1020x677 (~550Kb) On fresh horse dung. Blues: Plebejus (Lycaeides) idas ongodai, Plebejus argus, Cyaniris semiargus. Skippers: Pyrgus alveus; Fritillaries: Melitaea didyma, Mellicta sp. A path in an open larch forest in the forest belt upper part, south-estern slope of the Tanmalyg River valley, Khan-Deer cluster of the Ubsunurskaya Kotlovina State Biosphaera Nature Reserve, the Khor-Taiga Mts. within the Khemchik Mountain Range, West Sayan, Chaa-Khol Kozhuun of Tyva Republic (Tuva), South Siberia, Russia. 4th July 2004, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
933x671 (~446Kb) On a fresh horse dung. Blues: Plebejus (Lycaeides) idas ongodai, Plebejus argus, Cyaniris semiargus. Fritillaries: Melitaea didyma, Melitaea diamina, Mellicta sp. A path in an open larch forest in the forest belt upper part, south-estern slope of the Tanmalyg River valley, Khan-Deer cluster of the Ubsunurskaya Kotlovina State Biosphaera Nature Reserve, the Khor-Taiga Mts. within the Khemchik Mountain Range, West Sayan, Chaa-Khol Kozhuun of Tyva Republic (Tuva), South Siberia, Russia. 4th July 2004, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
960x677 (~397Kb) On a fresh horse dung. Blues: Plebejus (Lycaeides) idas ongodai, Plebejus argus, Cyaniris semiargus. Fritillaries: Melitaea didyma, Melitaea diamina, Mellicta sp. A path in an open larch forest in the forest belt upper part, south-estern slope of the Tanmalyg River valley, Khan-Deer cluster of the Ubsunurskaya Kotlovina State Biosphaera Nature Reserve, the Khor-Taiga Mts. within the Khemchik Mountain Range, West Sayan, Chaa-Khol Kozhuun of Tyva Republic (Tuva), South Siberia, Russia. 4th July 2004, Photo © Oleg Kosterin
1170x1015 (~544Kb) On a fresh horse dung. Blues: Plebejus (Lycaeides) idas ongodai, Polyommatus erotides, Cyaniris semiargus, Albulina orbitulus, Aricia nicias; Fritillaries: Melitaea didyma, Melitaea diamina, Mellicta sp. A path in an open larch forest in the forest belt upper part, south-estern slope of the Tanmalyg River valley, Khan-Deer cluster of the Ubsunurskaya Kotlovina State Biosphaera Nature Reserve, the Khor-Taiga Mts. within the Khemchik Mountain Range, West Sayan, Chaa-Khol Kozhuun of Tyva Republic (Tuva), South Siberia, Russia. 4th July 2004, Photo © Oleg Kosterin