Packages changed:
  MozillaFirefox (127.0.2 -> 128.0)
  bluedevil6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  blueman (2.3.5 -> 2.4.2)
  breeze6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  breeze6-gtk (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  discover6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  drkonqi6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  fdupes (2.3.0 -> 2.3.1)
  flatpak-kcm6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  freerdp (3.5.1 -> 3.6.3)
  gnome-music (46.0 -> 46.1)
  guestfs-tools (1.52.0 -> 1.53.1)
  ibus-m17n (1.4.29 -> 1.4.30)
  java-21-openjdk ( ->
  kactivitymanagerd6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  kde-cli-tools6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  kde-gtk-config6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  kdecoration6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  kdeplasma6-addons (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  kgamma6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  kglobalacceld6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  kinfocenter6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  kmenuedit6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  kpipewire6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  kscreen6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  kscreenlocker6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  ksshaskpass6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  ksystemstats6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  kwayland-integration6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  kwayland6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  kwin6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  kwrited6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  layer-shell-qt6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  less (656 -> 661)
  libblockdev (3.1.0 -> 3.1.1)
  libbpf (1.4.3 -> 1.4.5)
  libguestfs (1.52.1 -> 1.53.5)
  libgusb (0.4.8 -> 0.4.9)
  libkscreen6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  libksysguard6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  libmaxminddb (1.9.1 -> 1.10.0)
  libnl3 (3.9.0 -> 3.10.0)
  libplasma6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  libstorage-ng (4.5.217 -> 4.5.218)
  libyui (4.6.1 -> 4.6.2)
  libyui-ncurses (4.6.1 -> 4.6.2)
  libyui-ncurses-pkg (4.6.1 -> 4.6.2)
  libyui-qt (4.6.1 -> 4.6.2)
  libyui-qt-graph (4.6.1 -> 4.6.2)
  libyui-qt-pkg (4.6.1 -> 4.6.2)
  live555 (2023.11.30 -> 2024.06.26)
  milou6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  multipath-tools (0.9.9+90+suse.f1d2f20 -> 0.9.9+161+suse.0c835ef)
  nano (8.0 -> 8.1)
  ocean-sound-theme6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  openSUSE-release (20240716 -> 20240722)
  ovmf (202311 -> 202402)
  pam_kwallet6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  pinentry (1.3.0 -> 1.3.1)
  pinentry-gui (1.3.0 -> 1.3.1)
  pipewire (1.2.0 -> 1.2.1)
  plasma5support6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  plasma6-activities (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  plasma6-activities-stats (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  plasma6-browser-integration (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  plasma6-desktop (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  plasma6-disks (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  plasma6-integration (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  plasma6-nm (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  plasma6-pa (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  plasma6-print-manager (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  plasma6-systemmonitor (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  plasma6-thunderbolt (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  plasma6-workspace (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  polkit-kde-agent-6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  powerdevil6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  python-kiwi (10.0.23 -> 10.0.25)
  python-psutil (5.9.7 -> 6.0.0)
  qqc2-breeze-style6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  sddm-kcm6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  suse-module-tools (16.0.45 -> 16.0.48)
  systemsettings6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  transactional-update (4.6.8 -> 4.7.0)
  vim (9.1.0512 -> 9.1.0588)
  wacomtablet-kcm6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
  wicked (0.6.75 -> 0.6.76)
  xdg-desktop-portal-kde6 (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)

=== Details ===

==== MozillaFirefox ====
Version update (127.0.2 -> 128.0)
Subpackages: MozillaFirefox-translations-common

- Add firefox-3781e3117706.patch to fix boo#1227856 aka bmo#1905018
  where an incompatible pointer assignment is not accepted in C by
  GCC 14.
- Mozilla Firefox 128.0
  MFSA 2024-29 (bsc#1226316)
  * CVE-2024-6605 (bmo#1836786)
    Firefox Android missed activation delay to prevent tapjacking
  * CVE-2024-6606 (bmo#1902305)
    Out-of-bounds read in clipboard component
  * CVE-2024-6607 (bmo#1694513)
    Leaving pointerlock by pressing the escape key could be
  * CVE-2024-6608 (bmo#1743329)
    Cursor could be moved out of the viewport using pointerlock.
  * CVE-2024-6609 (bmo#1839258)
    Memory corruption in NSS
  * CVE-2024-6610 (bmo#1883396)
    Form validation popups could block exiting full-screen mode
  * CVE-2024-6600 (bmo#1888340)
    Memory corruption in WebGL API
  * CVE-2024-6601 (bmo#1890748)
    Race condition in permission assignment
  * CVE-2024-6602 (bmo#1895032)
    Memory corruption in NSS
  * CVE-2024-6603 (bmo#1895081)
    Memory corruption in thread creation
  * CVE-2024-6611 (bmo#1844827)
    Incorrect handling of SameSite cookies
  * CVE-2024-6612 (bmo#1880374)
    CSP violation leakage when using devtools
  * CVE-2024-6613 (bmo#1900523)
    Incorrect listing of stack frames
  * CVE-2024-6614 (bmo#1902983)
    Incorrect listing of stack frames
  * CVE-2024-6604 (bmo#1748105, bmo#1837550, bmo#1884266)
    Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 128, Firefox ESR 115.13,
    and Thunderbird 115.13
  * CVE-2024-6615 (bmo#1892875, bmo#1894428, bmo#1898364)
    Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 128
- requires
  NSS 3.101.1
  rust >= 1.78
- update
- add wayland upstream fixes (bmo#1907511, bmo#1898476)
  (mozilla-bmo1898476.patch and mozilla-bmo1907511.patch)

==== bluedevil6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: bluedevil6-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== blueman ====
Version update (2.3.5 -> 2.4.2)
Subpackages: blueman-lang thunar-sendto-blueman

- Update to version 2.4.2:
  * Broken audio profile applet menu items
  * Missing manager window title
  * Teardown of DBus mock server in tests
  * Only a single battery notification
  * Renamed recent connections header in applet menu
  * Translation updates
  * An option to toggle the manager window with the tray icon (the 2.3 behavior
    useful when there are no window decorations for closing it)
- Update to version 2.4.1:
  * Fallback for missing icons
  * Correct Bluetooth state tracking in manager window
  * Sporadic error on battery data (Note that there was a regression
    in Linux 6.8.2, 6.7.11 and 6.6.23 that causes it and lots of other trouble)
  * Active state on tray icon
  * Broken markup in tray menu
  * Translation updates
  * Handle incompabilities with kded6 running on desktops without
    StatusNotifierItem support
- Update to version 2.4:
  * Fix device-selected handlers
  * Fix deprecations in tests
  * Fix showing -1 seconds when discovering @kuraga
  * Tray: Let dbus call end and reply to caller
  * Get the image-missing icon if lookup failed to avoid crash
  * Raise minimum Python version to 3.8
  * Raise minumum Gtk+ version to 3.24
  * Hide recent connections associated with unavailable adapters
  * Store network configuration in GSettings instead of
  * Replace custom MessageArea widget with regular Gtk.InfoBar
  * Drop auto-power feature. BlueZ now has the AutoEnable setting for even
    better auto-powering.
  * Do not use pointless link quality value
  * Recent connections in toplevel applet menu
  * Never hide keyboard and combos, see #1954 for more info
  * Do not close blueman-manager from applet
  * Add Switch to blueman-manager to set bluetooth on/off
  * Remove broken check for bluetooth status
  * PluginDialog: Replace custom list with Gtk.ListBox
  * Ignore double-click for connect when unpowered
  * Drop homgeneous from statusbar
  * PulseAudioUtils: Use python enums in several places
  * Use operator convenience functions
  * Cleanup PluginDialog UI
  * Show HCI device in blueman-adapers tabs
  * Show different icon for the active audio profile @localevil
  * Make blueman-services a notebook
  * Use the TypedDict as constructor
  * Audio profile switcher in applet menu (@abhijeetviswa)
  * Set router address as DNS server instead of loopback addresses
  * Enable dnsmasq DNS service if possible and add DNS servers otherwise
  * Reconfigure DHCP service on local nameserver changes
  * Support for systemd-resolved for getting nameservers for NAP clients
  * List connected devices in status icon tooltip
  * Support for nautilus 43 and later
  * Copy bleutooth address to clipboard in devicelist
  * Add battery levels to status icon tooltip

==== breeze6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: breeze6-cursors breeze6-decoration breeze6-style breeze6-style-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== breeze6-gtk ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: gtk2-metatheme-breeze6 gtk3-metatheme-breeze6 gtk4-metatheme-breeze6 metatheme-breeze6-common

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== cronie ====
Subpackages: cron

- Improve permissions checks in run-cron. Just check if the permission
  matches completely. Otherwise e.g. setgid directories causes failures

==== discover6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: discover6-backend-flatpak discover6-backend-fwupd discover6-backend-packagekit discover6-lang discover6-notifier

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release
  * flatpak: also auto-handle rebases from runtimes
  * flatpak: uninstall properly EOL refs that have no replacement
  * flatpak: don't trip over null gerrors (kde#487526)
  * update version for new release

==== drkonqi6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: drkonqi6-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== fdupes ====
Version update (2.3.0 -> 2.3.1)

- update to 2.3.1:
  * Fix buffer overflow bug in getrealpath() function.

