patch-2.4.5 linux/arch/ppc/chrpboot/main.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.4.4/linux/arch/ppc/chrpboot/main.c linux/arch/ppc/chrpboot/main.c
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) Paul Mackerras 1997.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
- * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- */
-#include "../coffboot/nonstdio.h"
-#include "../coffboot/zlib.h"
-#include <asm/bootinfo.h>
-#include <asm/processor.h>
-#include <asm/page.h>
-extern void *finddevice(const char *);
-extern int getprop(void *, const char *, void *, int);
-void gunzip(void *, int, unsigned char *, int *);
-#define RAM_START	0x00000000
-#define RAM_END		(64<<20)
-#define BOOT_START	((unsigned long)_start)
-#define BOOT_END	((unsigned long)(_end + 0xFFF) & ~0xFFF)
-#define RAM_FREE	((unsigned long)(_end+0x1000)&~0xFFF)
-#define PROG_START	0x00010000
-char *avail_ram;
-char *end_avail;
-extern char _end[];
-extern char image_data[];
-extern int image_len;
-extern char initrd_data[];
-extern int initrd_len;
-extern char sysmap_data[];
-extern int sysmap_len;
-static char scratch[1024<<10];	/* 1MB of scratch space for gunzip */
-chrpboot(int a1, int a2, void *prom)
-    int ns, oh, i;
-    unsigned sa, len;
-    void *dst;
-    unsigned char *im;
-    unsigned initrd_start, initrd_size;
-    extern char _start;
-    printf("chrpboot starting: loaded at 0x%x\n\r", &_start);
-    if (initrd_len) {
-	initrd_size = initrd_len;
-	initrd_start = (RAM_END - initrd_size) & ~0xFFF;
-	a1 = initrd_start;
-	a2 = initrd_size;
-	claim(initrd_start, RAM_END - initrd_start, 0);
-	printf("initial ramdisk moving 0x%x <- 0x%x (%x bytes)\n\r",
-	       initrd_start, initrd_data, initrd_size);
-	memcpy((char *)initrd_start, initrd_data, initrd_size);
-    }
-    im = image_data;
-    len = image_len;
-    /* claim 4MB starting at PROG_START */
-    claim(PROG_START, (4<<20) - PROG_START, 0);
-    dst = (void *) PROG_START;
-    if (im[0] == 0x1f && im[1] == 0x8b) {
-	avail_ram = scratch;
-	end_avail = scratch + sizeof(scratch);
-	printf("gunzipping (0x%x <- 0x%x:0x%0x)...", dst, im, im+len);
-	gunzip(dst, 0x400000, im, &len);
-	printf("done %u bytes\n\r", len);
-    } else {
-	memmove(dst, im, len);
-    }
-    flush_cache(dst, len);
-    sa = (unsigned long)PROG_START;
-    printf("start address = 0x%x\n\r", sa);
-    {
-	    struct bi_record *rec;
-	    rec = (struct bi_record *)_ALIGN((unsigned long)dst+len+(1<<20)-1,(1<<20));
-	    rec->tag = BI_FIRST;
-	    rec->size = sizeof(struct bi_record);
-	    rec = (struct bi_record *)((unsigned long)rec + rec->size);
-	    rec->tag = BI_BOOTLOADER_ID;
-	    sprintf( (char *)rec->data, "chrpboot");
-	    rec->size = sizeof(struct bi_record) + strlen("chrpboot") + 1;
-	    rec = (struct bi_record *)((unsigned long)rec + rec->size);
-	    rec->tag = BI_MACHTYPE;
-	    rec->data[0] = _MACH_chrp;
-	    rec->data[1] = 1;
-	    rec->size = sizeof(struct bi_record) + sizeof(unsigned long);
-	    rec = (struct bi_record *)((unsigned long)rec + rec->size);
-#if 0
-	    rec->tag = BI_SYSMAP;
-	    rec->data[0] = (unsigned long)sysmap_data;
-	    rec->data[1] = sysmap_len;
-	    rec->size = sizeof(struct bi_record) + sizeof(unsigned long);
-	    rec = (struct bi_record *)((unsigned long)rec + rec->size);
-	    rec->tag = BI_LAST;
-	    rec->size = sizeof(struct bi_record);
-	    rec = (struct bi_record *)((unsigned long)rec + rec->size);
-    }
-    (*(void (*)())sa)(a1, a2, prom);
-    printf("returned?\n\r");
-    pause();
-void *zalloc(void *x, unsigned items, unsigned size)
-    void *p = avail_ram;
-    size *= items;
-    size = (size + 7) & -8;
-    avail_ram += size;
-    if (avail_ram > end_avail) {
-	printf("oops... out of memory\n\r");
-	pause();
-    }
-    return p;
-void zfree(void *x, void *addr, unsigned nb)
-    nb = (nb + 7) & -8;
-    if (addr == (avail_ram - nb)) {
-	avail_ram -= nb;
-    }
-#define HEAD_CRC	2
-#define EXTRA_FIELD	4
-#define ORIG_NAME	8
-#define COMMENT		0x10
-#define RESERVED	0xe0
-#define DEFLATED	8
-void gunzip(void *dst, int dstlen, unsigned char *src, int *lenp)
-    z_stream s;
-    int r, i, flags;
-    /* skip header */
-    i = 10;
-    flags = src[3];
-    if (src[2] != DEFLATED || (flags & RESERVED) != 0) {
-	printf("bad gzipped data\n\r");
-	exit();
-    }
-    if ((flags & EXTRA_FIELD) != 0)
-	i = 12 + src[10] + (src[11] << 8);
-    if ((flags & ORIG_NAME) != 0)
-	while (src[i++] != 0)
-	    ;
-    if ((flags & COMMENT) != 0)
-	while (src[i++] != 0)
-	    ;
-    if ((flags & HEAD_CRC) != 0)
-	i += 2;
-    if (i >= *lenp) {
-	printf("gunzip: ran out of data in header\n\r");
-	exit();
-    }
-    s.zalloc = zalloc;
-    s.zfree = zfree;
-    r = inflateInit2(&s, -MAX_WBITS);
-    if (r != Z_OK) {
-	printf("inflateInit2 returned %d\n\r", r);
-	exit();
-    }
-    s.next_in = src + i;
-    s.avail_in = *lenp - i;
-    s.next_out = dst;
-    s.avail_out = dstlen;
-    r = inflate(&s, Z_FINISH);
-    if (r != Z_OK && r != Z_STREAM_END) {
-	printf("inflate returned %d msg: %s\n\r", r, s.msg);
-	exit();
-    }
-    *lenp = s.next_out - (unsigned char *) dst;
-    inflateEnd(&s);

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: