FERVENT IN SPIRIT: SERVING THE LORD! ROMANS 12.11. THE ENDUEMENT FOR SERVICE. Introduction: Judges 6.14. "Go in this THY MIGHT." Gideon, the 6th Judge in Israel was chosen by the Lord to serve Him and thereby to serve Israel. NOTE THE EVENT. 1. THERE CAME THE ANGEL OF THE LORD. Vs.14. "Have I not sent thee?" Vs.15. "My family is poor in Manasseh; and I am least in my father's house." Vs.16. "Surely I WILL BE WITH THEE." Vs.22. "Gideon perceived he was an angel of the Lord." Vs.23. "Peace be unto thee; FEAR NOT; thou shalt not die." The story begins in verse 11. when the angels sat under the Oak at Ophrah. NOTE the TEN acts of the Angel:- 1. Came from heaven to earth. 2. Sat under an Oak tree. 3. APPEARED to Gideon. 4. SPOKE to Gideon. 5. LOOKED upon Gideon. 6. SENT Gideon to deliver Israel. 7. FORETOLD Gideon's victory. 8. PROMISED Gideon he would not go away. 9. COMMANDED Gideon to put the meal he had prepared upon a rock. 10. TURNED the meal into a MIRACLE. FIRE OUT OF THE ROCK. 1. THE POWER OF GOD PUT AT THE DISPOSAL OF MAN. TO MAKE HIM ABLE TO WORK FOR GOD. Gideon made a meal. Peter wanted to build three tabernacles. There is always the desire to DO something when we feel our inadequacy. GOD DOES NOT WANT YOU TO MAKE FOR HIM, He wants TO MAKE for you. Our Lord came TO DO the works of the Father. He spoke THE WORDS of the Father. Through the Eternal Spirit He offered Himself without spot to God. 2. THE FIRST STEP. Everyone has problems when beginning to serve the Lord, but the way is made clear in the Word of God. We cannot go wrong when we surrender ourselves and obey God's Word. THERE WERE FOUR ELEMENTS TO THE MIGHT OF GIDEON:- 1. VISION - Give God your Future. We cannot see the future except when God gives us a vision. Without a vision the people perish. 2. WILLINGNESS. 3. OFFERING.(Sacrifice.) 4. FAITH. 1. VISION. We must face the REALITY OF THE BELIEVER'S EXPERIENCE. The vision God gives is not a nebulous hope. WHAT GOD PROJECTS WILL COME TO PASS. One of our greatest needs today is for REALITY in CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP AND SERVICE. We live in an age of a Synthetic Society where the IMAGE sells the PRODUCT, where the INSTANT and EASIEST are the BEST. So much of our Christianity can be subtly conditioned by the climate of our Age. Many are trying to live up to A BRAND IMAGE OF THE REAL CHRISTIAN. GOD WANTS YOU TO BE YOU. He greets you with, 'Thou mighty person of valour!' BUT your MIGHT and VALOUR come from HIM. BEWARE, lest you go along with the crowd, yet inside you are hollow and empty. We need THE VISION for ourselves TO DO THE WORK OF GOD. We live in a SELF CENTRED SOCIETY, and by the degree to which we reflect that Society, we tend to become obsessed with NON SPIRITUAL FEELINGS: WE QUESTION WHAT ARE WE GETTING OUT OF IT? WE FOLLOW THE WORD UNTIL IT CHALLENGES OUR PREJUDICES. We must be able to continue to do God's Will even when it gets uncomfortable for us. THE VISION WILL CARRY US THROUGH. As the World tries to squeeze us into its mould, how can we PRESERVE OUR CHRISTIAN REALITY? The answer lies in the beginning of Romans 12; Here are God's Instructions on HOW TO LIVE A REAL CHRISTIAN LIFE IN THIS WORLD. The Apostle has completed the doctrinal part of his Epistle, dealing with principles and problems. He has outlined how to get RIGHT and how to KEEP RIGHT with God. NOW he seeks to explain THE LIFE OF FAITH IN PRACTICE and to emphasise THE DUTY OF CHRISTIAN LIVING. Read Vss.1+2. and note the words - SACRIFICE - HOLY - ACCEPTABLE - TRANSFORMED - RENEWING. GET THE VISION OF A LIFE IN GOD. OUR MIGHT IS IN GOD. We need to SEE the Lord. He is still the God of miracles. Note again,the angels greeting to Gideon - "Thou mighty man of valour." Gideon was the son of JOASH the Ahizerite. He was threshing wheat by the winepress. The Israelites could not use regular threshing floors for fear of their enemies, and so they threshed