==== flatpak-kcm6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: flatpak-kcm6-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- No code changes since 6.1.2

==== fontconfig ====
Subpackages: fontconfig-lang libfontconfig1

- Run autoreconf unconditionally to allow newer versions
  of Automake.

==== freerdp ====
Version update (3.5.1 -> 3.6.3)
Subpackages: libfreerdp3-3 librdtk0-0 libwinpr3-3

- Update to 3.6.3:
  * Fix xfreerdp and sdl-freerdp manpage names (accidentally changed name)
  * Fix crash of wfreerdp
  * Fix missing dependency for ci abi-checker
  * Fix build WITH_SSE2/WITH_NEON: only enable support if the compiler
    also defines symbols that suggest support.
  * Improved image copy (#10208)
  * Experimental [MS-RDPECAM] support by @oleg0421 (#10258)
  * Improved primitives (#10304)
  * Connection timeout for HTTP gateway transport (#10288)
  * Improved command line failure logging (#10333)
  * p11-kit support (#10081)
  * json-c support (#10183)
  * (experimental) SDL3 port SDL client (#10195)
  * New option '/gfx:frame-ack:off' for connection delay testing (#10214)
  * improved decoder speed (#10222, #10235)
  * xfreerdp floatbar hide bug (#10237)
  * winpr-makecert month bug (#10236)
  * kerberos kdcUrl check fixes (#10238)
  * timezone updates (#10120, #10144, #10170)
  * fixed a capability protocol violation bug (#10132)
  * fix SDL client dialog bug terminating on credential dialog (#10134)
  * some more oss-fuzz issues (#10126, #10141, #10148, #10161, #10239)
  * fix a graphics regression (#10352)
  * workaround for a protocol bug of older FreeRDP based servers (#10358)
  * fix possible NULL dereference in command line parser (#10348)

==== gettext-runtime ====
Subpackages: libtextstyle0

- Use %autosetup

==== git ====
Subpackages: git-core git-email git-svn git-web perl-Git

- Add CVE-2024-24577.patch
  * CVE-2024-24577: arbitrary code execution due to heap corruption
    in git_index_add (boo#1219660)

==== gnome-music ====
Version update (46.0 -> 46.1)
Subpackages: gnome-music-lang

- Update to version 46.1:
  + Fix search dropping the first character
  + Bugs fixed:
  - Handle bad image formats graciously
  - Fix first char dropping on search
  - Fix PyGObject change fallout
  - Incorrect/missing URLs in app metadata

==== gnome-shell ====
Subpackages: gnome-extensions gnome-shell-calendar gnome-shell-lang

- Add CVE-2024-36472.patch: Show notification when detecting
  captive portal
  (glgo#GNOME/gnome-shell#7688 bsc#1225567 CVE-2024-36472).

==== graphviz ====
Subpackages: libcdt5 libcgraph6 libgvc6 libpathplan4

- Add -fpermissive to optflags when compiling the addons flavor in
  order to prevent GCC 14 to throw errors upon encountering various
  C99 violations. [boo#1225776]

==== gtk2 ====
Subpackages: gtk2-data gtk2-immodule-xim gtk2-lang gtk2-tools libgtk-2_0-0

- Add automake-1.17.patch to support Automake 1.17 in

==== guestfs-tools ====
Version update (1.52.0 -> 1.53.1)

- Update to version 1.53.1 (jsc#PED-6305)
  * Add support for LoongArch.
  * Suppress false use-after-free warning generated by GCC 14
  * m4/guestfs-c.m4: Re-add ./configure --enable-werror
  * make-fs: Use -S option with -z
  * sysprep: Make clearer that we do not support Windows
  * Fix bytecode compilation to output whole exe instead of using
  - custom
  * options: Allow nbd+unix:// URIs
- Drop patches contained in new tarball

==== hplip ====
Subpackages: hplip-hpijs hplip-sane hplip-udev-rules

- Add hplip-pserror-c99.patch hplip-scan-hpaio-include.patch
  hplip-scan-orblite-c99.patch hplip-sclpml-strcasestr.patch
  hplip-hpaio-gcc14.patch to avoid C99 violations which prevent
  building with GCC 14. [boo#1225777]

==== ibus-m17n ====
Version update (1.4.29 -> 1.4.30)

- Update to 1.4.30
  * Name of Sinhala input method changed: si-wijesekera ➡️ si-wijesekara
  * Add Sinhala translations

==== irqbalance ====
Subpackages: irqbalance-ui

- removed ProtectKernelTunables=yes from irqbalance.service to
  fix "Cannot change IRQ %d affinity: Read-only file system" errors.

==== java-21-openjdk ====
Version update ( ->
Subpackages: java-21-openjdk-headless

- Update to upstream tag jdk-21.0.4+7 (July 2024 CPU)
  * Security fixes
    + JDK-8314794, CVE-2024-21131, bsc#1228046: Improve UTF8 String
    + JDK-8319859, CVE-2024-21138, bsc#1228047: Better symbol
    + JDK-8320097: Improve Image transformations
    + JDK-8320548, CVE-2024-21140, bsc#1228048: Improved loop
    + JDK-8323231, CVE-2024-21147, bsc#1228052: Improve array
    + JDK-8323390: Enhance mask blit functionality
    + JDK-8324559, CVE-2024-21145, bsc#1228051: Improve 2D image
    + JDK-8325600: Better symbol storage
    + JDK-8327413: Enhance compilation efficiency
  * Other changes
    + JDK-7001133: OutOfMemoryError by CustomMediaSizeName
    + JDK-8159927: Add a test to verify JMOD files created in the
    images do not have debug symbols
    + JDK-8185862: AWT Assertion Failure in ::GetDIBits(hBMDC, hBM,
    0, 1, 0, gpBitmapInfo, 0) 'awt_Win32GraphicsDevice.cpp', at
    line 185
    + JDK-8187759: Background not refreshed when painting over a
    transparent JFrame
    + JDK-8223696: java/net/httpclient/ failed with
    didn't finish within the time-out
    + JDK-8259866: two java.util tests failed with "IOException:
    There is not enough space on the disk"
    + JDK-8266242: java/awt/GraphicsDevice/
    failing on macOS 11 ARM
    + JDK-8278527: java/util/concurrent/tck/
    fails nanoTime test
    + JDK-8280056: gtest/
    failed "os.release_one_mapping_multi_commits_vm"
    + JDK-8281658: Add a security category to the java
  - XshowSettings option
    + JDK-8288936: Wrong lock ordering writing
    G1HeapRegionTypeChange JFR event
    + JDK-8288989: Make tests not depend on the source code
    + JDK-8293069: Make -XX:+Verbose less verbose
    + JDK-8293850: need a largest_committed  metric for each
    category of NMT's output
    + JDK-8294699: Launcher causes lingering busy cursor
    + JDK-8294985: SSLEngine throws IAE during parsing of
    + JDK-8295111: dpkg appears to have problems resolving
    symbolically linked native libraries
    + JDK-8299023: and
    are failing intermittently
    + JDK-8301183: (zipfs) jdk/jdk/nio/zipfs/
    / failing with ZipException:R0
    on OL9
    + JDK-8303525: Refactor/cleanup
    + JDK-8303773: Replace "main.wrapper" with
    "test.thread.factory" property in test code
    + JDK-8303891: Speed up Zip64SizeTest using a small ZIP64 file
    + JDK-8303959: tools/jpackage/share/
    fails with java.lang.AssertionError missing files
    + JDK-8303972: (zipfs) Make test/jdk/jdk/nio/zipfs/
    / independent of the zip command
    + JDK-8304839: Move TestScaffold.main() to the separate class
    + JDK-8305645: System Tray icons get corrupted when Windows
    primary monitor changes
    + JDK-8305931: jdk/jfr/jcmd/
    failed with "Expected chains but found none"
    + JDK-8306040: HttpResponseInputStream.available() returns 1 on
    empty stream
    + JDK-8308144: Uncontrolled memory consumption in
    + JDK-8308453: Convert JKS test keystores in
    test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/etc to PKCS12
    + JDK-8309142: Refactor test/langtools/tools/javac/versions/
    + JDK-8309752: com/sun/jdi/
    fails with virtual test thread factory due to
    + JDK-8309757: com/sun/jdi/ fails with
    virtual test thread factory
    + JDK-8309763: Move tests in test/jdk/sun/misc/URLClassPath
    directory to test/jdk/jdk/internal/loader
    + JDK-8309871: jdk/jfr/api/consumer/recordingstream/
    / timed out
    + JDK-8309890: waits for
    the wrong condition
    + JDK-8310070: Test javax/net/ssl/DTLS/
    timed out
    + JDK-8310228: Improve error reporting for uncaught native
    exceptions on Windows
    + JDK-8310234: Refactor Locale tests to use JUnit
    + JDK-8310355: Move the stub test from initialize_final_stubs()
    to test/hotspot/gtest
    + JDK-8310513: [s390x] Intrinsify recursive ObjectMonitor
    + JDK-8310731: Configure a for the
    ... changelog too long, skipping 514 lines ...
    environmental variable if it is set

