NR #1995-085: For Immediate Release Text of Classis Wisconsin Overture re. Homosexuality Classis Wisconsin overtures synod to declare that confessing members who deny that the Bible's teaching without exception condemns homosexual activity have become delinquent in doctrine, and are on that account subject to the church's admonition and discipline. GROUNDS: 1. There are some in the church today who seriously propose the possibility that when the Bible condemns homosexual activity, this condemnation does not include the homosexual activity of a couple that seeks to live in a loving, monogamous homosexual relationship. 2. Although the Christian Reformed Church officially teaches that "Homosexualism - as explicit homosexual practice - must be condemned as incompatible with obedience to the will of God as revealed in Holy Scripture" (Acts of Synod 1973, p. 52) there are currently no provisions in the Church Order or in any Synodical decisions which clearly authorize official admonition and discipline of those who openly challenge this teaching. 3. Confessing members have promised to submit to the admonition and discipline of the church if they should become delinquent either in doctrine or in life. 4. If church members are free to deny the Biblical condemnation of all homosexual behavior, the result is likely to be that eventually the church will fail to exhibit the marks of a true church (cf. Belgic Confession Article 29). 5. The history of the GKN gives evidence that this particular heresy can be deadly in the life of the church. Cross-References to Related Articles: #1995-084: Classis Wisconsin Overtures Christian Reformed Synod to Declare that Members who "Deny the Biblical Condemnation of All Homosexual Behavior" are Subject to Discipline [See related article list at crossreferences] ------------------------------------------------ file: /pub/resources/text/reformed: nr95-085.txt .