How to install the WMF2EPS Color PS L2 virtual printer to Windows 7 (64-bit)

Due to a user request here is a patch for getting WMF2EPS installed 
under Windows 7 (64-bit) OS.

When trying to install WMF2EPS to a Windows 7 OS according to the 
installation steps described for XP, Windows 7 refuses to accept 
the install Script W2kPrint.inf found in WMF2EPS\PSprint\Win2000
which worked for Windows2000 and XP. 
The same problem is with the Vista patch, which does not work with Windows 7.

But, there is no need for an special driver, only the install (inf) script 
must change a little for Windows 7. This is included in the current
zip archive: 
- W7Print.inf
- Readme.txt

Setup WMF2EPS with the Windows 7 standard PS driver

Installation Steps

Unpack this zip archive to any temporary directory
Open Start|Control Panel|Printers.

Click Add Printer in the Control Panel.

Add a Local Printer, dont' care for the Printer Port (default is at LPT1:).

For the Printer Driver, select Have Disk....

Browse to your temporary Win7 subdirectory.

Select W7Print.INF. This will install the printer WMF2EPS Color PS L2

If the you already have installed another PS printer, the wizard asks you to replace the driver. You can keep the existing driver.

Use the default setting for the standard-printer (not standard printer).

Ignore the Warning for a missing didital signature.

Printer Sharing: If you plan this computer to run as a license/print server, select Share as.. and type in a share name (e.g. WMF2EPSC). Please note that you'll need a site license for the shared license feature of WMF2EPS 1.3. For all other types of licenses: select Not Shared.

No test page.

The printer WMF2EPS Color PS L2 now appears in your printer list. 

Important !
Before starting the WMF2EPS.exe:
Click the right mouse button on it and select Properties->Printing Preferences->Advanced....
Select the Postscript Output section and select the Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) option.
This setting is most important, all other options here will produce wrong output !

Test your installation.

April 2010. Wolfgang Schulter