==== javapackages-tools ====
Subpackages: javapackages-filesystem

- Added patch:
  * 0008-Reproducible-builds-constant-timestamp-for-pom.prope.patch
    + use reproducible timestamp when post-processing jar files and
    adding there the file.

==== kactivitymanagerd6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: kactivitymanagerd6-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- No code changes since 6.1.2

==== kde-cli-tools6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: kde-cli-tools6-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== kde-gtk-config6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: kde-gtk-config6-gtk3

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== kdecoration6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: libkdecorations2-6 libkdecorations2-6-lang libkdecorations2private11

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== kdeplasma6-addons ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: kdeplasma6-addons-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== kf6-kio ====
Subpackages: kf6-kio-lang libKF6KIO6

- Add patch to fix issues with dropping files
  (kde#490183, boo#1228053):
  * 0001-Remove-parent-for-DropMenu.patch

==== kf6-kwidgetsaddons ====
Subpackages: libKF6WidgetsAddons6 libKF6WidgetsAddons6-lang

- Add upstream fix:
  * 0001-Partially-revert-cccaa8.patch

==== kgamma6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: kgamma6-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== kglobalacceld6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: libKGlobalAccelD6-0

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * explicitly process invalid keycodes (kde#489001)
  * update version for new release

==== kinfocenter6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: kinfocenter6-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== kmenuedit6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: kmenuedit6-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== kpipewire6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: kpipewire6-imports libKPipeWire6 libKPipeWire6-lang libKPipeWireDmaBuf6 libKPipeWireRecord6

- Add patches to support libopenh264 for encoding
  (boo#1227461, kde#476187):
  * 0001-Simpler-yet-more-useful-handling-of-KPIPEWIRE_FORCE_.patch
  * 0002-Add-encoder-using-libopenh264.patch
- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * produce: Properly cleanup on deactivate in all cases (kde#488687)
  * produce: Destroy PipeWireSourceStream on the right thread (kde#489434)
  * update version for new release

==== kscreen6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: kscreen6-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release
  * kcm: use ContextualHelpButton from Kirigami
  * update version for new release

==== kscreenlocker6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: kscreenlocker6-lang libKScreenLocker6

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * greeter/authenticators: add a property for if a prompt was shown in the past
  * update version for new release

==== ksshaskpass6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: ksshaskpass6-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== ksystemstats6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: ksystemstats6-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== kwayland-integration6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== kwayland6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: libKWaylandClient6

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== kwin6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: kwin6-lang kwin6-x11 libkwin6

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release
  * plugins/nightlight: Relax custom times constraints (kde#489366)
  * wayland: Simplify XdgPopupWindow::sendRoleConfigure()
  * wayland: Dismiss XdgPopupWindow when the parent window is closed (kde#472013)
  * tiling: Don't put maximized windows in tile (kde#489463)
  * Input method window should not break showing desktop (kde#489057)
  * plugins/fadingpopups: don't block direct scanout (kde#487780)
  * backends/drm: test and apply all mode changes at once
  * autotests/drm: add test for vrr capability changing without a hotunplug
  * backends/drm: update output properties after they're created too (kde#486149)
  * use separation dep_version to build against, updated by release scripts
  * plugins/screencast: Don't download texture data if target size and texture size mismatch
  * plugins/screencast: Allocate offscreen texture in WindowScreenCastSource::render(QImage) as big as the memfd buffer (kde#489764)
  * autotests: Skip testScreencasting in CI
  * Foward modifiers after disabling sticky keys
  * plugins/screenshot: Port blitScreenshot() to glReadnPixels()
  * wayland: add error handling for QFile::open failure in org_kde_plasma_window_get_icon
  * placement: ignore the active output with place under mouse (kde#488110)
  * opengl: Add OpenGlContext::glGetnTexImage()
  * plugins/screencast: Prefer glReadnPixels() and glGetnTexImage()
  * WindowHeapDelegate: label topMargin to small, remove height padding (kde#489595)
  * plugins/glide: drop references to closed windows if they're not animated
  * update version for new release
  * plugins/screencast: Handle frame rate throttling timer firing a bit earlier
  * backends/drm: disable triple buffering on NVidia (kde#487833)

==== kwrited6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== layer-shell-qt6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: libLayerShellQtInterface6

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== less ====
Version update (656 -> 661)

- Update to 661:
  * fix crash - buffer overflow by one in fexpand
  * fix free(): double free detected in tcache 2
  * fix segmentation fault on line-num-width & -N

==== libblockdev ====
Version update (3.1.0 -> 3.1.1)
Subpackages: libbd_btrfs3 libbd_crypto3 libbd_fs3 libbd_loop3 libbd_lvm3 libbd_mdraid3 libbd_nvme3 libbd_part3 libbd_swap3 libbd_utils3 libblockdev3

- update to 3.1.1:
  * Use glib2 G_GNUC_UNUSED in place of UNUSED locally defined
  * Port to G_GNUC_INTERNAL for controlling symbols visibility
  * Fix some more occurrences of missing port to G_GNUC_UNUSED
  * dm_logging: Annotate redirect_dm_log() printf format
  * tests: Add NVMe persistent discovery controller tests
  * tests: Add NVMe controller type checks
  * Makefile: Fix bumpver to work with micro versions
  * tests: Manually remove removed PVs from LVM devices file
  * tests: Ignore LVM devices file for non-LVM tests
  * tests: Fix removing custom LVM devices file
  * nvme: Add bd_nvme_is_tech_avail to the API file
  * lvm-dbus: Fix passing size for pvresize over DBus

==== libbpf ====
Version update (1.4.3 -> 1.4.5)

- update to 1.4.5:
  * Another small bug fix release backporting
    which works around kernel-side bug with USDT PID filtering on
    kernels that support multi-uprobe (but have broken PID

==== libguestfs ====
Version update (1.52.1 -> 1.53.5)
Subpackages: libguestfs-appliance libguestfs-winsupport libguestfs-xfs libguestfs0

