PO Box 38-262
                                                        3 November 1991

Supdt B P Donnelly
O/C Services
Police National Headquarters
PO Box 3017

Dear Sir
        I wish to draw to your attention to the enclosed article Satanism
linked to child porn (Sunday News 3 Nov 1991), with particular emphasis on
the statement that "the latest revelation to stun NZ Police is a
correspondence course on Satanism...  run by a group called Order of the
Left Hand Path."

        The article attempts to link the OLHP, of which I am the organiser,
or 'Magister' mentioned in the article, with child pornography.

        I find the allegations appalling, there being no justification
whatsoever linking the OLHP - either directly or indirectly - with such
activities, or anything else of a morally or legally suspect nature.

        This article is now the subject of a complaint to the NZ Press

        What I would like to know is whether the NZ Police are indeed
'stunned' by the correspondence courses offered by the OLHP and, if so, the
reasons for such concern.

        I would like to know whether the OLHP, myself or anyone connect
with myself or the Order in any way, is under suspicion by the Police,
either directly or indirectly, in regard to child pornography, ritual
abuse, or any activity whatsoever which could even broadly be considered
morally or legally suspect.

        Additionally, I would like to know why Snr Sgt Gabites is being
permitted to use his position as a policeman to make public statements
against and otherwise harass a legitimate philosophical and ethical
alternative.  While his concern about child abuse is of course laudable, he
appears to be using this as a pretext to launch a personal crusade against
Satanism per se.  As you may recall I have previously made my concern
regarding Sgt Gabites' activities known to you (your re.  910926/6801), to
the Dept of Social Welfare, and to Sgt Gabites personally, and have
challenged him to present any evidence for his allegations, without reply.

        I will be sending a copy of this letter, and your reply , to the NZ
Press Council, as it relates to the outrageous allegations made by
journalist Les Wilson.

                                        Yours Faithfully

                                        K R Bolton