Path: santra!tut!draken!kth!mcvax!uunet!lll-winken!ames!haven!uvaarpa!mcnc!duke!romeo!dfk
From: (David F. Kotz)
Newsgroups: comp.arch,comp.periphs,comp.sys.transputer,comp.sys.sequent
Subject: Parallel I/O - bibliography
Keywords: parallel, I/O, striping, bibtex, bibliography
Message-ID: <>
Date: 28 Mar 89 14:23:57 GMT
Lines: 633
Xref: santra comp.arch:8181 comp.periphs:1323 comp.sys.transputer:699 comp.sys.sequent:153
Posted: Tue Mar 28 09:23:57 1989

(also posted to comp.parallel)

Here is the bibliography I have constructed from all the responses to
my query on I/O for parallel computers, and from my own research. It
is in BIBTEX format. You may use the bibliography (and copy it around)
as you please except for publishing it as a whole, since the
compilation is mine. 

"Verified" references are the ones I could find in the library or
obtain from others (eg tech reports). Unverified simply means I
couldn't find them, haven't gotten them, or they haven't yet appeared.

David Kotz
Department of Computer Science, Duke University, Durham, NC 27706 USA
CSNET:	dfk@duke        
UUCP:	decvax!duke!dfk



@string{dcs88 = "Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on 
Distributed Computing Systems"}
@string{hyper88 = "Third Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers
and Applications"}
@string{ieeetc = "IEEE Transactions on Computers"}
@string{metrics87 = "Proceedings of the 1987 ACM Sigmetrics Conference 
on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems"}
@string{icpp89 = "Proceedings of the 1989 International Conference on
Parallel Processing"}
@string{icpp88 = "Proceedings of the 1988 International Conference on
Parallel Processing"}
@string{icpp86 = "Proceedings of the 1986 International Conference on
Parallel Processing"}
@string{icpp85 = "Proceedings of the 1985 International Conference on
Parallel Processing"}
@string(ctr = "Computer Technology Review"}


	author = "Peter Dibble and Michael Scott and Carla Ellis",
	title = "Bridge: {A} High-Performance File System for
	   Parallel Processors",
	booktitle = dcs88,
	year = 1988,
    	month = jun,
     pages = "154--161"

	author = "Carla Schlatter Ellis and David Kotz",
	title = "Prefetching in File Systems for {MIMD} Multiprocessors",
     booktitle = icpp89,
	year = 1989,
	month = aug,
     note = "To appear"

	   author = "Andrew Witkowski and Kumar Chandrakumar and Greg
	   title = "Concurrent {I/O} System for the {Hypercube} Multiprocessor",
	   booktitle = hyper88,
	   year = 1988,
	   pages = "1398--1407"

	   author = "Robert J. Flynn and Haldun Hadimioglu",
	   title = "A Distributed {Hypercube} File System",
	   booktitle = hyper88,
	   year = 1988,
	   pages = "1375--1381"

    author = "Randy H. Katz and John K. Ousterhout and David A.
    	   Patterson and Michael R. Stonebraker",
    title = "A Project on High Performance {I/O} Subsystems",
    journal = "{IEEE} Database Engineering Bulletin",
    month = mar,
    year = 1988,
    volume = 11,
    number = 1,
    pages = "40--47"

@techreport {crockett:par-files,
	   author = "Thomas W. Crockett",
	   title = "File Concepts for Parallel {I/O}",
	   year = 1988,
	   institution = "ICASE, NASA-Langley",	   
	   number = ""

@unpublished {crockett:manual,
	   author = "Thomas W. Crockett",
	   title = "Specification of the Operating System Interface for
	   		 Parallel File Organizations",
	   year = 1988

        author = "K. Salem and H. Garcia-Molina",
        title = "Disk Striping", 
        institution = "EECS Dept. Princeton Univ.", 
        number = 332, 
        year = 1984, 
        month = dec,
	   comment = "See salem:diskstripe"

