yer the co--' Geryon begins, but then its eyes sparkle as it finally notices the price tag. '[']S that truly the girdle of Hippolyta yer have there?' it wonders aloud. 'It would make a splendid addition to me belt collection...' The monster's eyes go blank for a split second and then it seems to make up its mind. 'Alright, fine. It's a damn crime what you've got me to do, I might be fired if the higher-ups ever find out, but I'll do it. Here's your stinkin['] cow, just give me that dang girdle.' And it hands over the cow and your receipt (printed out almost instantly from an unseen electronic device in its pocket) just as you hand it the girdle.";
now the player carries the cow;
now Geryon carries the girdle;
now the player carries the receipt;
now initial-complete is true;
now cow-gotten is true;
increase the score by 1;
follow the notify score changes rule;
try requesting the score;
continue the action.
Check taking the cow:
if cow-gotten is false:
say "That seems to belong to Geryon." instead;
else if the player carries the cow:
say "You already have that.[line break]" instead;
now the player carries the cow;
say "You take the rope attached to the cow and begin leading it along.[line break]" instead.
After dropping the cow:
say "You drop the rope attached to the cow and leave it be."
Instead of going southeast in Erytheia:
if the score is less than 10:
say "You are about to leave when you hear a soft whine from behind. You turn around to see Geryon shifting its feet nervously. 'Don't you want to haggle[if time-one is false] a bit more[end if]?' it says, pouting.";
if the score is 9:
if the player carries the girdle:
stop the action;
say "[line break]Part of you wants to, but you have a sneaking suspicion you don't have everything you need to haggle properly, so you book passage on a ferry back towards...";
continue the action;
say "[line break]Part of you wants to, but you've got a lot left on your list, so you think you'd better book passage on a ferry back towards...";
continue the action;
say "You book passage on a ferry back towards...";
continue the action.
Test cattle with "w/ nw/ n/ n/ w/ nw/ ask Geryon about cow/ ask Geryon about cow/ ask Geryon about cow/ ask Geryon about cow/ give girdle to Geryon/ se/ e/ s/ e/ give list to Eurystheus"
Instead of telling Eurystheus about "the list":
say "'Show it to me if you think you're finished, otherwise go away and do my bidding, twerp.'"
Instead of telling Eurystheus about "list":
say "'Show it to me if you think you're finished, otherwise go away and do my bidding, twerp.'"
Instead of asking Eurystheus about "the list":
say "Eurystheus rolls his eyes and says, 'Of course I know about that list you imbecile, I'm the one who gave it to you!'"
Instead of asking Eurystheus about "list":
say "Eurystheus rolls his eyes and says, 'Of course I know about that list you imbecile, I'm the one who gave it to you!'"
Instead of showing the list to Eurystheus:
if initial-complete is true:
try giving the list to Eurystheus instead;
else if finished-yes is true:
try giving the list to Eurystheus instead;
say "Eurystheus chuckles sneeringly at you as he reads over your list and quickly hands it back. 'You still have [if twelve-labors is true][12 minus the score][else][10 minus the score][end if] item[s] left to do, cousin. Better hop to it. You're not... giving up are you?' He bursts into a fit of cackling laughter and the advisors hidden behind his throne promptly join in."
Instead of giving the list to Eurystheus:
if initial-complete is true:
say "Eurystheus looks over your list and reads your notes on how you completed each task. Soon he grows red with rage. 'You little twerp!!' he squeaks. 'How could you possibly have done all of these tasks? They were supposed to be IMPOSSIBLE.' You can feel his spittle land on your cheek. Then as he reads over the tasks some more he begins to grin a maniacal grin and his eyes cloud over seeing something you can't. For a moment you think you glimpse the ghost of Hera whispering in your cousin's ear, but when you blink, she's gone, so you must have imagined it.[paragraph break]Eurystheus suddenly rises from his chair and announces 'You have done... well, cousin, but I am afraid I cannot accept two of these tasks. You see, you had the help of your nephew Iolaus when slaying the Hydra, and you only captured the Erymanthian Boar by slaying it--neither was truly done by your hand alone. Thus, your ten labors are only eight in number.' He gives a little snicker standing on his throne. 'Therefore I am adding two more to your list. Let's see how you do with THESE tasks. I hope you're not too... burnt out,' and with that, he plops back into his chair, cackling at a joke you're not understanding. You retrieve the new list from your cousin.";
now twelve-labors is true;
now initial-complete is false;
else if finished-yes is true:
say "Eurystheus sees that you've completed your final tasks and begins to seethe, but as soon as he catches sight of Cerberus (vicious even whilst shrunken within his magical cage), he breaks out in a cold sweat. Suddenly overcome with fear at the thought of your power, he calls for his guards, who all surround you at spearpoint. You break out in hives and grow white as a sheet as you try to register your cousin's betrayal. The guards begin to slowly close in and you think the end has come at last...[paragraph break]All of a sudden, the door bursts in and a small army erupts into the palace. You recognize most of them as the Amazon warriors, led by the guard who helped you save Hippolyta, but you glimpse a few other familiar faces in the mix, such as the goddess Artemis glowing gold and showering arrows at Eurystheus's footsoldiers, or the monster Geryon somehow looking to sell extra spears in the midst of the battle, or of course your nephew Iolaus who worryingly got ahold of a few sticks of dynamite somehow. Eurystheus's guards, while numerous, are far outnumbered by the horde of intruders and soon drop their weapons in surrender.[paragraph break]As the struggle ends you see Hippolyta emerge from the crowd and lope over to you, a magisterial spring in her step. 'I thought you might need my assistance young hero. Your heart is noble but your skill in battle is... deficient.' You are not at all offended by the more-than-fair criticism. 'However, it is not solely for you that I've assembled this mighty force today. Remember!' and now she is shouting to the whole crowd. 'Let the Goddess Hera be forever warned-- nobody attacks me and walks away unscathed!' The Amazons let out a cheer and you see one of them slap your cousin across the face. There is a sudden booming from the heavens above and you can almost hear the queen of the Sky give a muffled scream of defeat. [paragraph break]You celebrate victory over Eurystheus with your nephew and the Amazons late into the night, feasting on fresh meat and wine. Just as you have retired for the night, you feel yourself rise into the heavens and suddenly you are in front of your father, Zeus, a little old man with a heavy white beard, a cane, and horn-rimmed spectacles. 'You have done well, my son,' he intones wisely. 'And now you may live with me in my palace, if you so choose! Well? What do you say?' You take a moment to breathe, since rising up to Mount Olympus like that was pretty asthma-inducing, but eventually you manage a weak smile. Your father chortles slightly. 'Oh and of course, I remembered to bring your inhaler,' and with a snap of his fingers, your baby-blue inhaler with the giraffes on it appears in your fist. The sight of your long-lost medicine immediately calms you, and you contemplate your immense accomplishment of having completed all your Labors without it. For the first time in your life, you feel strong. [line break]";
end the story finally saying "Congratulations! You're an Honorary God on Mount Olympus.";
say "Eurystheus chuckles sneeringly at you as he reads over your list and quickly hands it back. 'You still have [if twelve-labors is true][12 minus the score][else][10 minus the score][end if] item[s] left to do, cousin. Better hop to it. You're not... giving up are you?' He bursts into a fit of cackling laughter and the advisors hidden behind his throne promptly join in.".