Path: santra!tut!draken!kth!mcvax!uunet!ncrlnk!ncrcae!hubcap!gatech!mcnc!xanth!lll-winken!ames!oliveb!pyramid!ctnews!andrew!JE02%UTEP.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU From: JE02%UTEP.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Newsgroups: sci.physics Subject: Simple physical view of Relativity Message-ID: <1302@sri-arpa.ARPA> Date: 6 Mar 89 22:34:00 GMT Lines: 1091 From: GALEN M KAIP <JE02%UTEP.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU> Subject: Paradoxes of Special Relativity (all) resolved A shift in perspective in Special Relativity provides a much simpler and more visualizable physical model that gets rid of all the well known 'paradoxes'. This paper, entitled "A View of Relativity Without Paradoxes" contains quick (relatively) reviews of what was in two previous papers put out on USENET in April & May of 1988 but also adds about a half dozen 'new' concepts which corroborate the previous ideas. If after reading this paper you wish to contact me, please do so by mail or telephone. I have had difficulty with contacts through the computer network. You will find my address and phone number at the end of this paper. This paper is Copyright 1988 but permission is granted to quote freely provided that FULL CREDIT is given the author including name, address, and telephone number. A VIEW OF RELATIVITY WITHOUT PARADOXES Copyright 1988 by Dr. Sherwood R. Kaip PURPOSE capsule: THE PURPOSE OF THIS PAPER IS TO SHOW, IN SEVERAL DIFFERENT WAYS, THAT SPECIAL RELATIVITY, LOOKED AT DIFFERENTLY, REPRESENTS A MATHEMATICAL TRANSFORMATION OF A SIMPLE PHYSICAL INTERPRETATION OF OUR UNIVERSE, BOTH IN THE LARGE AND IN THE SMALL, WHICH DOES NOT HAVE PARADOXES. The purpose of this paper is to show that Special Relativity is a physically impossible mathematical transformation of a much simpler and more awesome physical reality. This is exactly analogous to the 'discovery' you made as a kid when you found out that Greenland isn't really approximately the size of the United States. It just appears that way on many maps because a Mercator projection is a mathematical transformation of the physical 'reality' of the earth being a nearly round sphere. Another exact analogy is the 'change' from pre-Copernican astronomy to our current view of the solar system. What Copernicus really said in effect was, 'Hey, fellas, there's nothing much wrong with your equations but take your equations of motion of the bodies of the solar system relative to the earth and rewrite these equations of motion relative to the sun instead and you will discover that the planets travel almost in a circle (ellipse) around the sun, the moon around the earth, and the earth rotates on its axis every 24 hours.' Special Relativity is the equivalent of the Mercator projection (which can be navigated upon mathematically but not physically (in higher latitudes you are travelling over mostly empty space) and pre-Copernican astronomy (try to work out the centripetal forces!). SUMMARY capsule: SPECIAL RELATIVITY WAS AND COULD ONLY BE DERIVED FROM A REALITY IN WHICH ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION MOVES AWAY FROM ITS SOURCE AT A CONSTANT SPEED. THIS IS SHOWN IN DETAIL IN SEVERAL WAYS. Special Relativity not only mathematically transforms time (dilation) and length (contraction) but, what apparently has been little if at all recognized, also transforms velocity (contraction). These transformations are only in the direction of relative motion and furthermore are RECIPROCAL. Time is dilated in one frame and length contracted in the other, but you can reverse the roles of which is the 'fixed' and which the 'moving' frame (by the 1st relativity principle), and thus which frame changes time and which changes length, at your whim. (Talk about having it 'both ways'!) However if you carefully follow the relativistic path of the light travelling transversely and longitudinally in both reference frames as described below, you will realize that time dilates, length contracts, AND VELOCITY CONTRACTS because someone ASSUMED that light travels the same velocity in all reference frames. If you don't distort length, time, or VELOCITY of the reference frames relative to each other, the light is exactly where it should be if it is travelling 300,000,000 meters per second RELATIVE TO THE SOURCE FROM WHICH IT WAS EMITTED. This is true of the light in each reference frame separately and of the light generated in one reference frame moving through the other. Even if you leave the relativistic numbers in place, all locations in the moving frame correspond to the points where they need to 'be' in the fixed frame at various proper times if all the electromagnetic radiation is traveling RELATIVE TO ITS SOURCE at the speed c. In other words, ASSUMING light travels the same speed, c, in all reference frames is either unnecessary or erroneous, depending on how you wish to look at it. If you don't distort time or length AND you recognize that the relative velocity between reference frames is gamma (g in this paper) times the relativistic velocity (u in this paper), then everything works out very simply in terms of electromagnetic radiation leaving its source at speed c. This paper shows that in several ways. HISTORY OF THE IDEA capsule: THE BASIC UNDERSTANDING WAS EXPRESSED IN A PAPER OF 1980. THE EFFECTS ON RELATIVISTIC MECHANICS WAS SUBSEQUENTLY EXAMINED AND EXPLAINED IN A PAPER OF 1983. IN 1988 ANOTHER PAPER WAS WRITTEN COVERING THE BASIC UNDERSTANDING FROM ANOTHER VIEWPOINT. THIS AND THE FIRST PAPER WERE PUT ON USENET UNDER SCI.PHYSICS. THIS CURRENT PAPER INCLUDES PROOF OF THE IDEAS FROM NEW MATERIAL. Others have questioned Special Relativity and I have heard of one person (there may be plenty of others, I don't know) who supports this emission theory idea. But my history with this dates back to a paper I wrote and registered the copyright in 1980 entitled "THE ROLE OF VELOCITY IN SPECIAL RELATIVITY" where I examined the light in a moving frame emitted perpendicular to the relative motion (and reflected back down) and followed that light in the fixed frame. This is the way Special Relativity is usually taught. From examination of this I recognized the described emission theory. This article was put out on the Usenet Bulletin Board under SCI.PHYSICS in late April of 1988. In 1983 I registered the copyright on an article entitled "RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SPECIAL RELATIVITY AND MODIFIED NEWTONIAN MECHANICS" which examines the consequences on mechanics of recognizing that Special Relativity is really a mathematical distortion of the above emission theory. The 1983 paper covers completely the areas of relativistic momentum, kinetic and total energy, and rest mass changes and will only make sense when the relationship between Special Relativity and this theory is understood, as shown in this paper. The implications are considerable. Since the 1983 paper explains the consequences on mechanics well and is available from the author (as described at the end of this paper), no material from that source is included here. In addition to the 1980 article put on Usenet in April 1988, I wrote and immediately put on Usenet SCI.PHYSICS in early May 1988 another article which examines the same ideas from the point of view of a light pulse emitted in the moving frame and its relationship to the fixed frame but this pulse travels in the direction of relative motion of the two reference frames. The same conclusions were reached. I will now rather compactly summarize both of these papers and their results and in addition show the same conclusions by examining time and by examining the relativistic transform equations directly. (If part of this material 'travels' rather fast, getting copies of the 2 papers from someone who took them off Usenet or from the author may make things easier since these papers spread the earlier material out in somewhat more detail than will be done here.) Some of the following is a compression from the above papers. The newer material is in sections below entitled: SIMULTANEITY; TRY IT IN REVERSE; "GRANDMA WHAT STRANGE VARIABLES YOU HAVE!"; PROPER TIME; THE TRANSFORM EQUATIONS; WHERE IT'S AT; A CLOSER LOOK AT VELOCITY; and TRANSFORM EQUATION COMPARISONS . SETTING UP capsule: THESE SIMPLE TO DRAW FIGURES, OFTEN USED TO DEMONSTRATE RELATIVITY, ARE NEARLY NECESSARY TO UNDERSTAND WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON. To reasonably understand what is going on, you will need two diagrams. They can be drawn on a sheet of 8.5 by 11 paper as follows. 