_________________________________________________________________ United Reformed News Service Directory Contents (1994) (formerly Reformed Believers' Press Service) _________________________________________________________________ (1994) nr94-039.txt .... 1994:Aug,19 Canadian Independent Reformed Churches Organize "Ontario Regional Fellowship of Churches" nr94-040.txt .... 1994:Aug.20 A Profile of Westminster Theological Seminary in California nr94-041.txt .... 1994:Aug.23 Unprecedented Decision of Reformed Church in America Synod Removes Voting Rights from Two Regional Classes nr94-042.txt .... 1994:Sep.2 CRC's Classis Lake Erie Sends Blistering Letter of Rebuke to Midwest Presbytery of the Orthodox Presbyter- ian Church - Classis Lake Erie nr94-043.txt .... 1994:Sep.2 Second Woman Pastor to Serve Christian Reformed Church nr94-044.txt .... 1994:Sep.3 Protestant Reformed Reach Highest Membership in History nr94-045.txt .... 1994:Sep.3 Vietnamese Congregation in Alliance of Reformed Churches Breaks Records in Bone Marrow Drive to Aid Dying Boy nr94-046.txt .... 1994:Sep.19 Four New Independent Churches Using Closed Circuit Tele- vision, Chairs in Hallways, to Accomodate Growing Crowds nr94-047.txt .... 1994:Sep.20 Northwest Iowa Gets First Independent Reformed Church - Emergency Classis Meeting Prompts Three-Fourths of San- bourn CRC Council to Secede from Denomination... nr94-048.txt .... 1994:Sep.20 Jim Lucas Hired as Chaplain of "As We Are" Gay Ministry; Ministerial Credentials Extended to Permit Call to Posi- tion - ... nr94-049.txt .... 1994:Sep.29 Top Denominational Officials Issue Advisory on "Ecclesias- tical Disobedience" by Christian Reformed Employees nr94-050.txt .... 1994:Sep.29 Classis Grand Rapids East "Refines" July Decision to Disobey Christian Reformed Synodal Ban on Women Elders nr94-051.txt .... 1994:Oct.4 Classis of the Heartland Writes Stormy Final Chapter on Secess- ion from Sanborn Christian Reformed Church nr94-052.txt .... 1994:Oct.5 Overseer of "Urban Nations" Ministry in New York Resigns nr94-053.txt .... 1994:Oct.14 One Motion Too Many Leads to Split in "Mother Church" of Classis of the Heartland nr94-054.txt .... 1994:Oct.20 Lake Michigan Churches Ratify "Articles of Fellowship" nr94-055.txt .... 1994:Oct.24 Vietnamese Alliance Pastor to Set Record for Longest Trip to Chicago Meeting of Alliance of Reformed Churches nr94-056.txt .... 1994:Oct.27 Hudsonville Christian School Equestrian Team Wins Michigan State Horse Finals Despite Refusing Sunday Competition nr94-057.txt .... 1994:Nov.07 Alliance of Reformed Churches to Headline Questions on Whether to Form a New Denominational Federation, Debate on Adoption of Westminster Standards. nr94-058.txt .... 1994:Nov.15 NOPARC Admits New Denomination, Thanks God for Christian Re- formed Decision Against Ordaining Women Rev. Myung Doh Kim becomes first Korean chairman of North American presbyterian and Reformed Council Reformed Church in the United States admitted amidst strong criticism of Alliance of Reformed Churches nr94-059.txt .... 1994:Nov.24 Alliance of Reformed Churches Hosts Missions Conference nr94-060a.txt .... 1994:Nov.30 (part 1 of 2 parts) Alliance of Reformed Churches Adopts Westminster Standards Seceeding Christian Reformed Congregations Move to Convene New Federation Analysis: Evolving Alliance Slowly Redefining its Shape Church Order Committee Reports on Federation no Longer a Qestion of "If" but "When and How" Sharply Divided Committee Ends with Unanimous Comprimise: Allows Subscription to Either Westminster Standards or the Three Forms of Unity Independent Churches Decide to Federation Apart from Alliance. nr94-060b.txt .... 1994:Nov.30 (part 2 of 2 parts) Confessional Conference on Ecclesiology Scrapped for 1995 Unauthorized Letters to PCA Churches Causes Stir at Alliances and in Presbyterian Church in America Alliance Archings nr94-061.txt .... 1994:Dec.10 Classis Lake Erie Requests "Balance" on Christian Reformed Com- mittee Studying Whether God is "Mother" nr94-062.txt .... 1994:Dec.13 Synodical Study Committee: "Expounding" Does Not Mean Women May Fill Christian Reformed Pulpits; Will Christian Reformed Debate Change from Women in Office to Unordained Women Exhorters in Pulpits? nr94-063.txt .... 1994:Dec.13 Obituary: Dordt College Founder Rev. B.J. Haan Dead at 77; Mem- orial Service for B.J. Haan Attracts Hundreds nr94-064.txt .... 1994:Dec.13 Number of Christian Reformed Churches Allowing Women Elders Reaches Seventeen _____________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/reformed/archive94: 00contents94.reformed.txt .