grain a little at a time, by flailing it instead of treading it by the use of cattle. Gideon was working by a winepress; a place where his enemies would not suspect because Israel had no grapes left with which to make wine. The enemy had all the vineyards. The first step is that of Full surrender. Gideon was a nobody - so God could use him. If he had felt he was a somebody God could not have used him. When the angel appeared and spoke to him he said, "The Lord is with thee, THOU MIGHTY MAN OF VALOUR." Gideon's response was - "Where be all Thy miracles?" Read Verse 13 - "And Gideon said unto him, Oh my Lord, if the Lord be with us, why then is all this befallen us? AND WHERE BE ALL HIS MIRACLES WHICH OUR FATHERS TOLD US OF, SAYING, Did not the Lord bring us from Egypt?, but now the Lord hath forsaken us and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites." Vs.14. "AND THE LORD LOOKED UPON HIM, and said - GO IN THIS THY MIGHT." We need to see the Lord. He is still the God of the miraculous. Take note of the angel's greeting. "Thou mighty man of valour." Gideon was the son of Joash the Abizerite. He was threshing wheat by the winepress. The Israelites could not use the regular threshing floors for fear of their enemies, and so they threshed the grain a little at a time by flailing it instead of treading it by the use of cattle. Gideon was working by the winepress; a place his enemies would not suspect because Israel had no grapes left with which to make wine with their presses. THE ENEMY HAD ALL THE VINEYARDS. MIGHTY MAN OF VALOUR. God was calling him by WHAT HE WAS GOING TO BE. God is calling you to service. The enemy may be strong. Your resources may be very limited. You may feel so insignificant. BUT GOD CALLS YOU BY WHAT YOU CAN BE IN HIS SERVICE. This is your might. We are not strong in ourselves - we are strong IN THE PURPOSE OF GOD. IT IS NOT WHAT YOU ARE, BUT WHAT YOU CAN BE, THAT COUNTS. God knows what you can be. He says, "Without me ye can do NOTHING. But we can do ALL THINGS THROUGH GOD WHO STRENGTHENS US. WITH GOD - ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. Do you believe this? 2. WILLINGNESS. WHATSOEVER HE SAITH UNTO YOU - DO IT! No matter how enthusiastic you may be when you first begin to work for God, a time will come when you will have to face REALITY. YOU MUST OBEY HIM IN ALL THINGS. Gideon's strength lay in his willingness to do what God told him to do. Whilst he remained humble and willing, he succeeded in what God had called him to do. Later: Judges 8.22-28. He made a dreadful mistake. The men of Israel asked him to RULE OVER THEM. His reply was very direct:- "I will not rule over you, neither shall my sons rule over you, THE LORD SHALL RULE OVER YOU." BUT, he asked for the earrings of the ISHMAELITES they had slain or captured. Vs.27. Gideon made an EPHOD of the 170 Shakes of GOLD beside ornaments, collars, and chains from around the necks of the camels. He put it in HIS CITY - OPHRAH. AND ALL ISRAEL WENT A WHORING AFTER IT. Which thing became a snare to Gideon and his house. NEVER MAKE A TROPHY OF A TRIUMPH GOD HAS GIVEN YOU. GOD WILL NOT GIVE HIS GLORY TO ANOTHER. KEEP THE VISION AND REMAIN WILLING. Every mountain you climb will reveal that there are others to climb. The Psalmist declared - Psalm 110.3. "Thy people shall be willing in the Day of Thy Power." The Prophet Isaiah gives us the Divine Contract:- If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land, BUT if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured by the sword; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it." THE CONDITIONS FOR BLESSING - BE WILLING - BE OBEDIENT. 3. OFFERING or SACRIFICE. >From the very start Gideon GAVE. In Paul's appeal in Romans 12.-1-2. we see the essence of the REALITY OF SERVICE IS SACRIFICE. THERE ARE THREE ESSENTIAL ACTS IN THIS OFFERING. a/ A PRESENTATION. 