This is the file fdxfiles.txt of the CJK macro package ver. 4.8.5

Extended font definition files

The CJK package modifies LaTeX's font loading mechanism to input an extended
font definition file (with suffix `.fdx') immediately after a normal font
definition file (with suffix `.fd') has been loaded. A `.fdx' file is
optional. Here a list of useful commands---note that neither whitespace nor
linebreaks produce output while macros are defined in such files, which is
quite convenient.

Immediately after selecting the proper subfont for a given input character,
the CJK package tests whether a macro


is defined. If it exists, it is executed instead of calling \CJKsymbol.

For halfwidth katakana, the macro is called


For fonts from HLaTeX the macro is called


For UTF-8, only characters in the range 0x800-0x10FFFF execute the test for
this macro.

<code>, <byte1> and <byte2> are decimal numbers; <direction> is either `v'
or `h'.

The following commands are intended for `.fdx' files:

o   For vertical writing, \CJKvdef should be used to (globally) define the
    macros described above. It always prepends `<encoding>/<family>/'.
    Example from c00bsmi.fdx:


    This defines macro `\C00/bsmi/m/n/01/1/v': If glyph 1 in subfont `01'
    (`bsmilp01' in this example) should be typeset, it is replaced with
    glyph 4 from subfont `v' (`bsmilpv').

    \CJKhdef is the equivalent for horizontal writing.

o   Another macro is \CJKvlet, performing a global \let. Example (again
    from c00bsmi.fdx):


    This makes `\C00/bsmi/bx/n/01/1/v' the same as `\C00/bsmi/m/n/01/1/v'.

    \CJKhlet is the equivalent for horizontal writing.

CJKvert.sty provides additional macros:

o   Glyphs which shouldn't be rotated are available with \CJKsymbolsimple.
    Here an example from c10gbsn.fdx:


    If glyph 17 in subfont `01' (`gbsnlp01') is requested, it is replaced
    with itself but unrotated.

o   Some correction parameters are available to position glyphs of a given
    font (i.e., all subfonts) while \CJKvert is active.


      The default of CJKvert.sty is to rotate all glyphs using the graphicx
      package. If `norotate' is present in a `.fdx' file, glyphs accessed
      with \CJKsymbol are not rotated. `fullheight', `height' and `offset'
      are used only if `norotate' is not set.


      If defined, it sets the full height (height plus depth) of all CJK
      glyphs accessed with \CJKsymbol to <dimension>. In most cases this
      value is 1em.


      If defined, it defines the height of all CJK glyphs accessed with
      \CJKsymbol. Consequently, the depth is set to `fullheight - height'.
      For example, the AFM file for `bsmilp01' gives 879 PS units for the
      `Ascender' value. Since 1em is 1000 PS units, a proper value for
      the `height' parameter is 0.88em.


      If defined, shift the (rotated) glyphs accessed with \CJKsymbol
      vertically by <dimension>.


      If defined, shift all glyphs accessed with \CJKsymbolsimple vertically
      by <dimension>.

o   The `offset' parameter is available to position glyphs of a given
    font (i.e., all subfonts) while \CJKhorz is active.


      If defined (and \CJKhorz being active), shift the glyphs accessed
      with \CJKsymbol vertically by <dimension>.

---End of fdxfiles.txt---