@phdthesis {kim:interleave,
	   author = "Michelle Y. Kim",
	   title = "Synchronously Interleaved Disk Systems with their
	   		 Application to the Very Large {FFT}",
 	   school = "IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center",
	   address = "Yorktown Heights, New York 10598",
	   year = 1986,
        note = "IBM Report number RC12372"

        author = "Michelle Y. Kim",
        title = "Synchronized Disk Interleaving",
        journal = ieeetc,
        year = 1986,
        volume = "C-35",
        number = 11,
        pages = "978-988",
        month = nov,
	   comments = "See kim:interleave."

    author = "Hector Garcia-Molina and Kenneth Salem",
    title = "The Impact of Disk Striping on Reliability",
    journal = "{IEEE} Database Engineering Bulletin",
    month = mar,
    year = 1988,
    volume = 11,
    number = 1,
    pages = "26--39"

	author = "M. Livny and S. Khoshafian and H. Boral",
	title = "Multi-Disk Management Algorithms",
	booktitle = metrics87,
	year = 1987,
	pages = "69--77",
	month = may

@inproceedings {browne:io-arch,
	   author = "J. C. Browne and A. G. Dale and C. Leung and R. Jenevein",
	   title = "A Parallel Multi-Stage {I/O} Architecture with
	   		 Self-managing Disk Cache for Database Management Applications",
	   booktitle = "Database Machines: Proceedings of the Fourth
	   		 International Workshop on Database Machines",
	   publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
	   year = 1985,
	   month = mar

	author = "David J. {DeWitt} and Robert H. Gerber and Goetz Graefe and
	Michael L. Heytens and Krishna B. Kumar and M. Muralikrishna",
	title = "{GAMMA}: A High Performance Dataflow Database Machine ",
	institution = "Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison",
	year = 1986,
	number = "TR-635",
	month = mar

	author = "H. Boral and D. {DeWitt}",
	title = " Database machines: an idea whose time has passed?",
     booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1983 International Workshop on
	   Database Machines", 
	year = 1983,
	publisher = "Springer-Verlag", 
     pages = "166--187"

	   author = "Walid Abu-Safah and Harlan Husmann and David Kuck",
	   title = "On {Input/Output} Speed-up in Tightly-coupled
	   institution = "Department of Computer Science, Univ. of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign",
	   year = 1984,
	   number = "UIUCDCS-R-84-1182"

	   author = "Harlan Edward Husmann",
	   title = "High-Speed Format Conversion and Parallel I/O in
Numerical Programs",
	   year = 1984,
	   month = jan,
	   school = "Department of Computer Science, Univ. of Illinois at
	   note = "Available as TR number UIUCDCS-R-84-1152."

@article {ousterhout:log-fs,
	   author = "John Ousterhout and Fred Douglis",
	   title = "Beating the {I/O} Bottleneck:  {A} Case for
	   Log-Structured File Systems,"
	   journal="ACM Operating Systems Review",
	   volume = 23,
	   number = 1,
	   month = jan,
	   year = 1989,
	   pages = "11--28",
	   comment = "see ousterhout:log-fsTR, ousterhout:log-fs2"

@techreport {ousterhout:log-fsTR,
	   author = "John Ousterhout and Fred Douglis",
	   title = "Beating the {I/O} Bottleneck:  {A} Case for
	   	   Log-Structured File Systems,"
	   number = "UCB/CSD 88/467",
	   month = oct,
	   year = 1988,
	   institution = "U.C. Berkeley",
	   comment = "see ousterhout:log-fs, ousterhout:log-fs2"

@inproceedings {wong:optimization,
	   author = "C. K. Wong",
	   title = "On Some Discrete Optimization Problems in Mass
Storage Systems",
	   booktitle = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
	   year = 1980,
	   volume = 88,
	   pages = "75--93",
	   publisher = Springer-Verlag",
	   comment = "Proc. 9th Symp. Math. Found. of Comp. Sci., Rydzna,

