Path: santra!tut!draken!kth!mcvax!uunet!lll-winken!!mailrus!!rutgers!mcdchg!usenet
From: douglas@twg-ap.UUCP (Douglas P. Ambort)
Newsgroups: comp.newprod
Subject: TCP/IP for 386 UNIX
Keywords: TCP 386
Message-ID: <>
Date: 28 Mar 89 20:39:03 GMT
Followup-To: poster
Organization: The Wollongong Group, Palo Alto, CA.
Lines: 60
Approved: usenet@mcdchg.UUCP

           WIN/TCP for 386 STREAMS, RELEASE 3.0
                     NOW AVAILABLE FOR
                   386 UNIX SYSTEM V 3.2

This new release of TCP/IP from The Wollongong  Group,  Inc.
provides  BSD  4.3  features such as the Domain Name Service
and subnet routing.  This is virtually the same code used by
AT&T  to  win the AFCAC 251 government bid with the AT&T 3B2

WIN/TCP for 386 STREAMS Release 3.0  operates  on  80386  AT
class computers which support UNIX System V Release 3.2.

The product has been tested with the following UNIX System V
Release 3.2 operating systems:

    + Version 3.2 of Intel UNIX System V 386

    + Interactive Systems' 386/ix, release 2.0

In addition, the product has run in customer sites  on  UNIX
V/386  3.2  from Bell Technologies and UNIX System V Release
3.2 from AT&T.

WIN/NFS for 386 STREAMS will  very  likely  run  on  386  AT
systems  with  other  implementations  of  386 UNIX System V
Release 3.2.

Several device drivers have been  added.   WIN/NFS  for  386
STREAMS  Release  3.0  now  supports  the following Ethernet

    + 3COM 3C501

    + 3COM 3C503

    + Intel PC586 
	   + Western Digital 8003E

This product should run successfully on any AT-bus 80386  PC
that  supports  almost  any version of UNIX System V Release
3.2 (such as SCO UNIX V 3.2 and Interactive's 386/ix Release

The list price for WIN/TCP for 386 STREAMS is $450.   Volume
and   Educational   discounts  are  available.  For  further
information, contact The Wollongong Group,  Inc.   at  (415)
962 7100.
  | Douglas Ambort                             The Wollongong Group, Inc. |
  | Product Manager                                 1129 San Antonio Road |
  | INTERNET:                         Palo Alto, CA 94303 |
  | TWX: 910-373-2085 WOLLONGONG PLA                       (415) 962-7213 |
  | 						      FAX: (415) 969-5547 |
  | UUCP/USENET: !{decvax!microsoft,amdcad,uunet}!sco!ambort!douglas      |
  | UUCP/USENET: weekend delivery only                                    |