A collection of LaTeX packages and classes
- autolist, which provides various list formatting facilities;
- biokey, which provides a mechanism for typesetting biological identification lists;
- biolist, which typesets species lists;
- boldline, which typesets heavier separating lines in tables;
- cassete, which lays out audio cassette inserts;
- classif2, which typesets classification lists;
- drcaps, which provides dropped capital macros;
- etiketka, a class for typesetting business-card-sized information (including business cards);
- flower, for typesetting lists of flower formulae;
- isyntax;
- numerus;
- punct;
- sltables, which develops on the stables package, for use in a LaTeX context; and
- starfn.
The author is Alexey Shipunov. The package is Copyright © 2010 Alexey Shipunov.
License: lppl Version: 1.1 Catalogued: 2016-06-24