8 inches from the top of the page, draw a horizontal line 3 inches across approximately centered between the sides. Label the left end LA (for Los Angeles), the right end NY (for New York), and the exact middle of the line KC (for Kansas City). Consider the length of the line 3000 miles in the earth's fixed, non-prime reference frame. About 1 millimeter below this line draw another 3 inch line (parallel). Label the left end tail (for tail of the space ship in the moving, primed reference frame), the right end nose (for nose of the space ship), and label the middle of the space ship M. If this line is given a little thickness, it may make visualization of it as the moving space ship easier. The space ship and the line from LA to NY should actually be at the same vertical level but then they couldn't be recognized individually. Draw from the midpoint of the earth fixed reference line (at KC) a perpendicular dashed line rising 7.5 inches. "Cap" this line at the top with a centered horizontal 0.25 inch line which may be labeled "mirror". Also mark dots on the vertical dashed line at 4.0, 3.0, 2.0 1.5, 1.0, and 0.3 inches above the mid-point (KC). Draw dashed lines from both the LA and NY ends of the horizontal earth reference line to the top of the vertical line (middle of "mirror") and to each of the other 6 dots on the vertical line. This should give the effect of a series of superimposed isosceles triangles, all with a common 3 inch base. From the left end (tail) of the space ship, draw an upward perpendicular 7.5 inch solid line also capped with a horizontal 0.25 inch "mirror". This "mirror" is attached to the tail of the space ship by the structure represented by the line. This whole configuration may be called Figure 1 and will be referred to as such. In the remaining space at the bottom of the paper, reproduce the "frontmost" triangle (smallest) from Figure 1 along with the rocket ship line and all the labels. Put in a vertical line upward for 0.3" (inch) from the tail of the rocket ship (just like with Figure 1 but this time only 0.3" instead of 7.5"). There should also be a 0.3" dashed line up from KC just as in Figure 1 if you haven't done this already. Now 'cap' both of these vertical lines with 0.25" centered "mirrors". This should look like a 3.0" wide triangle only 0.3" high with another line 3.0" wide just below it and a line rising 0.3" from the latter's left end (tail). Now draw a vertical dashed line 0.3" long downward from the middle of the space ship, M, and a solid line down from NY 0.3" and 'cap' the bottom ends of these with centered 0.25" "mirrors". Draw dashed lines from the nose and the tail of the space ship to the bottom of the dashed line below the space ship's middle, M, so as to complete a downward pointing triangle just like the upward pointing one. In addition to the mirrors below the space ship and below NY, put in a vertical mirror 'facing' the tail of the space ship (so it will reflect light from the tail back to the tail) located 0.1 of the distance (0.3") from the tail to the nose of the space ship and another vertical mirror 'facing' NY and located 0.1 of the way between NY and LA (located 300 miles west of NY, i.e., 0.3"). This is Fig. 2 and will be referred to as such. I also suggest making a machine copy of the 18 equations located further on in the paper so they will be easy to check when they are referred to. This avoids losing the train of thought while hunting for them. SPECIAL RELATIVITY capsule: THIS SECTION CONTAINS A QUICK REVIEW OF THE PRINCIPLES OF RELATIVITY. A LIGHT BEAM FROM THE MOVING REFERENCE FRAME IS SENT PERPENDICULARLY TO ITS MIRROR AND REFLECTED BACK TO ITS SOURCE. THERE IS NO LENGTH CONTRACTION OR TIME DILATION BECAUSE OF NO RELATIVE MOTION IN THIS DIRECTION. THE EQUATIONS OF RELATIVITY ARE THE DIRECT RESULT OF ASSUMING THE LIGHT IS TRAVELING THE SAME SPEED ALONG ITS PATH IN EACH REFERENCE FRAME. TIME DILATION, LENGTH CONTRACTION, AND THE RELATIVE VELOCITY OF THE MOVING REFERENCE FRAME ALWAYS BEING LESS THAN THE SPEED OF LIGHT FOLLOW LOGICALLY. Use Fig. 1. IN THIS PAPER THE SPEED OF LIGHT, c, WILL BE ASSUMED TO BE EXACTLY 186,000 MILES PER SECOND. THIS APPROXIMATION AFFECTS THE CONCEPTS INVOLVED IN NO SIGNIFICANT WAY. THROUGHOUT THIS PAPER PRIMED QUANTITIES SHALL ALWAYS REFER TO THE MOVING FRAME. The function (1-((u/c)**2))**(-1/2) is usually called gamma and is being represented in this paper by "g". That is, take the square of the ratio u/c, subtract it from 1, divide this result into 1 and take the square root of that. I will use ** to indicate raising to a power. Thus, 7**(-1/3) equals the reciprocal of the cube root of 7. The space ship is at rest in the x' frame where x'=0 at the tail, distance in the x' frame increases to the right, and the whole x' frame is moving rapidly to the right. In the earth reference frame we have dug a trench between LA and NY to get a straight line and have stopped all rotation so that we have two inertial frames, with the earth's frame considered fixed, and x=0 at LA, x=1500 miles at KC, and x=3000 miles at NY. These distances were measured in the fixed earth frame. The space ship also measured its length in its own reference frame (in which it is not moving, although its reference frame is moving with respect to the earth's) and found the length of the space ship from the tail to the nose to be 3,000 miles. (Of course this will not be the length in the fixed earth reference frame because of length contraction.) When the zeroes of the two reference frames coincide, both t and t' = 0 at LA and the tail of the space ship, respectively. (t will be different at other locations at t'=0 as can be seen from transform equations 2 and 8. The 12 transform equations are listed in a later section titled THE TRANSFORM EQUATIONS.) At this instant the space ship fires off a powerful light from its tail which burns a spot at LA and this light also travels straight up to the mirror above the space ship where it reflects and arrives back at the tail of the space ship just as the tail is at NY, where the light also burns a spot in NY. The light in the moving frame traveled 7500 miles up and the same down in its own reference frame and therefore took a proper time of t'=80,645 micro seconds. However the light traveled 15,297 miles along the path of the two hypotenuses (don't give me a hard time about the plural of this word) in the fixed frame, and since light travels 186,000 miles per second, c, in all reference frames, the time is t=82,242 micro seconds in earth frame for the same event--the light leaving the