@inproceedings {patterson:raid,
	   author = "David Patterson and Garth Gibson and Randy Katz",
	   title = "A case for redundant arrays of inexpensive disks {(RAID)}",
	   booktitle = "ACM SIGMOD Conference '88",
	   month = jun,
	   year = 1988,
	   pages = "109--116"

@techreport {patterson:raidTR,
	   author = "David Patterson and Garth Gibson and Randy Katz",
	   title = "A case for redundant arrays of inexpensive disks {(RAID)}",
	   number = "UCB/CSD 87/391",
	   month = dec,
	   year = 1987,
	   institution = "U.C. Berkeley",
	   comment = "see patterson:raidTR"

@inproceedings {copeland:bubba,
	   author = "George Copeland and William Alexander and Ellen
	   		 Boughter and Tom Keller",
	   title = "Data Placement in {Bubba}",
	   booktitle = "ACM SIGMOD Conference '88",
	   month = jun,
	   year = 1988,
	   pages = "99--108"

@inproceedings {dewitt:gamma-dbm,
	   author = "David J. DeWitt and Shahram Ghandeharizadeh and
	   		 Donovan Schneider", 
	   title = "A Performance Analysis of the {Gamma} Database Machine",
	   booktitle = "ACM SIGMOD Conference '88",
	   month = jun,
	   year = 1988,
	   pages = "350--360"

@article {manuel:logjam,
	   author = "Tom Manuel",
	   title = "Breaking the Data-rate Logjam with arrays of small
	   		 disk drives",
	   journal = "Electronics",
	   year = 1989,
	   month = feb,
	   volume = 62,
	   number = 2,
	   pages = "97--100",
	   comments = "See also Electronics, Nov. 88 p 24, Dec. 88 p 112."

% has no author
@misc {intelio,
	   title = "Intel beefs up its {iPSC/2} supercomputer's {I/O} and
memory capabilities",
	   howpublished = "Electronics",
	   year = 1988,
	   month = nov,
	   volume = 61,
	   number = 11,
	   pages = 24

@article {csa-io,
	   author = "T. J. M.",
	   title = "Now: Parallel storage to match parallel {CPU} power",
	   journal = "Electronics",
	   year = 1988,
	   month = dec,
	   volume = 61,
	   number = 12,
	   pages = 112

@article {chou:wiss,
	   author = "H-T. Chou and David J. DeWitt and Randy H. Katz and
	   		 Anthony C. Klug",
	   title = "Design and Implementation of the {Wisconsin} Storage System
	   journal = "Software Practices and Experience",
	   volume = 15,
	   number = 10,
	   month = oct,
	   year = 1985,
	   pages = "943--962"

@article = {howard:dfs,
	   author	= "John H. Howard and Michael L. Kazar and Sherri G.
	   Menees and David A. Nichols and M. Satyanarayanan and Robert
	   N. Sidebotham and Micheal J. West",
	   title = "Scale and Performance of a Distributed File System",
	   journal = tocs,
	   volume = 6,
	   number = 1,
	   month = feb,
	   year = 1988,
	   pages = "51--81"

@inproceedings {salem:diskstripe,
	   author = "Kenneth Salem and Hector Garcia-Molina",
	   title = "Disk Striping",
	   booktitle = "IEEE 1986 Conference on Data Engineering",
	   year = 1986,
	   pages = "336--342",
	   comments = "See the techreport salem:striping for a nearly
identical but more detailed version."

@article {stone:query,
	   author = "Harold S. Stone",
	   title = "Parallel Querying of Large Databases: {A} Case
	   journal = "IEEE Computer",
	   year = 1987,
	   month = oct,
	   volume = 20,
	   number = 10,
	   pages = "11--21",
	   comment = "See also IEEE Computer, Jan 1988, p. 8 and 10."