- Update to version 1.53.5 (jsc#PED-6305)
  * generator/ Split --chown parameter on ':' character
  * daemon: Add gost checksum command support
  * Add detection support for Circle Linux
  * Add support for LoongArch.
  * daemon: Fix file architecture translation for LoongArch
  * options: Allow nbd+unix:// URIs
  * daemon/parted: Assume sfdisk --part-type exists
  * daemon: Reimplement partition GPT functions using sfdisk
  * appliance: only wait for resolv.conf update if dhcpcd succeeded
  * generator/ Add virt-customize --inject-blnsvr operation
  * lib: libvirt: Stop recommending LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct
  * daemon: cryptsetup_open: Add --cipher
  * rust: Handle null pointer when creating slice
  * Remove gluster support
  * Remove sheepdog support
  * Remove tftp drive support
  * generator/daemon: Don't truncate 64 bit results from OCaml functions
  * daemon: Fix parsing in part_get_gpt_attributes
  * New APIs: findfs_partuuid and findfs_partlabel
  * inspection: Resolve PARTUUID= and PARTLABEL= in /etc/fstab
  * generator/ Fix version field for new APIs
  * Kylin is centos derivative

==== libgusb ====
Version update (0.4.8 -> 0.4.9)

- update to 0.4.9:
  * Allow reading HID descriptors larger than 255 bytes
  * Close the libusb handle if returning open failure
  * Fix a buffer over-read when emulating devices
  * Only request the BOS descriptor when bcdUSB is new enough

==== libkscreen6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: libKF6Screen8 libKF6Screen8-lang libKF6ScreenDpms8 libkscreen6-plugin

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * Destroy the registry when WaylandConfig gets deleted (kde#482768)
  * update version for new release

==== libksysguard6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: ksysguardsystemstats6-data libKSysGuardSystemStats2 libksysguard6-imports libksysguard6-lang libksysguard6-plugins

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== libmaxminddb ====
Version update (1.9.1 -> 1.10.0)

- update to 1.10.0:
  * The reader can now lookup records on a database with a search
    tree that is greater than 4 gigabytes without sometimes
    returning erroneous results due to an integer overflow.

==== libnl3 ====
Version update (3.9.0 -> 3.10.0)
Subpackages: libnl-config libnl3-200

- Update to release 3.10
  * route: support for setting ageing time for dynamic bridge
    table entries
  * route: support for VLAN filtering on bridge ports
  * route: support for layer 3 filtering on bridges

==== libplasma6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: libPlasma6 libPlasma6-lang libplasma6-components libplasma6-desktoptheme

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release
  * containmentitem.cpp: Do not set dropJob parent to m_dropMenu (kde#484674)
  * update version for new release

==== libstorage-ng ====
Version update (4.5.217 -> 4.5.218)
Subpackages: libstorage-ng-lang libstorage-ng-ruby libstorage-ng1

- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#1000
- coding style
- 4.5.218

==== liburing ====

- Fix buf-ring-nommap.t test failure
  * test-buf-ring-nommap-zero-the-ringbuf-memory.patch

==== libyui ====
Version update (4.6.1 -> 4.6.2)

- Fix build failure with gcc-14 / C++20: template-id-cdtor error
- 4.6.2

==== libyui-ncurses ====
Version update (4.6.1 -> 4.6.2)

- Fix build failure with gcc-14 / C++20: template-id-cdtor error
- 4.6.2

==== libyui-ncurses-pkg ====
Version update (4.6.1 -> 4.6.2)

- Fix build failure with gcc-14 / C++20: template-id-cdtor error
- 4.6.2

==== libyui-qt ====
Version update (4.6.1 -> 4.6.2)

- Fix build failure with gcc-14 / C++20: template-id-cdtor error
- 4.6.2

==== libyui-qt-graph ====
Version update (4.6.1 -> 4.6.2)

- Fix build failure with gcc-14 / C++20: template-id-cdtor error
- 4.6.2

==== libyui-qt-pkg ====
Version update (4.6.1 -> 4.6.2)

- Fix build failure with gcc-14 / C++20: template-id-cdtor error
- 4.6.2

==== lightdm ====
Subpackages: liblightdm-gobject-1-0 lightdm-bash-completion lightdm-lang

- Add typecasts to avoid passing incompatible pointer types to
  opensuse_sysconfig_get_string and opensuse_sysconfig_get_boolean to
  our patch lightdm-sysconfig-support.patch so that the package
  compiles with compilers which by default enforce C99 standard such
  as GCC 14. [boo#1221704]

==== live555 ====
Version update (2023.11.30 -> 2024.06.26)
Subpackages: libBasicUsageEnvironment2 libUsageEnvironment3 libgroupsock30 libliveMedia112

- update to 2024-06-26:
  * Updated the "OnDemandServerMediaSubsession" implementation to
    output an error message if the "sink->startPlaying()" call failed
    (e.g., due to its source not being compatible with the sink).
    This makes some common errors (e.g, a proper 'framer' not
    being used) easier to detect.
- update to 2024-05-30:
  * Fixed a mistake that caused the config file
    "config.raspberrypi" to not appear in the distribution.
- update to 2024-05-15:
  * Added a new config file "config.raspberrypi" that is known to
    work for building the code on/for a Raspberry Pi 5.
- update to 2024-05-05:
  * Updated "QuickTimeFileSink" to add support for recording H.265
    video streams.  (This is not fully working yet; it appears to
    have some bugs.)
- update to 2024-04-19:
  * Updated "MPEG2TransportStreamFramer" to ignore big jumps (2x or
    more) in the estimate for the duration of each Transport
    This is likely caused by an unexpected jump in the PCR (not
    indicated by "discontinuity_indicator").
- update to 2024-03-08:
  * Changed "ServerTLSState::setup()" (in "TLSState.cpp") to call
    "SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file()" instead of
    "SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file()", to allow the server operator to
    specify a chain of certificates, rather than just one.
- update to 2024.02.28:
  * Updated the code for "dateHeader()" (in "RTSPCommon.cpp") to
    avoid using "strftime()", because that can produce a localized
    date string that violates the RTSP specification
    (which uses section 3.3.1 of RFC 2068 (the HTTP/1.1
    specification) to define the "Date:" header).
- update to 2024.02.23:
  * Updated the code for "dateHeader()" (in "RTSPCommon.cpp") to use
    "NULL" instead of "nullptr"; the latter was causing compilation
    problems for someone.
- update to 2024.02.15:
  * Updated the RTCP implementation so that reception stats for a
    SSRC are no longer deleted, even if a SSRC is reaped due to RTCP
    inactivity (no RTCP "SR" reports received recently).
- update to 2024.

==== mariadb ====
Subpackages: libmariadbd19 mariadb-client mariadb-errormessages

- Remove func_math_tests_MDEV-26645.diff as patch for s390x/ppc64le
- Add s390x to the constraints file

==== milou6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: milou6-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== multipath-tools ====
Version update (0.9.9+90+suse.f1d2f20 -> 0.9.9+161+suse.0c835ef)
Subpackages: kpartx libmpath0

- Update to version 0.9.9+161+suse.0c835ef:
  * Update to upstream reviewed code path (787e00d)
  * Added hardware defaults for Huawei storage arrays and XSG1 vendors
  * Refactored and improved the libultipath / libdevmapper interface
  * Fixed bug that caused queueing to be always disabled if flushing a map failed
  (bug introduced in 0.9.8).
  * Fixed failure to remove maps even with `deferred_remove`
  (bug introduced in 0.9.9).
  * CI improvements
  * Documentation fixes

==== nano ====
Version update (8.0 -> 8.1)
Subpackages: nano-lang

- GNU nano 8.1:
  * The idiom nano filename:linenumber is understood only when
    the option --colonparsing (or 'set colonparsing') is used
  * Modern bindings are not activated when nano's invocation name
    starts with "e", as it jars with Debian's alternatives system
  * New bindable function 'cycle' first centers the current row,
    then moves it to the top of the viewport, then to the bottom
  * It is bound by default to ^L.
  * Option --listsyntaxes/-z lists the names of available syntaxes

==== ocean-sound-theme6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== openSUSE-release ====
Version update (20240716 -> 20240722)
Subpackages: openSUSE-release-appliance-custom openSUSE-release-dvd