tail and LA, traveling to the mirror (at this point, over KC), and returning to NY and the tail. Therefore by this reasoning, the tail of the rocket traveled 3000 miles in 82,242 micro seconds so the relativistic velocity equals 36,477.7 miles per second or 0.196116c. It can be noted that there is some length contraction in the moving frame because, according to transform equation 1, at x=3000 when t'=0, x'=2,941.7 miles. The standard relativistic transform equations 5, 6, 7, and 8 are derived from these concepts. Use the same methods of Special Relativity and have other identical space ships go by at increasing speeds such that the light at the tail burns LA on rising and NY on descending but the light travels progressively less vertical distance in both frames as shown by the fact that each successive faster space ship's mirror is lower than the last. This will result in a series of velocities. The new height of the mirror with each faster space ship is represented on your drawing by the lower points above KC. The first space ship mirror was at 7500 miles above LA, KC, NY --AND the space ship. Please notice that earth observers can also tell PROPER time by firing a pulse up and back to a mirror the same distance above LA as the distance above the space ship since there is no relativistic length contraction or time dilation in the perpendicular direction where there is no relative motion. The new relativistic velocities between the fixed and moving reference frames, represented by the distance the tail of the space ship traveled, 3000 miles, divided by the time the light took to travel, at speed c, the hypotenuses (LA to above KC and back down to NY in each instance) with the mirrors 4000, 3000, 2000, 1500, 1000, and 300 miles above are 0.351123c, 0.447214c, 0.6000c, 0.707107c, 0.832050c, and 0.980581c, respectively. The relative velocity of the moving reference frame in all these instances is less than c. It will still be less than c even if the space ship is going so fast that the the light burns LA, hits the mirror, and returns to burn the tail and NY 3000 miles away, and the mirror is only 3 miles above the space ship (and LA and the rest of the earth's fixed reference frame). In this instance proper time t'=32.258 micro seconds--the same as it would be for an LA light up 3 miles and back down. Using exactly 186,000 miles per second for c, the relative velocity between the moving and fixed reference frame is u=185,999.6 miles per second. This is correct according to Special Relativity. (Aren't you getting just a little suspicious that something isn't quite right?) SIMULTANEITY capsule: "EVENTS SIMULTANEOUS IN ONE REFERENCE FRAME ARE NOT SIMULTANEOUS IN ANY OTHER REFERENCE FRAME MOVING WITH RESPECT TO THE FIRST." IN FACT, A CHAIN OF EVENTS WITH THE SAME INITIAL CAUSE WILL OCCUR FIRST AT ONE END AND ALSO FIRST AT THE OTHER END, AS WELL AS SIMULTANEOUSLY. READ ON. Suppose that LA and NY both simultaneously fire powerful omni-directional light pulses at the space ship as the tail is at LA. This leaves burn marks on the tail and nose of the space ship. But these burns cause explosions of ammunition magazines at the tail and the nose of the space ship. The resulting space ship explosions cause radio transmitters in LA and NY to fire an extra electromagnetic pulse. All of these event have to occur at t'=0 because, according to transform equations #1 and 3, this is the only t' at which the tail is at LA and the nose is at NY. After t'=0, by transform equation 5, the tail (x'=0) will be at a location x>0 and the nose will be at a location x>3000. (Remember that, because of length contraction, the value of x' for the nose does not equal 3000 miles.) We have stated that the earth frame light pulses that caused this chain reaction were simultaneous in earth reference frame. Therefore at a later time the wave fronts are converging toward KC from the east and west and will arrive at KC at the same time. At this current moment however the pulse from the west is at about Dodge City, KS, and the pulse from the east is near Hannibal, MO and in the meantime the space ship's middle, M, has moved east from KC and just encountered the pulse from the east at Hannibal and will get the one from the west, now at Dodge City, a while after the pulse later passes Hannibal and the space ship has moved still further east. Since light is assumed to move the same speed in all reference frames, the relativistic explanation is that the firing of the light pulses was not simultaneous in the space ship's reference frame. The math can be carried out to show that in the space ship's reference frame, the NY light pulse was fired before the other pulse in LA. "Events simultaneous in one reference frame are not simultaneous in any other reference frame moving with respect to the first," to quote from a textbook. However the only proper time that the tail was at LA and the nose was at NY was at t'=0 (q.v. transform equation #3) and it is reasonable to suppose that the light from ammo explosions in the nose and the tail of the space ship at the space ship's proper time t'=0 would reach the middle, M, simultaneously in the space ship's reference frame. (If you wish to say that because of what was said above the events at NY occurred before those at LA, then I simply postulate that at proper time t'=0 the magazines in the tail and nose of the space ship exploded for reasons of their own and immediately caused the extra pulses from the LA and NY transmitters.) When the light waves from the simultaneous explosions at the tail and nose of the space ship are getting close to the middle, M (which they will reach simultaneously in the space ship's reference frame), the space ship will have moved eastward some distance so that the explosion light wave from the tail will reach KC before the explosion light wave from the nose. Therefore the earth observer, BECAUSE LIGHT IS ASSUMED TO TRAVEL THE SAME SPEED IN ALL REFERENCE FRAMES, will have to say that the events at the tail and LA occurred before the events at the nose and NY. Meantime, the extra radio pulses generated at LA and NY by the space ship ammo magazine explosions have to arrive simultaneously at KC since they were generated in earth reference frame at proper time t'=0. (More will be said about proper time shortly. For now, if you are looking for a non-proper time, t, when x'=0 is at x=0, then this occurs when t=0 at x=0--anywhere else t will not equal 0. Two other significant situations when t=0 occur at x=3000 when x' equals a number well in front of the nose (by transform equation 7), and when x= 3000/g (i.e., 3000/gamma), the contracted location of the nose in the moving reference frame. In both of the latter instances, t' will be negative, by transform equation 11, meaning that the events we are talking about haven't even occurred yet!) Now we have the paradox that of 3 sets of events that occurred only at the proper time instant, t'=0, when the tail was at LA and the nose was at NY (use the transform equation #3 to verify this), each set of events was either simultaneous, occurred first at the nose and NY, or occurred first at the tail and LA. It would seem, if one did not insist on assuming that light travels the same speed in all reference frames, that qualitatively the light is being 'dragged' along through one reference frame by the reference frame in which it is not moving. It remains to be seen if there is a quantitative relationship to this 'dragging' (there is). Why else would the middle, M, of the space ship run into the original light at