For Immediate Release December 10, 1994 Release #1994-61 For Further Information Contact: Darrell Todd Maurina, Press Officer Reformed Believers Press Service Voice: (616) 674-8446 FAX: (616) 674-8454 E-Mail: PO Box 691, Lawrence, MI 49064-0691 Classis Lake Erie Requests "Balance" on Christian Reformed Committee Studying Whether God is "Mother" by Darrell Todd Maurina, Press Officer Reformed Believers Press Service (December 10, 1994) RBPS - Since June, a seven member committee has been studying whether Christian Reformed churches and members may address God using feminine terms such as "Mother," "She," and "Her." Even voting to study the matter has been controversial for many in the CRC. The study committee was erected in response to a three-year string of overtures from Classis Hudson and a 1994 overture from Classis of the Heartland, most of which called for the initiation of disciplinary action against CRC members who address God as "She." Conservative objections to a study committee were largely muted, however, by the appointment of Calvin Seminary professor Dr. John Cooper as chairman of the study committee. Cooper, a former elder of Eastern Avenue CRC in Grand Rapids who supports women in office, has been a vocal opponent of feminine language for God. However, some of Cooper's normal allies in the defense of women in office are less happy with his position on calling God "She." According to "Cross Talk," the Classis Lake Erie newsletter, "it seems that synod has 'stacked the deck' to secure a particular conclusion." "Because of public positions taken on this and related issues, it appears that the two theologians and the two ministers appointed to this committee hold the same position [as synod]," said the newsletter. "To ensure a fair study and a serious consideration of the issues involved, classis requested the Board of Trustees to add Dr. Clay Libolt, pastor of our River Terrace church, to the committee. Clay's doctorate is in the Old Testament, the section of the Bible where the majority of the feminine imagery used to describe God is found." Ironically, one of the "two ministers" cited by the newsletter is Rev. Jai-Sung Shim, a doctoral student at Calvin Seminary who was ordained by Classis Lake Erie to serve on loan to an independent Korean church in Saginaw, Michigan. "Several people are already on record saying this practice is possibly a violation of the third commandment [against taking God's name in vain]," said Pastor George Vander Weit, stated clerk of Classis Lake Erie. "I think there has to be some balance on the committee, what we try to do on committees is make sure issues get a fair hearing." "This has nothing to with whether people are in favor of addressing God as 'Mother,' it has everything to do with making sure this issue gets a fair hearing, with whether the various issues surrounding this subject get raised and addressed." insisted Vander Weit. "The conclusion of the committee may indeed be that it's inappropriate to address God as 'Mother.' That may be the final conclusion of a balanced committee, but when synod appointed people who have already staked out a public position, that these people were appointed because they oppose calling God 'Mother,' it doesn't do anything to give the church any confidence in the committee." In fact, the appointment of a committee whose leading members oppose feminine language for God "may polarize the church more rather than bringing the church together," warned Vander Weit. The formal motion adopted by classis instructed its interim committee "to request the [CRC] Board of Trustees to add Dr. C. Libolt to the committee studying inclusive language for God." If the CRC Board of Trustees does not add Libolt, that won't necessarily end the matter: classis also requested its interim committee "to prepare an overture on the composition of this and other denominational committees if that is necessary." Contact List: Dr. John Cooper, Professor of Philosophy, Calvin Theological Seminary 549 Morris SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 * O: (616) 957-6038 * H: (616) 454-6821 Dr. Clayton Libolt, Pastor, River Terrace Christian Reformed Church 2210 Moores River Drive, Lansing, MI 48911 * H: (517) 371-4018 * O: (517) 351-9059 Pastor George Vander Weit, Stated Clerk, Classis Lake Erie 2901 Waterloo Dr., Troy, MI 48084 * O: (810) 645-1990 * H: (810) 649-5388 ------------------------------------------------ file: /pub/resources/text/reformed: nr94-061.txt .