- automatically generated by openSUSE-release-tools/pkglistgen

==== ovmf ====
Version update (202311 -> 202402)
Subpackages: qemu-ovmf-x86_64

- Update to edk2-stable202402
  - Features (
    NetworkPkg: Packet->Length is not updated before being used by Dhcp6AppendIaAddrOption to safely know it can append.
    NetworkPkg: Out-of-bounds read when processing IA_NA/IA_TA options in a DHCPv6 Advertise message
    Heap Buffer Overflow in Tcg2MeasureGptTable()
    Add LoongArch help functions and defines in MdePkg and move some ArmVirtPkg libraries and PCDs to OvmfPkg
    Add NVMe Sanitize command support to Nvme.h
    Remove CSM support from OvmfPkg
    MAT Logic Incorrectly Reports Runtime Images
  - Patches (git log --oneline --date-order edk2-stable202311..edk2-stable202402):
    edc6681206 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: fix NULL deref when gSmmBaseHobGuid is missing
    72c441df36 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: distinguish GetSmBase() failure modes
    5fd3078a2e NetworkPkg: : Updating SecurityFixes.yaml
    75deaf5c3c NetworkPkg: Dhcp6Dxe: Packet-Length is not updated before appending
    af3fad99d6 NetworkPkg: Dhcp6Dxe: Removes duplicate check and replaces with macro
    1c440a5ece NetworkPkg: Dhcp6Dxe: SECURITY PATCH CVE-2023-45229 Related Patch
    a1c426e844 UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Add DSC and host tests that always fail
    0a989069df UnitTestFrameworkPkg/SampleGoogleTest: Use EXPECT_ANY_THROW()
    2d144d7e14 UnitTestFrameworkPkg/UnitTestDebugAssertLib: Add GoogleTest support
    312ccaf81b UnitTestFrameworkPkg/UnitTestLib: GetActiveFrameworkHandle() no ASSERT()
    81b69f306f UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Expand host-based exception handling and gcov
    46c6de57b0 UnitTestFrameworkPkg: MSFT CC_FLAGS add /MT to for host builds
    ded41a64bd MdePkg/Include: Rename _DEBUG() to address name collision
    8801c75b4d OvmfPkg: Align XenRealTimeClockLib function headers with return values
    dcdc6f8e3f ArmPlatformPkg: Align PL031 library function headers with return values
    844ead5bce EmbeddedPkg: Align RealTimeClock function headers with return values
    ef4d35d4ed MdeModulePkg: Align RuntimeDxe function headers with UEFI return values
    e4ceae5c18 MdePkg: Add EFI_UNSUPPORTED return for some Runtime Service functions
    dcf2e39dce EmbeddedPkg: compiler error due to arithmetic operation on void pointer
    e32b58ab5a BaseTools: Remove Duplicate sets of SkuName and SkuId from allskuset
    8f316e99ec BaseTools: Optimize GenerateByteArrayValue and CollectPlatformGuids APIs
    4d1f0babe2 MdePkg: Add SynchronizationLib to
    1d0b95f645 NetworkPkg: : Adds a SecurityFix.yaml file
    ff2986358f NetworkPkg: UefiPxeBcDxe: SECURITY PATCH CVE-2023-45235 Unit Tests
    fac297724e NetworkPkg: UefiPxeBcDxe: SECURITY PATCH CVE-2023-45235 Patch
    7f04c7a253 MdePkg: Test: Add gRT_GetTime Google Test Mock
    458c582685 NetworkPkg: UefiPxeBcDxe: SECURITY PATCH CVE-2023-45234 Unit Tests
    1b53515d53 NetworkPkg: UefiPxeBcDxe: SECURITY PATCH CVE-2023-45234 Patch
    c9c87f08dd NetworkPkg: Ip6Dxe: SECURITY PATCH CVE-2023-45232 Unit Tests
    4df0229ef9 NetworkPkg: Ip6Dxe: SECURITY PATCH CVE-2023-45232 Patch
    6f77463d72 NetworkPkg: Ip6Dxe: SECURITY PATCH CVE-2023-45231 Unit Tests
    bbfee34f41 NetworkPkg: Ip6Dxe: SECURITY PATCH CVE-2023-45231 Patch
    07362769ab NetworkPkg: Dhcp6Dxe: SECURITY PATCH CVE-2023-45229 Unit Tests
    1dbb10cc52 NetworkPkg: Dhcp6Dxe: SECURITY PATCH CVE-2023-45229 Patch
    5f3658197b NetworkPkg: Dhcp6Dxe: SECURITY PATCH CVE-2023-45230 Unit Tests
    8014ac2d7b NetworkPkg: : Add Unit tests to CI and create Host Test DSC
    f31453e8d6 NetworkPkg: Dhcp6Dxe: SECURITY PATCH CVE-2023-45230 Patch
    959f71c801 MdeModulePkg: Optimize CoreConnectSingleController
    9eddbab650 MdeModulePkg: Remove handle validation check in CoreGetProtocolInterface
    62b43ec896 ArmVirtPkg: Move PlatformBootManagerLib to OvmfPkg
    6bbce86d21 ArmVirtPkg: Move two PCD variables into OvmfPkg
    0cca97e0a8 ArmVirtPkg: Move the FdtSerialPortAddressLib to OvmfPkg
    5a3788bfca OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Remove PciCpuIo2Dxe from RiscVVirt
    010f7298ce OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Enable CpuMmio2Dxe
    147beaa5e7 ArmVirtPkg: Enable CpuMmio2Dxe
    55a0cdb61c UefiCpuPkg: Add a new CPU IO 2 driver named CpuMmio2Dxe
    54c2cdb241 ArmVirtPkg: Move PCD of FDT base address and FDT padding to OvmfPkg
    3db49a6ca8 EmbeddedPkg: Add PcdPrePiCpuIoSize width for LOONGARCH64
    f560c5d112 MdePkg: Add some comments for LoongArch exceptions
    3f8fb8aeb9 MdePkg: Add a new library named PeiServicesTablePointerLibKs0
    bc0b418cba MdePkg: Add IOCSR operation for LoongArch
    0565a8e885 MdePkg: Add CSR operation for LoongArch
    414ad233a5 MdePkg: Add read stable counter operation for LoongArch
    344dc4b9d3 MdePkg: Add LoongArch Cpucfg function
    2ff435b264 MdePkg: Add LoongArch64 local interrupt function set into BaseLib
    57684402e4 MdePkg: Add LoongArch64 exception function set into BaseLib
    e5b5073153 MdePkg: Add LoongArch64 FPU function set into BaseCpuLib
    9e1576bc10 MdePkg: Add the header file named Csr.h for LoongArch64
    ae59b8ba41 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm:Map SMRAM in 4K page granularity
    397a084b9b UefiCpuPkg: Add more Paging mode enumeration
    30a25f2778 UefiCpuPkg: Reduce and optimize access to attribute
    056b4bf74b BaseTools/Scripts/ Check for Change-id
    141dcaed6c UefiCpuPkg: Add cache operations support for Arch proto
    cd6f215223 OvmfPkg/ResetVector: Fix SNP CPUID table processing results for ECX/EDX
    a1b98c8f84 StandaloneMmPkg/Core: Output status in MMI handler assertion
    927ea1364d ShellPkg: Update smbiosview for LoongArch
    a3aab12c34 MdeModulePkg: Dxe: add LOONGARCH64 to mMachineTypeInfo
    3656352675 UefiPayloadPkg/Crypto: Support external Crypto drivers.
    97c3f5b8d2 OvmfPkg/IoMmuDxe: Provide an implementation for SetAttribute
    0e9b124f9c UefiCpuPkg/BaseXApic[X2]ApicLib: Implements AMD extended cpu topology
    d14526372d MdePkg: Adds AMD Extended CPU topology CPUID
    40a45b5a2b Basetools: Include PCD declarations from Library Instance
    af6e0e728f MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe: Set MemoryTypeInfo bin range from HOB
    c5e702e45a MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe: Initialize GCD before RT memory allocations
    909a9a5ae4 ArmPkg: Disable watchdog interaction after exiting boot services
    9ac93da5b5 ArmPkg: Introduce global mTimerPeriod and remove calculation
    beefa753f3 ArmPkg: Update GenericWatchdogDxe to allow setting full 48-bit offset
    98c7cb3be7 OvmfPkg/ResetVector: send post codes to qemu debug console
    a6013625a3 PcAtChipsetPkg/HpetTimerDxe: Fix nested interrupt time accuracy
    dc33394701 DynamicTablesPkg: Exempt some _CPC field from checks
    dec9d35738 DynamicTablesPkg: Add PcdDevelopmentPlatformRelaxations Pcd
    b2c4916344 DynamicTablesPkg: Add DynamicTablesScmiInfoLib
    fc04cfd119 DynamicTablesPkg: Generate _PSD in SsdtCpuTopologyGenerator
    3344495489 DynamicTablesPkg: Add AmlCreatePsdNode() to generate _PSD
    0a9060b259 DynamicTablesPkg: Add PsdToken field to CM_ARM_GICC_INFO object
    71ec5d3415 DynamicTablesPkg: Add CM_ARM_PSD_INFO object
    e3992e40c7 DynamicTablesPkg: Rename AmlCpcInfo.h to AcpiObjects.h
    ec15e345ae DynamicTablesPkg: Use new CPC revision macro
    9f0ebabb57 ArmPkg/ArmScmiDxe: Add PERFORMANCE_DESCRIBE_FASTCHANNEL support
    ... changelog too long, skipping 305 lines ...
  * No longer build and package EnrollDefaultKeys.efi and Shell.efi