Hannibal, MO. Why would the light from the tail of the space ship reach KC before it reached its own middle, M. ODDITIES MADE OBVIOUS AT VERY HIGH SPEED capsule: USING A HIGH SPEED EXAMPLE, ALL POINTS IN THE MOVING REFERENCE FRAME TRAVEL 3000 MILES ALONG THE FIXED REFERENCE FRAME DURING A PROPER TIME INTERVAL OF 3,225.8 MICRO-SECONDS WHILE THE LIGHT MEASURING THE PROPER TIME ONLY TRAVELS 600 MILES. Use Fig. 2. The relativistic speed, u, between the reference frames is 182,388 miles per second (i.e., c times 5 divided by the square root of 26) or u=0.980581c. Fig. 2 is constructed just like Fig. 1's smallest triangle where the mirror is 300 miles above the space ship's tail plus there is also a triangle below. There should also be 6 mirrors on your drawing. There should be one 'below' NY, one 'above' the space ship's tail (above LA), one below the middle of the space ship, one above KC, one shown 0.3 inches east of the space ship's tail, and one 0.3 inches west of NY. The procedure is the same as with Fig. 1. When the tail of the space ship is at LA and the nose is at NY, t'=0. At LA t also equals 0. As before, when the pulse of light leaves the tail of the space ship it travels 300 miles straight up to the mirror and then back 300 miles, with the pulse burning LA when it starts and landing on NY and the tail when it comes down. This is an omni-directional pulse so that the pulse travels eastward in the space ship to a point 0.1 the length of the space ship where the mirror is located, then reflects back to the tail. The space ship measures its length as 3000 miles in its reference frame. However due to length contraction in the moving frame, from the viewpoint of the earth fixed frame the space ship is actually 3000/g or 588.3484 miles long. This is shown by transform equation 1 where t'=0, and x=3000. Therefore the x' location of the nose opposite NY is x'=588.3484 and the x' of the mirror is 0.1 of that or 58.8348. In the space ship's reference frame its light traveled up 300 miles and eastward 300 miles to the 2 mirrors, then reflected downward and back toward the tail of the space ship for a total of 600 miles, landing on the tail of the space ship as the tail reached NY. (Again, because of length contraction, x' will not show up as 3000 and 300 but as 588.3484 and 58.8348 miles.) However in the earth reference frame the space ship's light travelled along the hypotenuse up to the mirror above KC and then back down the other hypotenuse to NY. The space ship light in its own reference frame generates proper time (distance traveled divided by c) because the time is measured at one point, the tail, in its reference frame and, equivalently, the source of the light is not moving in the reference frame in which it was generated. However proper time would also be a light pulse at LA which was triggered by the light pulse of the space ship's tail (x'=0) when it was at LA at t'=0. This light pulse would also travel up 300 miles to a mirror above LA and would also travel 300 miles eastward during the time the space ship pulse went to above KC. It then would travel 300 miles back if reflected or another 300 miles forward if not, for a total of 600 miles. This pulse at LA also measures proper time, i.e., the light has traveled 600 miles at 186,000 miles per second in its own reference frame and therefore has been traveling for 3,225.8 micro seconds when the light has traveled a total of 600 miles. This proper time t' equals 3,225.8 if t' equalled 0 when the pulse started out. (NOTE THAT WHILE THE LIGHT TRAVELLED 600 MILES THE TAIL OF THE SPACE SHIP MOVED 3000 MILES FROM LA TO NY!) But back to Relativity. Since by Special Relativity the space ship light traveling in the earth reference frame must also be going 186,000 miles per second, and it has traveled 3,059.4117 miles in going from LA to above KC and back down to NY, the length of the 2 hypotenuses, then 3,059.4117 miles divided by 186,000 miles per second means that when the light pulse lands on NY, the time assigned to this event in earth reference frame, t, is t=16,448.45 micro seconds. Since the tail of the space ship traveled x=3000 miles during the fixed frame time t=16,448.45 micro seconds, the velocity of the reference frame must equal x/t = 182,388 miles per second or 0.98058c. (The accurate number is c times 5 divided by the square root of 26.) By transform equation 1 when t'=0 and x=0 at x'=0, x=3000 is 'at' x'=588.3484. When the earth people in NY time the nose to tail passage of the space ship using a light clock in their reference frame (proper time), they will find that the space ship has passed in 3,225.8 micro seconds (their light up 300 miles to a mirror and back down), and, since the space ship is 588.3484 miles long, the space ship's reference frame must be moving by at speed u=182,388 miles per second according to Special Relativity. Or you could say that since the relative speed of the reference frames is u=182,388 miles per second, the tail to nose length of the space ship must be 588.3484 miles. TRY IT IN REVERSE capsule: LENGTH CONTRACTION OCCURS IN THE MOVING REFERENCE FRAME BUT SINCE EITHER FRAME CAN BE THE MOVING FRAME, BY THE FIRST RELATIVITY PRINCIPLE, THE PHYSICAL REALITY OF WHAT CONTRACTS IS DEPENDENT ON CHOICE. Utilizing the exact analogy, with the light pulse emitted 'below' NY, and using the space ship as the fixed frame and the earth as the moving frame you will get the same results in reverse. The space ship people will see a light starting at their nose, going to a point 300 miles 'below' their middle, and arriving back at their tail, burning it. The space ship people know: that their space ship is 3000 miles long and that therefore the distance between NY and LA, by transform equation 1, is x'=588.3484 miles; that the earth reference frame is moving by at u=182,388 miles per second as determined by the NY light starting at the nose, going at 186,000 miles per second to 300 miles below the middle, arriving back at the tail after having traveled 3,059.4117 miles while NY traveled the 3,000 mile length of the space ship; that the time in the now fixed space ship reference frame is 3000 miles divided by 182,338 miles per second equals 16,448.45 micro seconds; and that the time it took for LA to NY to pass by their tail is 3,225.8 micro seconds as measured by a light sent 'down' 300 miles and back in the space ship reference frame. Some people have said that when you reverse which reference frame is fixed and which moving, the distance from LA to NY is still 3000 miles but this is a length contraction from a space ship length of 15,297.1 miles (g*3000). Going back to the space ship's frame being the moving reference frame, if you use transform equation 9 and set t=0, then x'=0 when x=0 and x'=15,297.1 miles (g*3000) when x=3000. This would seem to corroborate the idea. However, in the first instance t'=0 but x'=15,297.1 when opposite x=3000 occurs at t'= - 80,645 micro seconds. This is 80,645 micro seconds BEFORE the tail of the space ship is at LA and the nose at NY. The measuring events haven't even happened yet! Put another way, x'=15,297.1 is opposite x=3000 at t'= - 80,645 micro seconds when x'=0 is at x= - 75,000 miles or 75,000 miles WEST of LA. If the space ship and its reference frame were to slow down greatly so that relative velocity between the reference frames was slight, x'=0 would be at LA when x' equals approximately 3000 was at NY. The un-contracted length of the space ship is 3000 miles. Thus the length contraction occurs in the moving reference frame, but either reference frame can be