@article {nelson:sprite,
	   author = "Michael N. Nelson and Brent B. Welch and John K.
	   title = "Caching in the Sprite Network File System",
	   journal = tocs,
	   volume = 6,
	   number = 1,
	   month = feb,
	   year = 1988,
	   pages = "134--154"

@article {tucker:cm-arch,
	   author = "Lewis W. Tucker and George G. Robertson",
	   title = "Architecture and Applications of the Connection Machine",
	   journal = "IEEE Computer",
	   month = aug,
	   year = 1988,
	   pages = "26--38"

@techreport {think:cm-2,
	   author = "Thinking Machines",
	   title = "Connection Machine Model {CM-2} Technical Summary",
	   number = "HA87-4",
	   month = apr,
	   year = 1987,
	   institution = "Thinking Machinesd, Inc.",
	   comments = "I/O and Data Vault, pp. 27--30"

@techreport {chen:raid,
	   author = "Peter Chen and Garth Gibson and Randy Katz and David
	   		 Patterson and Martin Schulze", 
	   title = "Two papers on {RAIDs}",
	   number = "UCB/CSD 88/479",
	   month = dec,
	   year = 1988,
	   institution = "UC Berkeley"

@techreport {gibson:raid,
	   author = "Garth Gibson and Lisa Hellerstein and Richard Karp
	   		 and Randy Katz and David Patterson", 
	   title = "Coding techniques for handling failures in large disk arrays",
	   number = "UCB/CSD 88/477",
	   month = dec,
	   year = 1988,
	   institution = "UC Berkeley"

@techreport {schulze:raid,
	   author = "Martin Schulze", 
	   title = "Considerations in the Design of a {RAID} Prototype",
	   number = "UCB/CSD 88/448",
	   month = aug,
	   year = 1988,
	   institution = "UC Berkeley"

@techreport {stonebraker:xprs,
	   author = "Michael Stonebraker and Randy Katz and David
	   		 Patterson and John Ousterhout", 
	   title = "Considerations in the Design of a {RAID} Prototype",
	   number = "UCB/ERL M88/19",
	   month = mar,
	   year = 1988,
	   institution = "UC Berkeley"

@inproceedings {reddy:hyperio1,
	   author = "A. L. Reddy and P. Banerjee and Santosh G. Abraham",
	   title = "{I/O} Embedding in Hypercubes",
        booktitle = icpp88,
	   volume = 1,
        pages = "331--338"

@unpublished {reddy:hyperio2,
	   author = "A. L. Reddy and P. Banerjee",
	   title = "{I/O} issues for hypercubes",
        booktitle = "International Conference on Supercomputing 1989",
	   note = "Submitted"

@inproceedings {reddy:pario,
	   author = "A. Reddy and P. Banerjee",
	   title = "Evaluation of multiple-disk {I/O} systems",
    	   booktitle = icpp89,
        year = 1989,
        note = "To appear",
        comments = "see expanded version reddy:pario2"

@unpublished {reddy:pario2,
	   author = "A. Reddy and P. Banerjee",
	   title = "Evaluation of multiple-disk {I/O} systems",
        journal = ieeetc,
        note = "submitted",
        comments = "see version reddy:pario"

@techreport {park:pario,
	   author = "Arvin Park",
	   title = "Providing Fault Tolerance in Parallel Secondary Storage
	   institution = "Department of Computer Science, Princeton University",
	   number = "CS-TR-057-86",
	   month = nov,
	   year = 1986

@techreport {park:iostone,
	   author = "Arvin Park",
	   title = "{IOSTONE:} A Synthetic File System Performance Benchmark",
	   institution = "Department of Computer Science, Princeton University",
	   number = "CS-TR-074-87",
	   month = jan,
	   year = 1987

@booklet {intel:ipsc2,
	   author = "Intel Corporation",
	   title = "{iPSC/2}",
	   year = 1988,
	   note = "Order number 280110-001"

@booklet {intel:ipsc2io,
	   author = "Intel Corporation",
	   title = "{iPSC/2} {I/O} Facilities",
	   year = 1988,
	   note = "Order number 280120-001"