==== pam_kwallet6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: pam_kwallet6-32bit pam_kwallet6-common

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== pinentry ====
Version update (1.3.0 -> 1.3.1)

- update to 1.3.1:
  * qt: Install and use pinentry icon. [rPf9c252a8d9]
  * qt: Small fix for Qt5. [rP844360c9c9]
  * qt: Fix Windows build of Qt6. [rP34019f954a]
  * New envvar PINENTRY_KDE_USE_WALLET to enable the secret
    storage integration on KDE. [rP23753cfb03]

==== pinentry-gui ====
Version update (1.3.0 -> 1.3.1)
Subpackages: pinentry-gnome3 pinentry-gtk2 pinentry-qt6

- update to 1.3.1:
  * qt: Install and use pinentry icon. [rPf9c252a8d9]
  * qt: Small fix for Qt5. [rP844360c9c9]
  * qt: Fix Windows build of Qt6. [rP34019f954a]
  * New envvar PINENTRY_KDE_USE_WALLET to enable the secret
    storage integration on KDE. [rP23753cfb03]

==== pipewire ====
Version update (1.2.0 -> 1.2.1)
Subpackages: gstreamer-plugin-pipewire libpipewire-0_3-0 pipewire-alsa pipewire-jack pipewire-lang pipewire-libjack-0_3 pipewire-modules-0_3 pipewire-pulseaudio pipewire-spa-plugins-0_2 pipewire-spa-tools pipewire-tools

- Update to version 1.2.1:
  * Highlights
  - Fix a regression in the node activation counters that would
    break audio when using KODI.
  - Fix a regression in ardour export because of mishandling of
    sync groups.
  - Fix a regression in KDE screen preview because of the new
    async scheduling.
  - Fix a regression in context.exec argument parsing that would
    break some existing scripts.
  - More small bug fixes and improvements.
  * PipeWire
  - Fix a regression in the node activation counters that would
    break audio when using KODI. (#4087)
  - Fix a regression in ardour export because of mishandling of
    sync groups. (#4083)
  - Fix a regression in KDE screen preview because of the new
    async scheduling. Disable async for driver nodes. (#4092)
  - Slightly improve node shutdown to cause less xruns.
  - Fix a regression in context.exec argument parsing that would
    break some existing scripts.
  - Support custom thread create functions.
  * Modules
  - Improve snapcast address parsing. (#4093)
  * SPA
  - Fix multiple %f parsing in ACP for the new plug+a52 profiles.
  - Improve v4l2 param generation. Improve recovery when
    framesize or rates are unknown, support vivid. (#4063)
  * JACK
  - Use the custom thread create function to correctly let
    module-rt kit manage threads so that we don't end up with
    priorities on the wrong threads. (#4099)
  * GStreamer
  - Fix a crash when destroying a stream.

==== plasma5support6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: libPlasma5Support6 libPlasma5Support6-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-activities ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: libPlasmaActivities6 plasma6-activities-imports

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-activities-stats ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: libPlasmaActivitiesStats1

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-browser-integration ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: plasma6-browser-integration-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-desktop ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: plasma6-desktop-emojier plasma6-desktop-lang plasma6-kimpanel-ibus

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release
  * Fix kcm_clock save on non-systemd distros
  * KeyboardButton: Check if longName is undefined
  * Use a shared QQmlEngine when possible (kde#488326)
  * lockscreen: fix the check for authentication prompts (kde#485520)
  * update version for new release
  * Edit Mode: Fix for blurry icons (kde#488920)

==== plasma6-disks ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: plasma6-disks-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-integration ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: plasma6-integration-plugin plasma6-integration-plugin-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-nm ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: plasma6-nm-lang plasma6-nm-openconnect plasma6-nm-openvpn plasma6-nm-pptp plasma6-nm-vpnc

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * Use a shared QQmlEngine when possible (kde#488326)
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-openSUSE ====
Subpackages: plasma6-branding-openSUSE plasma6-sddm-theme-openSUSE plasma6-theme-openSUSE

- Update to 6.1.3

==== plasma6-pa ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: plasma6-pa-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-print-manager ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: plasma6-print-manager-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release
  * plasmoid: Remove dead code (JobsModel)
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-systemmonitor ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: plasma6-systemmonitor-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== plasma6-thunderbolt ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: plasma6-thunderbolt-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- No code changes since 6.1.2

==== plasma6-workspace ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: plasma6-session plasma6-session-x11 plasma6-workspace-lang plasma6-workspace-libs sddm-qt6-branding-openSUSE

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release
  * klipper: Avoid incorrect wayland roundtrips (kde#489096)
  * klipper: Fix a potential null dereferencing (kde#489096)
  * kcm/users: decode URI-encoded file for avatar image
  * kastatsfavoritesmodel.cpp: prefer .value() over operator[] (kde#482887)
  * xembedsniproxy: Warp pointer to click location on wayland (kde#489286)
  * klipper: add missing static keyword in `SystemClipboard`
  * update version for new release

==== polkit-kde-agent-6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: polkit-kde-agent-6-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== powerdevil6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: powerdevil6-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release
- Drop patch to enable battery conservation mode control after
  whitelisting (boo#1226424):
  * 0001-Revert-Added-setting-for-battery-conservation-mode-L.patch

==== python-kiwi ====
Version update (10.0.23 -> 10.0.25)

- Bump version: 10.0.24 → 10.0.25
- Fix mocking of test_process_result_bundle_as_rpm
- Fixed logging behavior of Compress::get_format
  The get_format() method allows to check which compression format
  a given input stream has. This is done by calling the supported
  compression tools in a row and let them check if they can deal
  with the provided data or not. As a result error messages are
  logged for streams that some tool doesn't understand. However,
  those error messages are no errors and only the result of the
  checking. This information in the kiwi log file is confusing
  and several users already complained when they see information
  EXEC: Failed with stderr: /usr/bin/xz: ...: File format not recognized
  This commit changes how the compression tooling is called in a
  way that no exception is raised (which leads to the above error message)
  but the result returncode is used to decide on the success or
  error of the respective compression tooling.
- Allow to set custom ISO Application ID
  Add new <type ... application_id="..."/> attribute to be set in
  the ISO header main block. The application ID was used as identifier
  in the legacy initrd code from former kiwi versions. Because of
  this there is still the compat layer which sets an App ID as MBR
  identifier string unless the new application_id overwrites it.
  This Fixes #1810
- Bump version: 10.0.23 → 10.0.24
- Added integration test for SUSE agama installer
  This integration test builds a self-install ISO image which
  drops the SUSE Agama installer into a ramdisk for performing
  an interactive installation procedure to test Agama
- Add --set-type-attr and --set-release-version
  Allow to set/overwrite type section attributes via the cmdline.
  Allow to set/add the release-version element via the cmdline.
  This Fixes #2478 and Fixes #2588
- Update integration test for eficsm
  Update the type of the Secure profile of the live image integration
  test as well as the type of the simple-disk test to make use of the
  eficsm="false" attribute to switch off CSM mode and test an EFI only
- Add new eficsm type attribute
  Allow to produce EFI/UEFI images without hybrid CSM
  capabilities. This Fixes #2407
- Wait for loop device detach to complete
  Detaching a loop device via 'losetup -d' is an async operation.
  Once the command returns the loop can still be associated with
  the block special. Therefore this commit waits until the block
  device got released or a timeout is hit. This Fixes #2580
- Update requires for kiwi-systemdeps-disk-images
  On Tumbleweed several changes caused tools like strings
  or the codepage for mtools to be missing in a standard
  installation. For building disk images especially EFI
  capable ones with vendor information kiwi needs the above
  tool. This commit adds the packages providing them on
  Tumbleweed to the meta systemdeps for disk images.
  This Fixes #2585
- Supplements are not understood by Debian/Ubuntu

