Date: Mon, 03 May 1999 05:39:57 -0400 From: Darrell Todd Maurina Reply-To: Organization: Christian Renewal/United Reformed News Service Subject: NR 99040: RCA Regional Synod to Deal Again with Van Hoeven, Salvation Through Christ Alone NR #1999-040: Reformed Church in America Regional Synod to Deal Again with Van Hoeven, Salvation Through Christ Alone Salvation through Christ alone is back on the agenda of the Reformed Church in America. Meeting today at Camp Geneva in Holland, debate at the annual Synod Assembly of the RCA's Regional Synod of the Great Lakes will include theology, missions, and money. One key item is the long-running case of Rev. Don Van Hoeven, retired RCA campus minister at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, who was formally rebuked by the Classis of Southwest Michigan following a 1996 article in the Kalamazoo Gazette, later reprinted in other West Michigan newspapers, asking questions regarding the extent of the inclusive love of God. According to the classis, these articles "support the proposition that there is salvation apart from Jesus Christ and by so doing question clear biblical authority and the honor of our Lord Jesus Christ," which led to the classis accusing him of stating that salvation may be possible apart from Jesus Christ. The Regional Synod of the Great Lakes -- at over 80,000 members, by far the largest of the 305,000-member denomination's eight regional synods -- is also one of the RCA's most conservative, and has formally declared its support for the principle that salvation is through Christ alone. NR #1999-040: For Immediate Release: Reformed Church in America Regional Synod to Deal Again with Van Hoeven, Salvation Through Christ Alone by Darrell Todd Maurina, Press Officer United Reformed News Service HOLLAND, MICH. (May 3, 1999) URNS -- Salvation through Christ alone is back on the agenda of the Reformed Church in America. Meeting today at Camp Geneva in Holland, debate at the annual Synod Assembly of the RCA's Regional Synod of the Great Lakes will include theology, missions, and money. One key item is the long-running case of Rev. Don Van Hoeven, retired RCA campus minister at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, who was formally rebuked by the Classis of Southwest Michigan following a 1996 article in the Kalamazoo Gazette, later reprinted in other West Michigan newspapers, asking questions regarding the extent of the inclusive love of God. According to the classis, these articles "support the proposition that there is salvation apart from Jesus Christ and by so doing question clear biblical authority and the honor of our Lord Jesus Christ," which led to the classis accusing him of stating that salvation may be possible apart from Jesus Christ. The Regional Synod of the Great Lakes -- at over 80,000 members, by far the largest of the 305,000-member denomination's eight regional synods -- is also one of the RCA's most conservative, and in 1997 adopted a recommendation from regional synod minister Rev. Sherwin Weener to formally declared its support for the principle that salvation is through Christ alone. The cases of Van Hoeven and Spring Lake pastor Rev. Richard Rhem have convulsed much of the RCA over the past few years, leading to Rhem's deposition on sexual misconduct charges and eventual withdrawal from the RCA. Van Hoeven has refused to leave, instead appealing his case through the church courts. "My heart and my purpose is to sustain my case within the church because it is essential to hearing the voice, heart, and spiritual pilgrimage of many within the Reformed Church who have experienced the inclusive love of God," said Van Hoeven. "The issue of the admonition and rebuke were referred back to the regional synod because of the nature of the apparent bias that were there when they rebuked me. I am desirous of having these reviewed by the regional synod and look forward to a decision that will relieve me and my family of the injustice I have experienced." Regional synod officials said they now have a different recommendation, but due to RCA rules cannot comment before the assembly convenes. That kind of debate isn't what RCA General Secretary Rev. Wes Granberg-Michaelson wants to see in his denomination. Speaking Sunday at a pre-synod praise rally, Granberg-Michaelson urged the denomination to focus on mission. "Our focus is to be on those outside the doors instead of on arguing with those inside the doors," said Granberg-Michaelson, who also emphasized that churches must repent for unforgiven sin, and that "the healing power of Jesus flows through our corporate faith on behalf of others." "If we commit ourselves to these three lessons of the Word, people will look to the Reformed Church in America and its congregations and say, instead of "same old, same old,' they will say "we have never seen anything like this,'" said Granberg-Michaelson. Preaching from Mark 2:1-12, Granberg-Michaelson cited the biblical story of a paralytic who was healed by Jesus despite the objections of the Jewish teachers of the law and applied it to modern church affairs. "Sometimes religious scholars keep people away; that's what happened here in this story," said Granberg-Michaelson. "They wanted to talk and debate. They were having a religious gathering and someone outside was in pain and couldn't get in. Sometimes our religious gatherings are like that." Other major issues will include using over a million dollars in reserve funds and addressing missions and education. As regional synod minister, Weener will present four recommendations to establish a long-range planning committee to plan future ministry, address problems that have led to a number of pastor-church conflicts, and encouraging support for mission work. The regional synod president, Elder Don Vander Jagt, will recommend that the RCA emphasize adult education. According to Weener, one of his proposals will be something unprecedented: canceling one of the regional synod assemblies, which have a limited number of delegated members, and replacing it with a special "convention" consisting of delegates from each of the over 160 RCA churches in the regional synod. "I'm recommending that we not just have a synod assembly with 64 delegates but that we have a convention of all churches in its place," said Weener. "The synod of the Great Lakes is really the home mission agency for the Reformed Church." "Many of our churches are doing a wonderful job with that, but some are not," said Weener. "Within the synod we do much home missions work, and if we are going to launch a new thrust in that area over the next five years, we need to know what the churches of the synod think about that." Cross-References to Related Articles: #1997-007: Appeal of Charges Against Rhem Sent Back to Committee by RCA's Regional Synod Executive Committee; Van Hoeven Appeal to Proceed with Recommendation of Dismissal #1997-045: Reformed Church in America Regional Synod of the Great Lakes Sends Rhem "Gross Sexual Misconduct" Case Back to Muskegon Classis for Investigation, Possible Trial; Van Hoeven's Complaint Against "Rebuke" for Supporting Rhem Denied, Will Appeal to General Synod; Regional Synod Reaffirms Salvation Through Christ Alone, Goes on Record Against "Full Communion" with United Church of Christ Due to Homosexual Issue #1998-051: Van Hoeven Wins Unexpected Victory: RCA Fails to Discipline Minister Who Supported Rhem in Local Papers Contact List: Rev. E. Wayne Antworth, Director, RCA Stewardship & Communication Services 475 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10115 O: (212) 870-2954 * FAX: (212) 870-2499 * E-Mail: Rev. Wesley Granberg-Michaelson, General Secretary, Reformed Church in America 49 Yawpo, Oakland, NJ 07436 O: (212) 870-2845 Rev. Howard Moths, Stated Clerk, Regional Synod of the Great Lakes 2795 Rosewood St., Jenison, MI 49428 O: (616) 669-6690 * H: (616) 669-1983 Rev. Donald Van Hoeven 1024 Westfall, Kalamazoo, MI 49006 H: (616) 381-8586 Rev. Sherwin Weener, Synod Minister, Regional Synod of the Great Lakes 4500 - 60th St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49512 O: (616) 698-7071 * H: (616) 457-3572 * FAX: (616) 698-6606 * E-mail: ---------------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/reformed/archive99: nr99-040.txt .