the moving frame by the first relativity principle. The physical reality changes according to the mathematician's choice. How clever! "GRANDMA, WHAT STRANGE VARIABLES YOU HAVE!" capsule: x' AND t ARE NOT THE SAME KIND OF ANIMALS AS x AND t'. One important thing to note is that the space and time variables x and t' are properties of only their own reference frames whereas the variables x' and t are functions of a relationship between two reference frames, namely the relative velocity. To better illustrate, if you include other reference frames containing an identical space ship at rest within and each reference frame moving by the fixed frame at a different speed, the contracted length, x', and dilated time, t, are different for each relative velocity and obviously are not really properties of events occurring in a single reference frame. Thus, is t really a time or x' really a length? This point will be brought up again. PROPER TIME capsule: THE SAME PROPER TIME INTERVAL CAN BE GENERATED IN ANY OTHER REFERENCE FRAME MOVING WITH RESPECT TO THE FIRST BY USING THE ELECTRO-MAGNETIC PULSE OF THE FIRST REFERENCE FRAME TO START AT THAT LOCATION IN THE SECOND REFERENCE FRAME ANOTHER ELECTRO-MAGNETIC PULSE FROM A SOURCE NOT MOVING WITH RESPECT TO THE SECOND FRAME. MEASURING THE DISTANCES COVERED BY EACH PULSE IN ITS OWN REFERENCE FRAME IN WHICH THE SOURCE IS NOT MOVING GIVES THE CHANGE IN PROPER TIME SINCE THE SECOND PULSE WAS STARTED. Proper time can only be measured directly in a reference frame where the source of the light is at rest in the frame. Any movement of the light source results in time dilation and length contraction according to Special Relativity. (I would simply say that relative motion has to be taken into account to determine a 'proper time'.) However, proper time IS available in both the 'fixed' and 'moving' (which is which is your choice) reference frames. Events which occur at the same place (i.e., at points, one each from the moving and fixed reference frames, that at that instant are 'touching') can trigger proper clocks in each reference frame consisting of light pulses sent perpendicular to the relative motion, as is usually done in the explanatory example used to derive Special Relativity (Figures 1 & 2). We originally gave the proper time, t', to the moving frame by sending a light pulse from the tail, up to its mirror which is traveling along with its reference frame (remember, the space ship and its mirror(s) are not moving with respect to each other in the space ship's reference frame) and back to the tail. But it is totally reasonable to have the simultaneous initiation of a pulse at a point in the 'fixed' earth frame, e.g., when the space ship's tail is at LA at t'=0 (and t=0), to travel up to a mirror the same distance above LA as the mirror is above the tail and return to LA. That pulse, if omni-directional, will also travel horizontally the same total distance that it traveled up and back. This is proper time also because it is being measured at the same place, LA in its reference frame. But notice that proper time is occurring in both the 'moving' and 'fixed' frames. So while the space ship's proper time pulse travels up from its tail and LA to a point 300 miles above its tail and KC in 1,612.9 micro seconds and back down to its tail and NY in another 1,612.9 micro seconds, for a total distance of 600 perpendicular miles in 3,225.8 micro seconds in both reference frames, the space ship pulse's triggering of a proper time omni-directional pulse at LA will result in this pulse going up and eastward 300 miles in 1,612.9 micro seconds and another 300 miles (back, if reflected) in the succeeding 1,612.9 micro seconds, for a total of 600 miles in 3,225.8 micro seconds. The tail of the space ship has traveled 3000 miles across the earth during a proper time interval, t', of 3,225.8 micro seconds during which earth light only travelled 600 miles from LA, A PROPER TIME INTERVAL WHICH IS THE SAME IN BOTH REFERENCE FRAMES! If you can recognize that 'proper time' is the same in BOTH reference frames, then you realize that in this example the moving reference frame of the space ship traveled 3000 miles in 3,225.8 micro seconds or 930,000 miles per proper time second, WHICH PROPER TIME IS THE SAME WHETHER MEASURED IN THE MOVING OR FIXED REFERENCE FRAME. This is five times the 'speed of light' as measured in all reference frames in which the electro-magnetic source is not moving with respect to the frame. In other words, the relative velocity of these reference frames is g*u as measured by a distance covered in the fixed frame by a single moving frame point during a proper time interval which can be determined in ANY reference frame using an electro-magnetic source not moving within that reference frame. The same proper time interval can be generated in any other reference frame moving with respect to the first by using the electro-magnetic pulse of the first reference frame to start an electro-magnetic pulse from a source not moving with respect to the second frame and measuring the distances covered by each pulse in its own reference frame. The distances divided by c equal the proper time intervals being 'ticked' off. Now the situation should be getting obvious. Only BECAUSE light and other electro-magnetic radiation leaves its source (in a vacuum) at a speed, c, equal to approximately 300,000,000 meters per second, is it possible to ASSUME that light travels at the same speed, c, in ALL reference frames and obtain the mathematical transformation known as the theory of Special Relativity in which length is 'contracted' by g in the 'moving' reference frame (whichever frame you choose), time (but not proper time) is 'dilated' in the other 'fixed' reference frame, and the relative velocity between the two reference frames (the distance covered by a point in the moving frame divided by the 'proper' time interval available from ANY reference frame) is 'reduced' by the factor g, resulting in a relativistic velocity, u, which is always less than 1. Originally scientists had difficulty with the 'ether' theory in which all electro-magnetic radiation traveled at a constant speed, c, in relation to one frame of reference, the 'lumeniferous ether'. When Special Relativity was found to work experimentally, it was assumed that Special Relativity represented reality much better. It simply was not recognized that Special Relativity was a mathematical transformation (distortion) of something much simpler: a 'universe' in which electro-magnetic radiation leaves its source at the speed c. v is what I am calling this velocity, equal to un-contracted fixed frame distance traversed by moving frame points (or vice versa) divided by the proper time interval. Since v=ug, as can also be seen by differentiating transform equation 5 with respect to t', using the usual definition of gamma (g) in terms of relativistic velocity u, quoted earlier in this paper, you will find that g also equals (1+(v**2/c**2))**(1/2). Since this quantity is always greater than v/c, u/c is always less than 1. (Velocities which are 'transformed' using the relativistic addition of velocities formula (u1+u2) / (1 + u1*u2/(c*c)) are discussed fully in my 1983 paper. Do not try to apply them to anything in this paper.) THE TRANSFORM EQUATIONS capsule: THE FULL SET OF RELATIVISTIC TRANSFORM EQUATIONS ARE DERIVED AND LISTED TOGETHER WITH THE GALLILEAN EQUATIONS AND THREE OTHERS. Equations 1 through 12, following, are the Special Relativity transform equations and their permutations. The Gallilean transform equations are 13 through 15. 