==== python-psutil ====
Version update (5.9.7 -> 6.0.0)

- Update to version 6.0.0
  * 2109_: ``maxfile`` and ``maxpath`` fields were removed from the namedtuple
    returned by `disk_partitions()`_. Reason: on network filesystems (NFS) this
    can potentially take a very long time to complete.
  * 2366_, [Windows]: log debug message when using slower process APIs.
  * 2375_, [macOS]: provide arm64 wheels.  (patch by Matthieu Darbois)
  * 2396_: `process_iter()`_ no longer pre-emptively checks whether PIDs have
    been reused. This makes `process_iter()`_ around 20x times faster.
  * 2396_: a new ``psutil.process_iter.cache_clear()`` API can be used the clear
    `process_iter()`_ internal cache.
  * 2401_, Support building with free-threaded CPython 3.13. (patch by Sam Gross)
  * 2407_: `Process.connections()`_ was renamed to `Process.net_connections()`_.
    The old name is still available, but it's deprecated (triggers a
    ``DeprecationWarning``) and will be removed in the future.
  * 2425_: [Linux]: provide aarch64 wheels.  (patch by Matthieu Darbois / Ben Raz)
  * 2250_, [NetBSD]: `Process.cmdline()`_ sometimes fail with EBUSY. It usually
    happens for long cmdlines with lots of arguments. In this case retry getting
    the cmdline for up to 50 times, and return an empty list as last resort.
  * 2254_, [Linux]: offline cpus raise NotImplementedError in cpu_freq() (patch
    by Shade Gladden)
  * 2272_: Add pickle support to psutil Exceptions.
  * 2359_, [Windows], [CRITICAL]: `pid_exists()`_ disagrees with `Process`_ on
    whether a pid exists when ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.
  * 2360_, [macOS]: can't compile on macOS < 10.13.  (patch by Ryan Schmidt)
  * 2362_, [macOS]: can't compile on macOS 10.11.  (patch by Ryan Schmidt)
  * 2365_, [macOS]: can't compile on macOS < 10.9.  (patch by Ryan Schmidt)
  * 2395_, [OpenBSD]: `pid_exists()`_ erroneously return True if the argument is
    a thread ID (TID) instead of a PID (process ID).
  * 2412_, [macOS]: can't compile on macOS 10.4 PowerPC due to missing `MNT_`
  * 2109_: the namedtuple returned by `disk_partitions()`_' no longer has
    ``maxfile`` and ``maxpath`` fields.
  * 2396_: `process_iter()`_ no longer pre-emptively checks whether PIDs have
    been reused. If you want to check for PID reusage you are supposed to use
    `Process.is_running()`_ against the yielded `Process`_ instances. That will
    also automatically remove reused PIDs from `process_iter()`_ internal cache.
  * 2407_: `Process.connections()`_ was renamed to `Process.net_connections()`_.
    The old name is still available, but it's deprecated (triggers a
    ``DeprecationWarning``) and will be removed in the future.
- from version 5.9.8
  * 2343_, [FreeBSD]: filter `net_connections()`_ returned list in C instead of
    Python, and avoid to retrieve unnecessary connection types unless explicitly
    asked. E.g., on an IDLE system with few IPv6 connections this will run around
    4 times faster. Before all connection types (TCP, UDP, UNIX) were retrieved
    internally, even if only a portion was returned.
  * 2342_, [NetBSD]: same as above (#2343) but for NetBSD.
  * 2349_: adopted black formatting style.
  * 930_, [NetBSD], [critical]: `net_connections()`_ implementation was broken.
    It could either leak memory or core dump.
  * 2340_, [NetBSD]: if process is terminated, `Process.cwd()`_ will return an
    empty string instead of raising `NoSuchProcess`_.
  * 2345_, [Linux]: fix compilation on older compiler missing DUPLEX_UNKNOWN.
  * 2222_, [macOS]: `cpu_freq()` now returns fixed values for `min` and `max`
    frequencies in all Apple Silicon chips.
- Drop obsolete patch to skip tests on Python 2
  * skip_rlimit_tests_on_python2.patch
- Update patch to skip failing tests for new version
  * skip_failing_tests.patch

==== qqc2-breeze-style6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== qt6-sensors ====

- Make sure the plugins are installed (boo#1227871)

==== qt6-wayland ====
Subpackages: libQt6WaylandClient6 libQt6WaylandCompositor6 libQt6WaylandEglClientHwIntegration6 libQt6WaylandEglCompositorHwIntegration6 libQt6WlShellIntegration6

- Add patches to fix crashes on screens disappearing
  (kde#489072, kde#489180):
  * 0001-client-Guard-against-windows-being-on-a-null-screen.patch
  * 0002-Client-Improve-thread-safety-determining-window-size.patch

==== redland ====

- Add -D_GNU_SOURCE to %optflags so that mkstemp is properly declared
  by glibc headers. [boo#1225918]

==== salt ====
Subpackages: python3-salt salt-master salt-minion salt-transactional-update

- test_vultrpy: adjust test expectation to prevent failure after Debian 10 EOL
- Added:
  * test_vultrpy-adjust-test-expectation-to-prevent-fail.patch
- Make auth.pam more robust with Salt Bundle and fix tests
- Added:
  * some-more-small-tests-fixes-enhancements-661.patch

==== sddm-kcm6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: sddm-kcm6-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== sssd ====
Subpackages: libnfsidmap-sss libsss_certmap0 libsss_idmap0 libsss_nss_idmap0 sssd-krb5-common sssd-ldap

- Revert the change dropping the default configuration file. If
  /usr/etc exists will be installed there, otherwise in /etc.

==== suse-module-tools ====
Version update (16.0.45 -> 16.0.48)
Subpackages: suse-module-tools-scriptlets

- Update to version 16.0.48:
  * Fix 64k check in check_arm_pagesize() that would cause OBS
    builds to fail
- Update to version 16.0.47:
  * rpm scriptlets: fix shellcheck warnings
- Update to version 16.0.46:
  * Support for bootloaders that follow the boot loader specification
    in particular systemd-boot (bsc#1226122)
  * Spec file: obsolete sdbootutil-rpm-scriptlets, the scriptlets
    in suse-module-tools-scriptlets have modified to support the
    systemd-boot / sdbootutil use case, too

==== systemsettings6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: systemsettings6-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release
  * Share the qml engine as a qApp property (kde#488326)
  * update version for new release

==== tar ====
Subpackages: tar-lang tar-rmt

- Updated tar-fix-extract-unlink.patch
  * Replace patch with an equivalent upstreamed commit
  * Fixes bsc#1225407

==== transactional-update ====
Version update (4.6.8 -> 4.7.0)
Subpackages: dracut-transactional-update libtukit4 transactional-update-zypp-config tukit

- It seems it's taking a longer time until the tests will be
  adopted to the new reboot behavior. Disable soft-reboot for now
  to unblock the regular transactional-update update.
- Version 4.7.0
  - Add plugin mechanism
    It's now possible to hook into API functions with custom
    plugins; see doc/ for details.
  - Fix missing libdir replacement for status command
- Enable soft-reboot by default again as announced in

==== util-linux ====
Subpackages: libblkid1 libfdisk1 libmount1 libsmartcols1 libuuid1 util-linux-lang

- uncomment "autoreconf --install" to use the new version of automake

==== util-linux-systemd ====
Subpackages: lastlog2 liblastlog2-2

- uncomment "autoreconf --install" to use the new version of automake

==== vim ====
Version update (9.1.0512 -> 9.1.0588)
Subpackages: vim-data vim-data-common xxd

