Chapter 5 - The Erymanthian Boar
Mount Erymanthos is west of Stymphalia. "You manage to hike up Mount Erymanthos with much effort and gasping, despite it being really only a small hill.[if the score is less than 4] They say that somewhere up this snowy summit lies the Erymanthian boar, which no hunter has yet caught.[end if][paragraph break]To the northeast is a holy, glowing land, to the east is a dismal, cursed land, and to the southwest you can just make out the edge of the city of Elis."
The holy glowing land is a backdrop. The holy glowing land is in Mount Erymanthos and Keryneia and Keryneia?. The dismal cursed land is a backdrop. The dismal cursed land is in Mount Erymanthos and Stymphalia. The description of the dismal cursed land is "It looks pretty dark and bleak, but you can't make out much of it from here.". The description of the holy glowing land is "It looks pretty peaceful and bright, but you can't make out much of it from here.". Understand "Keryneia" and "peaceful" as the holy glowing land. Understand "Stymphalia" and "gloomy" as the dismal cursed land.
Instead of examining the dismal cursed land:
if the player is in Stymphalia:
try looking instead;
continue the action.
Instead of examining the holy glowing land:
if the player is in Keryneia or the player is in Keryneia?:
try looking instead;
continue the action.
The cityscape is a backdrop. The cityscape is in Mount Erymanthos and Nemea and Elis. Understand "Elis" and "city" as the cityscape.
The description of the cityscape is "You can only see a few houses, you'll have to go [if the player is in Nemea]west[else]southwest[end if] to see more."
Instead of examining the cityscape:
if the player is in Elis:
try looking instead;
continue the action.
The snow is scenery in Mount Erymanthos. The description of the snow is "There's just a little dusting of unusually icy, clean snow on the top of the summit, though it seems to be enough for animals to romp around in judging by the frenetic footprints.". Understand "flakes" and "snowbank" and "footprints" as the snow.
Instead of eating the snow:
say "It does look unusually clean and icy cold, but it looks like animals have been running around in it, so you wouldn't chance it."
Instead of drinking the snow:
say "It does look unusually clean and icy cold, but it looks like animals have been running around in it, so you wouldn't chance it."
Instead of taking the snow:
say "No, you already have enough of it annoyingly soaking through your socks and shoes."
Understand "hill" as the mountain.
Mount Erymanthos is southwest of Keryneia.
The feral pig is a person. The feral pig is in Mount Erymanthos. "A feral pig is squealing and romping around in the snow here." Understand "boar" and "Erymanthian boar" and "Erymanthian" and "erymanthian" and "horns" and "horn" as the feral pig.
Instead of touching the feral pig:
try taking the feral pig instead.
Instead of taking the feral pig:
say "You dive at the feral pig but it squeals and bolts out of your grasp at the last second. Stubborn little critter."
Check asking the feral pig about anything:
say "The pig ignores you and continues to run around squealing and romping in the snow." instead.
Check telling the feral pig about anything:
say "The pig ignores you and continues to run around squealing and romping in the snow." instead.
Check showing anything to the feral pig:
if the noun is the flag:
try throwing the flag at the feral pig instead;
say "The pig ignores you and continues to run around squealing and romping in the snow." instead.
Check giving anything to the feral pig:
say "The pig ignores you and continues to run around squealing and romping in the snow." instead.
The description of the feral pig is "It's a bit smaller and cleverer than you've heard in stories, but this must be the Erymanthian Boar. It's ugly and fast and has sharp horns at the top of its head, almost like a bull's. What a strange creature."
Understand "wave [something] at [something]" as throwing it at.
The frozen ham is a thing. The frozen ham is nowhere. The description of the frozen ham is "Essentially it's just a small hunk of dead pig encased in a giant ice cube, but 'frozen ham' is a good, semi-descriptive shorthand for it. The water that forms the ice cube looks like it'd be pretty refreshing in liquid form, a beverage to cleanse the soul even."
Understand "pig" and "dead pig" and "hunk" and "ice cube" and "ice" and "cube" and "water" and "ice water" and "cleansing" and "meat" as the frozen ham.
Instead of eating the frozen ham:
say "It's not really the kind of ham you get at the grocery store, it's just a small hunk of dead pig encased in a giant ice cube."
Instead of smelling the frozen ham:
say "It does not smell appetizing."
Instead of drinking the frozen ham:
say "It's in ice form right now. Besides, the cleansing water has been tainted with the hunk of dead pig, so you probably wouldn't drink it even if it were a liquid."
Instead of throwing the flag at the feral pig:
if the player is wearing the flag:
say "You'll need to take it off first.";
else if the score is less than 3:
say "You hold the flag on its side and prepare to wave it at the boar like a toreador, but your increased levels of anxiety cause your hands to start shaking and you drop the flag instead. You have a gnawing feeling you should be doing something else for now....";
now the flag is in Mount Erymanthos;
say "You wave the flag at the boar and it starts to get angry. It rushes at the flag but you make sure to stand to the side as it plows into the one frigid snowbank behind you. The pig squeals for a few minutes and then goes silent. You watch as it stiffens while the minutes go by, until all that's left of it is a frozen ham.";
now the feral pig is nowhere;
now the frozen ham is in Mount Erymanthos;
increase the score by 1;
follow the notify score changes rule;
try requesting the score.
Check throwing the flag at anything:
say "Waving the white flag of surrender already, are you?" instead.
test boar with "sw/ take off flag/ throw flag at feral pig"
Every turn:
if the player is in Mount Erymanthos and the feral pig is in Mount Erymanthos:
let pig romp be a random number between 1 and 3;
if pig romp is 3:
say "The pig oinks, kicks up some snow with its hooves, and charges at the white snowdust clouds with glee, obsessed with the crystalline flakes.".