These release notes describe in detail the changes that were made between Eudora 2.0 and Eudora 2.0.1.  Most of those changes also apply to Eudora 1.4.1; where they do not, the notation "(2.0.1 ONLY)" appears.

Most of these changes involve obscure features and situations.  There are two important compatibility issues, involving EuIM/EuOM resources and transliteration; these are covered in the next section.


EuIM and EuOM Resource Formats Have Changed

The formats for the 'EuIM' and 'EuOM' resources HAVE CHANGED.  If you have put EuIM or EuOM resources in your Eudora Settings file or in Plug-In files, you MUST remove them.  Use the templates in the new Eudora to rebuild them.  Documentation on the EuIM and EuOM resources can now be found in Appendix G of the manual.  You don't have to worry about this unless you have added your own EuIM or EuOM resources.

Transliteration Table Names Have Changed

Eudora now uses standard MIME names for its character sets.  With the new version comes two plug-in files; EudoraTables, which you should use, and EudoraTables Helper, which you can give to your correspondents who use older versions of Eudora.  Explanations of the changes to the transliteration facility can be found in Appendix E of the manual.  You don't have to worry about this unless you are using the Swedish, Danish, or Norwegian transliteration tables.


The other changes in this document are grouped into six areas; AppleEvents, Filters, MIME, Attachments, Miscellaneous Features, and Bugs.


Eudora's AppleEvent support has been broadened somewhat in the new version.  A few more objects support a few more operations, and some simplified means of reference are provided.  Also, UserLand Frontier's "MenuSharing" protocol is supported, so that Frontier owners can add menu commands (2.0.1 ONLY).

- UserLand Frontier MenuSharing (2.0.1 ONLY).  Eudora 2.0.1 supports Userland's "MenuSharing" protocol.  This allows you to add a menu of Frontier scripts to Eudora's menu bar.  For more information on Frontier, contact Userland Software, Inc., 400 Seaport Court, Redwood City, CA 94063, USA.  (415) 369-6600, FAX (415) 369-6618.

- Get Data can now be used on a whole message.

- Open event now supported for messages and mailboxes.

- Close now supported for messages and mailboxes.

- Name property now supported for mailboxes and mail folders.

- Specifying a message without an enclosing mailbox and mailfolder now means the current message.  (keyForm and keyData do not matter.)

- Omitting the direct object from most events will mean to perform the event on the current message.

- Mailboxes and mailfolders may be counted.

- formAbsolutePosition supported for mailboxes and mailfolders.

- The 'aete' resource has been improved.


Eudora's attachment handling has become a little more sophisticated.  Most people won't care.

- �EuFl� resources now allow user to specify attachment types that should be passed to the finder, rather than opened by an application (for example, control panels or sounds).

- Filename suffices aren't added if the attachment already has the right suffix.

- Eudora now always gets the right creator/type on uuencoded files it has received from other copies of Eudora. (2.0.1 ONLY)

- Eudora uses the brain-dead DOS "8+3" filename conventions on uuencode "begin" lines. (2.0.1 ONLY)

- Uuencoding and uudecoding now can do "newline conversion" (adding or removing carriage returns and/or linefeeds to or from plain text files). (2.0.1 ONLY)

- Uuencode line before last now uses ` instead of space. (2.0.1 ONLY)

- An IsBasic flag has been added to the EuOM resources; when set, the flag indicates that the document's resource fork need not be sent if "Always As Documents" is off.

- An IsText flag has been added to the EuIM and EuOM resources; when set, it tells Eudora that the attachment type should undergo "newline conversion".

- Eudora now uses Content-Disposition headers for all attachments.  This results in attached text files always showing up as attachments, rather than as part of the body of a message.

- Eudora's "stationery-aware" bit has been set, so that the Finder will not whine when you try to send stationery files to other users.


There were a few minor bugs in the Eudora's filtering.  These bugs have all been repaired.

- Balloon help for filter conjunction was incorrect.

- Entering extra long header names (more than 60 characters) in the filters window sometimes caused Eudora to crash while filters were being run.

- Switching to a new Eudora Settings file in a new folder without quitting Eudora didn't de-activate the filters from the old folder.

- When receiving long messages via UUCP, filtering was not working on all parts of the split message.

- Transferring a message to the mailbox the message is already in did not end filtering for that message.

- Using filters to change very long (more than 60 characters) subject lines sometimes caused crashes.

- Eudora was not giving other applications time to run while filters were being processed.


Several minor changes were made to the way Eudora uses MIME.

- Now using standard MIME names for 7-bit character sets.

- MIME subparts without headers are now handled properly.

- Bugs in RFC 1342 header encoding fixed, and support upgraded to RFC 1522.

- message/external-body; access-type=mail-server now supported. (2.0.1 ONLY)

- Base64 text mode no longer strips lone linefeeds.

- QP decoder properly strips trailing spaces from encoded text.

- PostScript files are normally sent in binary mode.

- Content-Disposition header now used.