- Removed patches, as they're no longer required (refreshing them
  deleted their contents):
  * vim-7.3-help_tags.patch
  * vim-7.4-highlight_fstab.patch
- Reorganise all applied patches in the spec file.
- Update to 9.1.0588:
  * 9.1.0588: The maze program no longer compiles on newer clang
    runtime(typst): Add typst runtime files
  * 9.1.0587: tests: Test_gui_lowlevel_keyevent is still flaky
  * 9.1.0586: ocaml runtime files are outdated
    runtime(termdebug): fix a few issues
  * 9.1.0585: tests: test_cpoptions leaves swapfiles around
  * 9.1.0584: Warning about redeclaring f_id() non-static
    runtime(doc): Add hint how to load termdebug from vimrc
    runtime(doc): document global insert behavior
  * 9.1.0583: filetype: *.pdf_tex files are not recognized
  * 9.1.0582: Printed line doesn't overwrite colon when pressing Enter in Ex mode
  * 9.1.0581: Various lines are indented inconsistently
  * 9.1.0580: :lmap mapping for keypad key not applied when typed in Select mode
  * 9.1.0579: Ex command is still executed after giving E1247
  * 9.1.0578: no tests for :Tohtml
  * 9.1.0577: Unnecessary checks for v:sizeoflong in test_put.vim
  * 9.1.0576: tests: still an issue with test_gettext_make
  * 9.1.0575: Wrong comments in alt_tabpage()
  * 9.1.0574: ex: wrong handling of commands after bar
    runtime(doc): add a note for netrw bug reports
  * 9.1.0573: ex: no implicit print for single addresses
    runtime(vim): make &indentexpr available from the outside
  * 9.1.0572: cannot specify tab page closing behaviour
    runtime(doc): remove obsolete Ex insert behavior
  * 9.1.0571: tests: Test_gui_lowlevel_keyevent is flaky
    runtime(logindefs): update syntax with new keywords
  * 9.1.0570: tests: test_gettext_make can be improved
    runtime(filetype): Fix Prolog file detection regex
  * 9.1.0569: fnamemodify() treats ".." and "../" differently
    runtime(mojo): include mojo ftplugin and indent script
  * 9.1.0568: Cannot expand paths from 'cdpath' setting
  * 9.1.0567: Cannot use relative paths as findfile() stop directories
  * 9.1.0566: Stop dir in findfile() doesn't work properly w/o trailing slash
  * 9.1.0565: Stop directory doesn't work properly in 'tags'
  * 9.1.0564: id() can be faster
  * 9.1.0563: Cannot process any Key event
  * 9.1.0562: tests: inconsistency in test_findfile.vim
    runtime(fstab): Add missing keywords to fstab syntax
  * 9.1.0561: netbeans: variable used un-initialized (Coverity)
  * 9.1.0560: bindtextdomain() does not indicate an error
  * 9.1.0559: translation of vim scripts can be improved
  * 9.1.0558: filetype: prolog detection can be improved
  * 9.1.0557: moving in the buffer list doesn't work as documented
    runtime(doc): fix inconsistencies in :h file-searching
  * 9.1.0556: :bwipe doesn't remove file from jumplist of other tabpages
    runtime(htmlangular): correct comment
  * 9.1.0555: filetype: angular ft detection is still problematic
  * 9.1.0554: :bw leaves jumplist and tagstack data around
  * 9.1.0553: filetype: *.mcmeta files are not recognized
  * 9.1.0552: No test for antlr4 filetype
  * 9.1.0551: filetype: htmlangular files are not properly detected
  * 9.1.0550: filetype: antlr4 files are not recognized
  * 9.1.0549: fuzzycollect regex based completion not working as expected
    runtime(doc): autocmd_add() accepts a list not a dict
  * 9.1.0548: it's not possible to get a unique id for some vars
    runtime(tmux): Update syntax script
  * 9.1.0547: No way to get the arity of a Vim function
  * 9.1.0546: vim-tiny fails on CTRL-X/CTRL-A
    runtime(hlsplaylist): include hlsplaylist ftplugin file
    runtime(doc): fix typo in :h ft-csv-syntax
    runtime(doc): Correct shell command to get $VIMRUNTIME into
  * 9.1.0545: MSVC conversion warning
  * 9.1.0544: filetype: ldapconf files are not recognized
    runtime(cmakecache): include cmakecache ftplugin file
    runtime(lex): include lex ftplugin file
    runtime(yacc): include yacc ftplugin file
    runtime(squirrel): include squirrel ftplugin file
    runtime(objcpp): include objcpp ftplugin file
    runtime(tf): include tf ftplugin file
    runtime(mysql): include mysql ftplugin file
    runtime(javacc): include javacc ftplugin file
    runtime(cabal): include cabal ftplugin file
    runtime(cuda): include CUDA ftplugin file
    runtime(editorconfig): include editorconfig ftplugin file
    runtime(kivy): update kivy syntax, include ftplugin
    runtime(syntax-tests): Stop generating redundant "*_* 99.dump"
  * 9.1.0543: Behavior of CursorMovedC is strange
    runtime(vim): Update base-syntax, improve :match command
  * 9.1.0542: Vim9: confusing string() output for object functions
  * 9.1.0541: failing test with Vim configured without channel
  * 9.1.0540: Unused assignment in sign_define_cmd()
    runtime(doc): add page-scrolling keys to index.txt
    runtime(doc): add reference to xterm-focus-event from
  * 9.1.0539: Not enough tests for what v9.1.0535 fixed
    runtime(doc): clarify how to re-init csv syntax file
  * 9.1.0538: not possible to assign priority when defining a sign
  * 9.1.0537: signed number detection for CTRL-X/A can be improved
  * 9.1.0536: filetype: zone files are not recognized
  * 9.1.0535: newline escape wrong in ex mode
    ... changelog too long, skipping 52 lines ...
  * 9.1.0513: Vim9: segfault with object comparison

==== wacomtablet-kcm6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: wacomtablet-kcm6-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== wicked ====
Version update (0.6.75 -> 0.6.76)
Subpackages: wicked-service

- Update to version 0.6.76
  - compat-suse: warn user and create missing parent config of
    infiniband children (gh#openSUSE/wicked#1027)
  - client: fix origin in loaded xml-config with obsolete port
    references but missing port interface config, causing a
    no-carrier of master (bsc#1226125)
  - ipv6: fix setup on ipv6.disable=1 kernel cmdline (bsc#1225976)
  - wireless: add frequency-list in station mode (jsc#PED-8715)
  - client: fix crash while hierarchy traversing due to loop in
    e.g. systemd-nspawn containers (bsc#1226664)
  - man: add supported bonding options to ifcfg-bonding(5) man page
  - arputil: Document minimal interval for getopts (gh#openSUSE/wicked#1019)
  - man: (re)generate man pages from md sources (gh#openSUSE/wicked#1018)
  - client: warn on interface wait time reached (gh#openSUSE/wicked#1017)
  - compat-suse: fix dummy type detection from ifname to not cause
    conflicts with e.g. correct vlan config on dummy0.42 interfaces
  - compat-suse: fix infiniband and infiniband child type detection
    from ifname (gh#openSUSE/wicked#1015)
- Removed patches included in the source archive:
  [- 0001-ifreload-pull-UP-again-on-master-lower-changes-bsc1224100.patch]
  [- 0002-increase-arp-retry-attempts-on-sending-bsc1218668.patch]

==== xdg-desktop-portal-kde6 ====
Version update (6.1.2 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: xdg-desktop-portal-kde6-lang

- Update to 6.1.3:
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details see
- Changes since 6.1.2:
  * update version for new release

==== xen ====
Subpackages: xen-libs xen-tools xen-tools-domU

- bsc#1227355 - VUL-0: CVE-2024-31143: xen: double unlock in x86
  guest IRQ handling (XSA-458)

==== xorg-x11-server ====
Subpackages: xorg-x11-server-Xvfb xorg-x11-server-extra

- u_fbdevhw_kernel6.9_break_fbdev_open.patch
  * Linux kernel v6.9 has changed the symlink to point to the
    parent device.  This breaks fbdev_open() detection logic.
    Change it to use the subsystem symlink instead which will
    remain stable (gitlab xserver issue#1714)

==== zsh ====

- Backport zsh-ab4d62eb975a4c4c51dd35822665050e2ddc6918.patch
  and zsh-4c89849c98172c951a9def3690e8647dae76308f.patch and add
  autoconf to build requirements to make the package build with
  GCC 14. [boo#1225958]