16 through 18 are three other equations that will prove useful. g refers to gamma, defined in the usual way in the section SPECIAL RELATIVITY. 1. x' = x/g - gut'/g or gx' = x - gut' 2. t = t'/g + gux/g(c**2) 3. t' = (x - gx')/gu 4. x = (gt - t')*(c**2)/gu 5. x = gx' + gut' 6. t' = gt - gux/(c**2) 7. x' = gx - gut 8. t = gt' + gux'/(c**2) 9. x = x'/g + ut 10. x' = (t - gt')*(c**2)/gu 11. t' = t/g - ux'/(c**2) or gt' = t - ugx'/(c**2) 12. t = (gx - x')/gu 13. x = X + vT 14. X = x - vT 15. T = (x - X)/v 16, v = gu 17. X = gx' 18. T = t' All of the Special Relativity transform equations can be derived from equations 1 & 2 although this is not the way they are usually presented. (They can also all be derived from any other pair that includes positions and times from both reference frames.) Equations 1 & 2 find contracted length, x', and dilated time, t, in terms of un-contracted length, x, and proper (un-dilated) time, t'. t' is proper because it is a time interval measured at one point, the tail of the space ship, in its own reference frame. Length is proper in the rest frame--length contraction in Special Relativity occurs in the moving frame. Both x and t' are variables definable in their own reference frame without reference to another reference frame. They are both definable even if you don't know the relative velocity, if there is one, between the reference frames. And both variables are the same as they would be from a non-relativistic or 'Gallilean' viewpoint. Equations 3 through 6 are derived by rearranging equations 1 & 2. Equations 7 & 8 are obtained by substituting transform equation 6 into equation 1 and transform equation 5 into equation 2. The rest of the 12 equations are rearrangements of equations 7 and 8. Equations 5 through 8 are the usual equations which are derived as the transform equations of Special Relativity, but as you can see, these can all be derived from equations 1 & 2. Equations 1 & 2 are in essence relativistic definitions of the contracted length in the moving frame and the dilated time in the fixed frame, caused by relative motion, in terms of the variables which are not affected by relative motion. Qv. section "GRANDMA, WHAT STRANGE VARIABLES YOU HAVE!" above. Equations 13, 14, & 15 are the conventional Gallilean transform equations for relative motion in the x direction. Of course there is only one 'time', denoted by T (capital), in these equations. WHERE IT'S AT capsule: ALL PARTS OF THE MOVING FRAME ARE RELATIVISTICALLY ALWAYS AT POINTS OF THE FIXED FRAME WHERE THEY WOULD ALSO BE IF LENGTHS IN THE MOVING FRAME ARE NOT CONTRACTED, THE RELATIVE VELOCITY BETWEEN THE REFERENCE FRAMES IS g*u (RATHER THAN u), THE TIME USED IS t' (THE SAME PROPER TIME AVAILABLE IN ALL REFERENCE FRAMES), AND ELECTRO-MAGNETIC RADIATION TRAVELS AT SPEED c AWAY FROM ITS SOURCE. At this time go back to our example for Fig. 2. Recognizing that proper time occurs in both reference frames, as explained in the section PROPER TIME, above, let us consider what locations from the moving frame are at what locations in the fixed frame as this proper time progresses. Starting at t'=0 and x'=0 (the location of the tail), x'=58.8348 (the location of the mirror), and x'=588.3484 (the location of the nose), we find that the corresponding locations in the fixed frame at this time are x=0, 300, and 3000 miles, respectively. (The location of the nose at x'=588.3484 is actually the result of applying transform equation 1 to find out what point of the rocket, x', occurs at NY at the proper time, t'=0, when the tail is at LA.) Notice that in spite of the fact that we claim length contraction, the part touching NY which we call the nose occurs 3000 miles east of LA and the part we are calling the mirror 0.1 the length of the space ship is at 300 miles east of LA just as the other mirrors are 300 miles above LA. At proper time t'=1,612.9, using transform equation #5, and the three values of x' used previously, the tail (x'=0) is at x=1500 miles at KC, the mirror (x'=58.8348) is at x=1800 or 300 miles east of KC, and the nose (x'=588.3484) is at x=4500 miles. All parts of the space ship have moved 1500 miles east across the earth. Thus although we speak of a length contraction of the space ship in the moving reference frame, a contraction which the space ship people will not acknowledge, other than to be agreeable with relativity, the points on the space ship corresponding to the tail, the mirror, and the nose still represent a distance of 3000 miles on the earth with the mirror at 300 miles east of the tail. At t'=3,225.8, the tail (x'=0) is at x=3000, the mirror (x'=58.8348) is at x=3300, 300 miles east of NY and the tail, and the nose (x'=588.3484) is at x=6000 miles, i.e., 3000 miles east of NY where the tail is. Again keep in mind that this proper time we're using is a proper time available in either the moving or the fixed reference frame. The proper light pulse in earth reference frame has gone 300 miles up and 300 miles east followed by returning down to LA and returning from the mirror east of LA or, if not reflected, going another 300 miles east of that. The same thing has occurred with the light pulse in the moving reference frame, except that because of length contraction we insist on calling it 58.8348 miles in the direction of motion instead of 300, although it is 300 miles vertically. Keep in mind however that the space ship acts in earth frame like it is 3000 miles long, the people on the space ship would measure 3000 miles in their reference frame, and it is our DECLARATION that has caused it to be only 588.3484 miles long and the mirror which is 0.1 the length from the tail to be only 58.8348 miles from the tail. This DECLARATION that there was length contraction in the moving frame occurs because we ASSUMED that the light travelled the same speed in all reference frames. Remember also that the contraction would occur in the OTHER reference frame if we ARBITRARILY CHOSE to reverse which was the moving and which was the fixed reference frames. A CLOSER LOOK AT VELOCITY capsule: IT IS POSSIBLE TO DEFINE A VELOCITY BASED ON THE DISTANCE ANY POINT OF THE MOVING FRAME HAS MOVED THROUGH THE FIXED FRAME COMPARED WITH HOW FAR LIGHT OF THE FIXED FRAME HAS MOVED DURING THE INTERVAL. IT IS c TIMES THE RATIO OF THE FIRST DISTANCE TO THE SECOND DISTANCE. THIS VELOCITY WILL EQUAL g*u AND CAN BE VERY LARGE. Consider equation 16. This defines a relative velocity between the moving and fixed frames, v=gu, as the (un-contracted) distance in the fixed frame which is traversed by ANY point of the moving frame during (divided by) the proper time, t', of that traverse. (Differentiate transform equation 5 with respect to t' or differentiate gx' (transform equation 1, 2nd form) with respect to t'.) This proper time interval is available from EITHER the fixed or moving frame (or any other frame) as described above in the section 'PROPER TIME'. Although not the relativistic definition of velocity, this is certainly an acceptable definition. In fact if you think about it, it is the most reasonable one. In our space ship example it would go as follows. The LA and NY observers have arranged to set off light signals whenever the tail of a space ship passes by. Both do this. The LA observer will receive the NY signal 19,354.8 micro seconds after the NY observer sent his signal, 16,129.0 micro seconds of which was the time for the NY signal to reach LA. Thus the NY signal was sent 3,225.8 micro seconds after the LA signal, the tail of the space ship traversed the 3000 miles from LA to NY