The Story: I had enough fake news clouding my head even before remembering the words of Zobra the Seer, that today I would encounter great peril, end up in the news, and discover the fate of my great-grandparents. Get out, Zobra. I just want to head to the Algarve for some R&R. The Concept: On July 19, I read the main page of the top fifteen most popular global news websites to see if I could detect what was fake news or real news reported elsewhere as fake news. I had no clue. Whatever, but an idea came out of this futile exercise. Having participated in speedIF the previous year, I thought these headlines would make great parameters for a speedIF competition. I never got that far, but the idea stuck with me. Eventually, I took a headline from each site and came up with a story tying them all together. The end result is Fake News. The July 19 headlines appear as footnotes and have real URL's linked to them if you're interested in visiting the actual news site. Note that none of the articles are germane to the game -- only the headlines are. NOTE: The following walkthru is the shortest path that allows you to trigger every footnote, which in Fake News, can be loosely considered as the scoring system. This is for V1.0, the 2017 Competition version submitted on Sept 28, 2017. -- Mike Sousa wake up get clothes footnote 1 out drive -- At Diner out south enter diner read paper footnote 2 hello mention my friend nw search dumpster footnote 3 search friend wait look footnote 4 wait -- At Police Station wait for Detective to arrive tell the truth (Conversation with Detective starts) july 19 tell him what I know footnote 5 ask about alabama mention my exemption papers (Conversation with Detective ends) footnote 6 out east east -- In Uber mention crazy day (Conversation in uber starts) mention creep meter going off agree ask about mission footnote 7 ask for help (Conversation in uber ends) footnote 8 -- In Retail Store in footnote 9 mention juice's friend follow robot mention juice (Conversation with large man starts) be vague try small talk look in mirror footnote 10 east complain what is next why was this done (Conversation with large man ends) answer phone out -- In Helicopter get in chopper (Conversation with captain starts) act shocked point to the restroom x captain (Conversation with captain ends) wait wait -- At Ambassador's home x gnome push button get key enter cabin read newspaper footnote 11 north west (Goal is to distract guard) south x shiny object northwest put newspaper on wood close flue burn paper out open curtains out push button on gnome lock door look through window keep looking or wait until the door is opened in north west get uniform east (Conversation with Duchess starts) try the hors d\'oeuvres say she is beautiful (Conversation with Duchess ends) footnote 12 north -- Final Scene read sign east get scarf x ice footnote 13 x paper footnotes amusing