%%%============================================================================== %% Copyright 2022-present by Alceu Frigeri %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of %% %% * The [LaTeX Project Public License](http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt), %% version 1.3c (or later), and/or %% * The [GNU Affero General Public License](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html), %% version 3 (or later) %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status *maintained*. %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is Alceu Frigeri %% %% This is version {2.11} {2024/10/17} %% %% The list of files that compose this work can be found in the README.md file at %% https://ctan.org/pkg/ufrgscca %% %%%============================================================================== %% UFRGS stands for "Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul" in south Brazil %% EE stands for "Engineering School" %% CCA stands for "Control and Automation Engineering Course" (Portuguese acronym) %%%============================================================================== %%% %% %% those are loaded, on the fly, when selecting, or switching, to portuguese (\@namedef{captionsbrazilian} vis-à-viz \begin{otherlanguage}{}) %% %%%%% \def\abstractname{Resumo}% \def\englishabstractname{Abstract}% \def\contentsname{Sum{\'{a}}rio}% \def\listfigurename{Lista de Ilustra\c{c}\~oes}% \def\listtablename{Lista de Tabelas}% \def\figurename{Figura}% \def\tablename{Tabela}% \def\byname{por}% \def\keywordsname{Palavras-chave}% \def\listabbrvname{Lista de Abreviaturas}% \def\listsymbolname{Lista de S{\'{\i}}mbolos}% \def\listingname{Listagem} \def\listlistingname{Lista de Listagens} \def\defappendixname{Ap{\^{e}}ndice}% \def\defappendixpagename{Ap{\^{e}}ndices}% \def\defannexname{Anexo}% \def\defannexpagename{Anexos}% \def\sourcename{Fonte:} \def\notename{Nota}%%