in 3,225.8 micro seconds, and therefore it is extremely reasonable to state that the relative speed, v, of the moving reference frame (in which the space ship is at rest) is 930,000 miles per second, 5 times c, and equal to g*u. Conversely, while the space ship's tail has traveled from LA to NY (at which time the NY observer will send his signal) in 3,225.8 micro seconds after the LA signal is sent, the LA signal will have moved 600 miles, or one fifth of the distance to NY. Therefore, the NY observer will only have to wait another 12,903.2 micro seconds after sending his signal until the LA signal arrives. Please note that this is only a matter of viewpoint. I have not changed any of the relativistic numbers. I have simply made comparisons of other numbers that are correct relativistically. I am using the x and t' that Special Relativity uses. But I use 'physical properties' (x and t') that are obtainable in one reference frame and do not depend on a relationship with another (or many other) reference frames as do contracted length and dilated time. If you find the last three paragraphs confusing because you still believe 'nothing can go faster than the speed of light', apply the principles therein to all the examples shown in Figure 1, starting with the slowest relative speed between the reference frames where the mirror is 7,500 miles above the space ship and proceeding through each successively higher reference frame relative speed exemplified by the lower height of the mirror required to reflect the light back down on NY, the last being the example just above. Notice that in all cases this 'conventional' velocity, v, equals g*u. This velocity has nothing to do with time dilation or length contraction since we are only talking about the location in earth reference frame of one point, the tail of the space ship from the moving reference frame, and proper time as measured in the fixed earth reference frame by non-moving light sources at LA and NY. But it should also be obvious that for the space ship's light to land back on its tail and NY it will have to have velocity equal to the vector sum of c in the up and down direction plus v=gu in the horizontal direction. This is what has been said throughout this paper and is the point of it. Electro-magnetic radiation travels at speed c from its source. Only because it does THIS can you 'ASSUME' light travels the same speed in all reference frames and come up with the values of length contraction, time dilation, and all relative speeds less than c that you get in Special Relativity. For example, try applying the assumptions of Special Relativity to an 'ether' theory and you won't get the equations of Special Relativity. TRANSFORM EQUATION COMPARISONS capsule: USING EQUATIONS 16-18 SHOWS THAT THE RELATIVISTIC TRANSFORM EQUATIONS ARE EQUIVALENT TO THE GALLILEAN TRANSFORMS. Let us look at equation 17, X=gx'. I used capital X in the Gallilean transform equations to denote position in the moving frame because in the conventional equations there is no length contraction and therefore using X (capitalized) keeps it separated from x' of the moving frame in relativity where there is length contraction. Equation 17 removes the length contraction of the moving frame. Equation 18, T=t'. There is only one time in the Gallilean transform equations. I have capitalized it, and it is the same as proper time, which is t' in the relativistic transform equations. It can be obtained by 'ticking off' the distance light travels (time equals distance traveled divided by c) from a source not moving with respect to the reference frame in which it is being measured. (If you want the time measured 'at the same place' you can send the light half the distance and reflect it back to the source with a mirror also not moving in the reference frame.) Equation 18 expresses this. Transform equations 13, 14, & 15 are the standard Gallilean transforms except that the distance in the moving frame has been denoted by a capital X rather than x'; the time, which is equal to the proper time, has been given a capital T so that there will be no difficulty knowing whether or not one is referring to relativity; and v equals un-contracted distance traversed divided by the proper time interval. (Proper time intervals are available in both the moving and fixed reference frames as described in the section PROPER TIME. Un-contracted locations are obtained by multiplying the contracted locations by g (gamma), i.e., equation 17.) In the relativistic formulas, whenever gu is seen together, this is the equivalent of the non-relativistic velocity, v, shown in equation 16, where the relative velocity of the reference frames is the un-contracted distance traversed by any point of one reference frame across the other divided by the proper time interval to traverse that distance. In plain English, you are comparing how fast something is moving through your reference frame compared with how fast YOUR light (source not moving with respect to you) is moving in a vacuum relative to you (speed c, of course). Isn't that what you really wanted to know: how much distance is being traversed in your reference frame compared with a known standard? Equations 1 & 2 are essentially definitions of the quantities x' and t, respectively, in terms of the familiar quantities t' and x which are the same as in the Gallilean transformations. Equation 1, as shown in its second form, directly becomes Gallilean equation 14 when 16, 17, and 18 are taken into account. The relativistic equation 1 is really the Gallilean equation 14 in disguise because someone insisted on ASSUMING that light travels the same speed in all reference frames instead of recognizing that without this assumption the radiation and objects are all where they must be and when they must be there if the light travels at speed c away from its source. I chose to derive the transform equations from equations 1 & 2 because, as noted earlier, the independent variables x and t' are properties of only their own reference frames. They have the same meaning as in the Gallilean transform equations and do not change even if there is not another reference frame around. However the dependent variables x' and t do not even have any non-Gallilean meaning unless there is relative motion. More than that, they take on as many different values as there are different reference frame motions to compare. x' and t, supposedly a location and a time, are functions of a relationship between two reference frames, namely the relative velocity. For example, without any physical change in a reference frame, the dependent variables x' and t would change if a 3rd reference frame moving at a different relative velocity were used. Again the question, is t really a time or x' really a length? Relativistic velocity, u, equals changes in x, a physical property not dependent on a relationship between reference frames, divided by changes in a time, t, equal to proper time times g (at the origin of the moving reference frame), which IS dependent on the relationship. u also equals changes in x', a physical property in a reference frame divided by a relationship between reference frames (x/g), divided by proper time, a property definable in any reference frame without reference to any other. In both cases relativistic velocity u in a sense has a g (gamma) in its denominator. Without that g, it becomes conventional velocity v=u*g, as is the point of this paper. Equation 3 shows proper time is just the same as what has always been meant by time when using the conventional Gallilean