- Transliteration of headers is done if charset is known and Content-Transfer-Encoding is binary.

- The Quoted-Printable encoder was changed not to break lines earlier than normal.


- The shift key is checked as soon as Eudora starts up; there's no need to hold it down until all windows are opened.

- A Date: headeris now added when save as-ing composition windows.

- Eudora notices when mailbox modifty time is in the future, and doesn't check date against table of contents date.

- Eudora now sorts mailboxes and mailfolders itself, rather than relying on the filesystem to do so.  This means that mailboxes on CAP volumes will now be alphabetized.

- PREF_CORVAIR operation fixed to neaten displays immediately.

- PMDF�s MR-TYPE=macbinary sets attachment creator for MacBinaryII+.

- Unconventional BinHex files from early versions of Pegasus/Mac are now tolerated.

- Switching messages with arrow keys again closes current message when the end of the mailbox is reached.  This is something 1.3 did by accident; I discovered the accident was well-loved when I removed in from 1.4 & 2.0.  So it's back.

- People who really want to get down-n-dirty with their connection tools can do CMSetConfig from a �TEXT� resource.

- Outgoing messages are recognized as such if mailbox tables of contents have to be rebuilt.

- The redraw order of composition windows was changed for the benefit of PopChar.

- The AppleSingle part of an AppleDouble file now gets a "%" prefix to its name.

- Eudora's line wrapping algorithm has been changed somewhat.  Spaces at the ends of lines are removed, and also wrapping can no longer cause lines to begin with a space.  (Butch, this one's for you.)

- A few more icons have been given color.

- A work-around was added for AFP servers that do not support FSpExchangeFiles.

- Launching and finding in summaries only made faster when Eudora Folder is stored on a network volume.

- Compact Mailboxes can now be cancelled.


Alas, there were a few bugs in 1.4 and 2.0.  They have all been fixed.  Below are descriptions of the bugs that were fixed.  The list is long, but many of the bugs are very tiny (a swarm of gnats, if you will, rather than a few scorpions).

- Removing a mailbox used to leave open message from that mailbox on the screen.

- UUCP-only users who chose "Comm Toolbox" as their connection method (a useless thing to do, but...) sometimes had crashes.

- Stationery choice was given when Save-As�ing selected incoming messages. (2.0.1 ONLY)

- There was a bad interaction between sorting & Undo Transfer. (2.0.1 ONLY)

- The Other... menu item did not work properly if the Eudora Folder had a very large directory id. (2.0.1 ONLY)

- Transfer undo was not always offered when it should have been. (2.0.1 ONLY)

- Showing all headers did weird things to the text selection. (2.0.1 ONLY)

- There were some typos in the Modifiers & Keys help screens. (2.0.1 ONLY)

- Trying to give a mailbox a name more than 31 characters long sometimes caused crashes.

- A changed attachment type was not always saved with the message.

- Erroneously long subjects in summaries could cause crashes.

- MIME-encoded messages containing UUCP envelopes used to cause problems.

- Error reporting was cryptic when there was not enough memory to add a message to a table of contents.

- There was a problem with lines that had more than 80 >�s.

- Password Change function was not changing the stored password if Save Password was on.

- Aliases to folders on AFP volumes were not working.

- Sorting was not spinning the ol' beach ball.

- Eudora wasn't making sure that a file was a mailbox before opening it as such.

- Incoming messages without bodies (just headers) used to cause problems.

- Resizing a window and then transferring it made Eudora forget the size change.

- There was a problem splitting large messages whose last part was an encoded body that did not end on a newline.  (Congratulations if you actually managed to get bitten by this one.)

- Bullet was omitted from the fix curly quotes hit list.

- Overlong new mailbox names gave a really bad error message.

- Failed compactions were leaving .tmp files all over the place.

- Huge header tokens could sometimes cause problems.

- EzOpen was working backwards at end of a mailbox.

- Find got pretty gullible about "finding" a string of repeated characters at the end of a subject when searching by summaries.  (Again, if you found this, you deserve a medal.)

- There was ancient bug in DeleteSum.  This bug might have caused problems when moving messages, but it's been present for years, so it was evidently reasonably benign.

- SaveAs dialog was not handling cmd-. properly.

- Moving (with the Mailboxes window) an open mailbox caused errors when opening messages from that mailbox.

- Returns were erroneously removed when copying from the Notes area of the Nicknames window.

- Find, Next when a composition window was topmost sometimes caused crashes.

- Flags were not set properly when the Out table of contents had to be rebuilt.

- When using the arrow keys to switch messages, there was a redraw problem if the message being switched to was already open.

- Large Message/Partial messages caused problems.

- Large headers in encapsulated Message/RFC822 constructs were not handled properly.

- Cancelling a send sometimes left the in-memory copy of a message transliterated.

- Quitting with timed queued messages sometimes ignored a user's request to send the messages.

- AppleDouble attachments with different filenames on the two parts were not properly handled.

- Finish nickname did not work in the Address(es) area of the nicknames window