This is the text version of the web page: -=[ The Official Empire Wish List ]=- This is the official list of approved proposals to change the Empire server. All of them have been appoved by me ( Ken Stevens ( ). In order for a change to make it into the server, it must go through the following steps: 0 The proposal must be submitted to the New Wishes ( page. Whenever an item is added to that page, it is automatically emailed to me. 0 If I approve of the proposal, then I will move it to the Official Empire Wish List (this page). 0 After that, I will either make the change to the server, or if the item looks a bit questionable, I will first run the proposal past the people on the Server Discussion ( mailing list, and then if they approve of the change I'll code it. ==Sectors== ( First part has been fixed - rad part has not ) Heres a bug: Take a warehouse, store a couple of k of oil in it and then des it as an oil mine. after the update it has 999 oil in it, and the ocontent has been warped up to something like 389. Similarly, a 100 rad sector with 999 civs and 999 uws will only produce 250-300 rad rather than the 750+ you should have got. submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 Change bridges (and towers) so that they only crumble when shelled below 15%. Allows attackers an extra chance for a bridge attack. submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 feed If a sector in needs more food, send it food from. submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 - WARNING - may be difficult to code forts should return fire even if shot missed submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==Ships== For ship/plane/unit specification, allow a/13/b/15/16/c type specification where fleets, wings, and armies may be included along with numbers. (WARNING: This would require massive restructuring.) submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 Reduce the amount of mob subs use to torp--right now they are at a severe disadvantage. submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 once ships on sail have arrived at their destination, the "Your fleet lead by ship #x has reached x,y." in production report every time. submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 You can load all the civs from a harbour onto a ship without being prompted if you want to abandon that sector. submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 The gain in efficiency of planes on carriers or sufficiently crewed ships on sea should use construction materials etc. This is to make it consistent with land units gaining efficiency in a sector where the necessary materials are present. Otherwise it leads to abuse: Say in the beginning of the game I build a ship but don't want to spend the hcms to build it completely - so I just crew it it will gain efficiency by itself. I think it could easily be implemented by giving every ship some capacity for lcms and hcm's. submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 you shouldn't be able to torp around corners submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==Planes== chh [38:382]% scrap p 28,0 ?eff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==Land Units== perhaps since land units in mountains are so hard to attack, we shuold just not let land units into mountains to begin with. submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 perhaps land unit attack mob needs to be increased. submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==Missions== Allow people to specify relation level to trigger different missions (note there is already space for this in the nation struct). submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==Combat== aborting an attack should cost you btus or possibly mobility (otherwise you get info for free). submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==Information== Budget can generate a negative cost for building ships or planes. submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 neweff [s |p |l ] to show the efficiency these things will have after the update. At present you can only get this info by doing some heavy calculations. submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 gstarve lists sectors that need more food if they want to attain maximum civ growth. submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 prod should list the commodities consumed in f h * ! sectors for building stuff. (This would help you calculate your production deltas.) submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 bmap sh to show enemy ships (that you would see with radar or coastwatch). submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 bmap sa to show enemy satellites (that you would see on radar). submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 dump should give you the oldown number, rather than just a *. (Does dump only give you a * if you're not the oldown? I don't know. You can find the oldown using ?oldown= so dump should give it to you). submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 radar [ | ] S shows enemy ships but not your own. submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 cen * ?connect= lists all sectors connected by land to. Handy for setting up territories. submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 Budget Bug: when production priorities are set, harbors will produce work BEFORE ships are built, which means you can use avail produced AFTER the update, ie so you can repair objects in sectors you newly designate. submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 Allow | as well as & in selection syntax. e.g. res * ?des=o|des=g (WARNING: cannot use single bar as the or character because "|" is used as a pipe in the standard client and possibly in other clients. Another character should be used instead ( or maybe "||"?) submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==Updates== Planes should not be built by conquered populace. (The problem here is that building planes uses mil, and you can lose the sector because all your mil that was being used to hold the sector disappeared into the planes so you loose the sector at the update.) ALREADY FIXED? submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 Under the ALL_BLEED option, research bleed doesn't work the same way that tech bleed does. A nation may produce tech but no research on a given update, yet the 0 research gets included in the average. However, if a nation produces no tech, the 0 tech doesn't get included in the average. (This holds true even if that nation does produce research, although its probably pretty rare to produce research and not tech). Having two loops that resolve tech bleed and then research bleed, instead of one which tries to do both, would be a fix. submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 A new command called tax. Syntax is tax +/-[digits.digits] tax modifies how much money you get per civilian in taxes each update. The default is the base rate set by the deity. If you need money badly enough, you can icrease taxes, (tax +2%) - this would result in you needing (n*2)x the amount of happiness. So +2% would need 4 times as much happiness as required at +0%. Similarly -2% would tax your people less, and therefore require less happiness generated. Probably needs to be bounded (range is +/-10% for instance) Also, the ratio (hap=base_hap * 2 * %tax) probably needs tinkering with after play testing. submitted by Julian Onions <> 01 Dec 95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==Communication== Separate BULLETIN's from Telegrams (so that when we're in the middle of a fight we will know if we were just attacked or we simply have just received a letter from a friend). submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 When you are writing a telegram or an announcement and an update hits, then your telegram or announcement gets lost. ( is it even POSSIBLE to fix this?) submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==Documentation== info takeover, avail, loyalty There should be man pages on these. submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==Deity== More flexible hours control (e.g. to disable login on weekends) ( If i am not mistaken - you can disable logins on weekends - Bob and I did this using hours in one game - I think there are bugs in it though from what I remember - who knows... maybe it doesn't work anymore anyone tried it lately? - Ken H.) submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 Add che (target and number) to deity dump format. submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 Add two new options: LOAN and TREATY. submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==Miscellanious== Often BTU's aren't updated immediately, and the prompt is out of sync with the actual amount of BTU's they have. submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 make xland compile under linux submitted by Ken Stevens <> 01 Dec 95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------