This is the text version of the web page: -=[ Make a Wish ]=- This is the place where you officially submit proposals for changes to the game of Empire. Once you have submitted your change, it will be added to the New Wishes ( page. Then I will read your proposal and move it to one of three places: The Official Empire WISH LIST (, the somewhat less official WACKY IDEAS LIST (, or /dev/null ( You will be informed which of these places your proposal went. I use the following criterea for evaluating proposals: * Will the proposal make the game more realistic? Part of the fun of Empire is the sense that you are skulking real subs along the ocean floor hunting for enemy battleships... Changes which improve realism are those which fuel the fire of the imagination. * Will the proposal improve play balance? Play balance is the happy medium between rules which can lead to stalemates and rules which can be abused to gain unreasonable advantage. For example, the introduction of a stacking limit for land units would lead to stalemates. And if we allowed 0% forts to "fire", then that could be abused to drain enemy shells and thus grant unreasonable advantage. * Will the proposal make it easier for new players to learn how to play? If you are proposing a new command, you can more or less forget it. Empire already has too many commands as it is. * Will your proposal be easy to code? The idea of allowing forts to return fire even if the shot missed sounds like it would be easy to code; however, in fact it would be very difficult. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ add Your real name: Your email address: Subject: Sectors Ships Planes Land Units Missions Combat Information Updates Communication Documentation Error Messages Deity Miscellanious Implementation Your wish: Submit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------