transformations if you recognize that the space ship is really 3000 miles long, as they would measure it in their own reference frame. The gx' gets rid of the length contraction of the moving reference frame. Equation 3 converts directly into Gallilean equation 15 by use of equations 16, 17, and 18. Equation 5. If you take the derivative of x with respect to t', you will get what we have been saying all along, namely that the relative velocity between the reference frames, utilizing the proper time (the same in all reference frames), equals gu=v. This will give the location of the space ship's tail (x'=0) in the earth frame at all proper times. Of course, if you are not at the tail, you must add in the distance you are along the space ship. But notice that this distance you must add in is the un-contracted distance gx' which equals X (capital). You can now see that equation 5 is exactly the same as equation 13, a Gallilean transform equation, when you make the allowances from equations16, 17, & 18. Equation 8 shows that at the tail (x'=0) the time, t, will be g times the proper time. This represents the time dilation. It also demonstrates that in relativity the two times, relativistic, t, and proper, t', although related to each other in a simple straightforward way (known as time dilation) at the origin (x'=0) of the moving reference frame, depend also on position everywhere else. Equation 11 is the same equation rearranged. Equation 9 shows that the moving reference frame (x'=0) travels the relativistic velocity times the dilated time past the fixed reference frame. Equation 9, for x'=0, can also be written x = gu * t/g which again is Gallilean equation 13 when X (capital) = 0. The distance traveled by the origin of the moving frame over the fixed frame is the conventional velocity v=gu times the proper 'un-dilated' time t/g (but only at x'=0=X (capital) because t varies greatly with position). Equations 1 and 5 show that at any time t', every point in one reference frame will be opposite a unique point in the other reference frame. (This is also true of holding t constant, but the correspondence is strange.) But equations 4 & 10 show that because of the nature of time in Relativity (since I have no difficulty with proper time, I assume non-proper time is the culprit), if both proper and non-proper time are specified, this will determine only one point in each reference frame and these will be in contact with each other. No other points from the two reference frames will be in contact at these particular two times! How's that for a paradox--or at least confusion. TRANSFORMING RELATIVITY capsule: SPECIAL RELATIVITY AND THIS 'EMISSION' THEORY ARE TRANSFORMS OF EACH OTHER. ONLY ONE IS PHYSICALLY SENSIBLE. In the 12 transformation equations, given the relative velocity of the reference frames and any two of the four variables x, x', t, t', the value of the other two is determined. With this information you can convert to the conventional. You don't need the contracted length, x', and you certainly don't need the dilated time, t, or a contracted velocity either for that matter. But if you have the conventional and care to do so, you can convert it into the relativistic, just as you could convert the current equations of motion of the bodies of the solar system into equations of motion with respect to the earth ('with the earth as the center'). Both are mathematically correct but one makes rational sense and one does not. To convert to Relativity, you need g which equals (1+((v/c)**2))**(1/2). This v must be un-contracted distance divided by proper time. Then use equations 16-18 and the transform equations. Special Relativity and the Gallilean transform equations are transforms of each other. The Gallilean equations are used with the understanding that light travels at speed c from its source in a vacuum. RECAP The 'ether' theory was in error. Relativity did not fit the 'ether' theory just as pre-Copernican astronomy equations would not have fit a 'flat earth' theory. Relativity works because it is based on a correct idea. But Special Relativity is not that correct idea; it is a mathematical transformation of that correct idea. The correct idea is that electro-magnetic radiation in a vacuum travels at a constant speed, c, relative to its source and Special relativity is a mathematical transformation of that idea just as pre-Copernican astronomical equations were equations of motions relative to the earth instead of the much simpler and more sensible (for purposes of looking at the solar system) equations of motions relative to the sun. You can write the equations of motion of the heavenly bodies relative to where you are standing on earth. This 'works' but the results were unintelligible to many generations. Or you can change your viewpoint and write the equations of motion of the heavenly bodies relative to the sun and make more sense of the whole thing. (This assumes the other stars are 'fixed'. To understand galactic motion and inter-galactic motion, other reference frames would be preferable.) If you assume that light travels the same speed in all reference frames, you will come up with the theory of Special Relativity. If you find (except for paradoxes) that this 'works' physically, then you can also determine, as was done in this paper, that electro-magnetic radiation travels in a vacuum at speed c (186,000 miles per second approximately) RELATIVE TO ITS SOURCE by simply dropping the 'same speed in all reference frames' ASSUMPTION. YOU ARE SIMPLY CHANGING YOUR VIEWPOINT. All physical objects and light will have the same physical relationships as with Special Relativity but different (and much more common and understandable) values will be given to SOME of the distances, times, and the relative velocity between reference frames involved. All space and time variables can be related to their own individual reference frame. No knowledge of other reference frames moving relative to theirs is needed. None of the space and time variables are a function of a velocity. But by knowing the relative velocity of reference frames, variables in different reference frames can be related to each other. Because I am talking only about how we are looking at the same 'data', if Special Relativity is 'valid', so is this emission theory. But this emission theory does not have paradoxes. P.S.: There is nothing here to say that light could not be influenced by something--gravity, for instance. All I am saying is that Special Relativity and this emission theory are mathematically equivalent (can be transformed one into the other) but that only the emission theory makes PHYSICAL sense. EPILOGUE It is a principle of physics that momentum (in the absence of outside forces) and total energy (called mass-energy in Relativity) are conserved. Both are functions of velocity. But this emission theory and Special Relativity use different values for the relative velocity of the reference frames. For information on how this is resolved with momentum and energy in relativistic mechanics, see the paper, "RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SPECIAL RELATIVITY AND MODIFIED NEWTONIAN MECHANICS" available from the author. (I would appreciate $8 for postage, production, handling, etc. In its current form it is 37 pages long.) Dr. Sherwood R. Kaip 1204 Turnberry El Paso, TX 79912 U. S. America Telephone (915) 833-2929 (PLEASE do not try to contact me directly through Usenet. Because of certain factors, contact was missed last time and probably would be missed again. Use the mails or telephone.) END OF PAPER