@techreport {pierce:pario,
	   author = "Paul Pierce",
	   title = "A Concurrent File System for a Highly Parallel Mass
	   		 Storage System",
	   institution = "Intel Corporation",
	   year = 1989,
	   note = "conference proceedings unknown"

@techreport {asbury:fortranio,
	   author = "Raymond K. Asbury and David S. Scott",
	   title = "{FORTRAN} {I/O} on the {iPSC/2}: Is there read after write?",
	   institution = "Intel Corporation",
	   year = 1989,
	   note = "conference proceedings unknown"


@inproceedings	(arnould:nectar,
	   author = "Emmanuel A. Arnould and Francois J. Bitz and Eric C.
	   		 Cooper and H. T. Kung and Robert D. Sansom and Peter
	   		 A. Steenkiste", 
	   title = "The Design of Nectar: A Network Backplane for
	   		 Heterogeneous Multicomputers",
	   booktitle = "Third International Conference on Architectural
	   		 Support for Programming Languages and Operating
	   		 Systems (ASPLOS III)", 
	   month = apr,
	   year = 1989,
	   pages = "109-116",
	   note = "To appear"

@inproceedings	(gibson:failcorrect,
	   author = "Garth A. Gibson and Lisa Hellerstein and Richard M.
    	   	  Karp and Randy H. Katz and David A. Patterson",
	   title = "Failure Correction Techniques for Large Disk Arrays",
	   booktitle = "Third International Conference on Architectural
	   		 Support for Programming Languages and Operating
	   		 Systems (ASPLOS III)", 
	   month = apr,
	   year = 1989,
	   note = "To appear"

@article {ng:interleave,
	   author = "S. Ng and D. Lang and R. Selinger",
	   title = "Trade-offs Between Devices and Paths in Achieving
	   Disk Interleaving,"
	   journal = "IEEE",
	   year = 1988,
	   note = "(I don't have the specific reference, I'm afraid.)"

@techreport {bitton:shadow,
	   author = "D. Bitton and J. Gray",
	   title = "Disk Shadowing,"
	   number = "UIC EECS 88-1",
	   institution = "Univ of Illinois at Chicago",
	   month = feb,
	   year = 1988,
	   comment = "address: Box 4348, Chicago, IL 60680"

@article {brown:lookahead,
	   author = "Brown and Lew",
	   title = "Look-ahead Cache Cuts Disk Transfer Time, Increases
	   journal = ctr,
	   volume = 7,
	   number = 9,
	   month =  jul,
	   year = 1987

@article {masters:pario,
	   author = "Masters",
	   title = "Improve Disk Subsystem Performance with Multiple Serial
Drives in Parallel",
	   journal = ctr,
	   volume = 7,
	   number = 9,
	   month = jul,
	   year = 1987

@article = {moren:controllers,
	   author = "Moren",
	   title = "Design of Controllers is Key Element in Disk Subsystem Throughput",
	   journal = ctr,
	   month = "Spring",
	   year = 1988

@inproceedings {ng:diskarray,
	   author = "Spencer Ng",
	   title = "Some Design Issues of Disk Arrays",
	   booktitle = "Proceedings of IEEE COMPCON 89",
	   note = "San Francisco, CA",
	   pages = "137--142"

@inproceedings {ousterhout:log-fs2,
	   author = "John Ousterhout",
	   title = "Log-Structured File Systems",
	   booktitle = "Proceedings of IEEE COMPCON 89",
	   note = "San Francisco, CA",
	   pages = "124--129",
	   comment = "see ousterhout:log-fsTR, ousterhout:log-fs"

@inproceedings {ungar:reclaim,
	   author = "D. Ungar",
	   title = "Generation Scavenging: A Non-Disruptive High Performance
	   		 Storage Reclamation Algorithm",  
	   booktitle = "Proc. Software Engineering Symposium on Practical Software
	   		 Development Environments", 
	   month = apr,
	   year = 1984,
	   pages = "157--167"

Department of Computer Science, Duke University, Durham, NC 27706 USA
CSNET:	dfk@duke        
UUCP:	decvax!duke!dfk