1) DELIBERATE - Present your bodies. As a worshipper in the Old Testament offered sacrifices, expressing praise and gratitude to God. WE MUST GIVE OUR OWN SELVES. We offer - BY THE MERCIES OF GOD = By Tender Compassion. God is not a slave driver - He loves His children. You are called to work in the FAMILY BUSINESS. 2) DISCERNIBLE - BODIES can be seen. Too often we think of Christian Commitment as belonging only to the Spiritual Realm, and we continue to live in the Physical world AS THE FLESH PLEASES. OUR BODIES are the temples of the HOLY SPIRIT, and we are commanded to "Glorify God in our bodies as well as in our spirits." 1 Corinthians 6.19- 20. 3) DEDICATORY. WE make an OFFERING unto God. WE DEDICATE OURSELVES TO HIS WORK. IT IS A LIVING SACRIFICE. There are circumstances where it would be easier to DIE for God than to continue to LIVE for Him. BUT IT IS YOUR REASONABLE SERVICE. This is the essential thing to do. You give yourself a LIVING SACRIFICE - Holy - Acceptable - to GOD. Heart and Soul and Mind...Intellect and Affections. ALL ARE SURRENDERED TO HIM. Not in Asceticism, not in intellectualism, BUT IN FERVENCY OF SPIRIT and IN REALITY. CAN YOU SING "I surrender all", and mean it? REFUSE to pattern your life after this age or according to these times. DO NOT follow the examples of the World around you. FOLLOW GOD. CHRISTIAN REALISM IS LIVING UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF CHRIST. b/ A PROCESS. The fact that it is a process and not one act is indicated by the IMPERATIVES present in Vs.2. Don't be conformed - Be transformed - Prove what is that good. It is a growing transformation. A process of change. Living in the World , BUT NOT CONFORMING TO IT. Raised to a new sphere of life entirely, IN CHRIST. Genuine, Real Christianity, is growing more like the Lord Jesus Christ. a work of RENOVATION and RENEWAL. A daily laying of our life, thoughts, plans, before God. A daily appropriating of the DUNAMIS of the Spirit. A daily exposure of OUR MINDS TO THE WORD OF GOD. THIS TRANSFORMS OUR THINKING. BE TRANSFORMED. - METAMORPHOO. The same word is used to describe our Lord on the Mount of Transfiguration. He was transformed before their eyes. TRANSFORMED OR TRANSFIGURED BY A SPIRITUAL CHANGE. For us, where does that change take place?. IN YOUR MIND. God has given you a CLEAN HEART and a RIGHT SPIRIT, NOW by the unreserved offering of yourself to Him, by the moving of the Spirit in your life, BE TRANSFORMED by the RENEWING OF YOUR MIND. TRANSFORMED IN THE SPIRIT OF YOUR THINKING. Think like a child of God. THEN YOU WILL PROVE THE PERFECT WILL OF GOD. It is a wonderful process. Paul gives a practical exposition of a renewed mind: Vs.3. A SOBER ASSESSMENT OF SELF. Not an exaggerated sense of your own importance. LIVING Bible Paraphrase: + Be honest in your estimate of yourself, measuring your value by HOW MUCH FAITH GOD HAS GIVEN YOU." Vss.4-5. A RECOGNITION OF ONE'S PLACE IN THE BODY OF CHRIST. We are all PART of it. It takes ALL to make it complete. We belong to each other, and each needs ALL OTHERS. Vs.6. A WILLING STEWARDSHIP OF THE GIFTS OF GOD'S GRACE. Note: The emphasis is on the WAY they are used as well as on the gifts themselves. c/ A PROVING. The Will of God is never deficient. It is the ABSOLUTE STANDARD OF PERFECTION FOR OUR LIVES, because it is a reflection of HIS PERFECTION IN HOLINESS, GOODNESS, AND LOVE. THE IMPLICATIONS OF GOD'S WILL - AN ACTIVE LIFE. Don't pity a child of God who is active in God's Work. ACTIVELY SERVING THE WILL OF GOD BRINGS:- i. Vs.9. A genuine love built upon STRONG MORAL FOUNDATIONS. Love without pretence. ii. Vs.10. A deep affection for ALL members of God's Family. Taking delight in honouring one another. iii. Vs.11. (OUR TEXT) Enthusiastic service for the Lord. iv. Vs. 12. A Spirit of Perseverance IN THE MIDST OF DIFFICULTIES. You will have some difficulties - BUT BE HOPEFUL - PATIENT - PRAYERFUL. Paraphrased: - BE GLAD FOR ALL THAT GOD IS PLANNING FOR YOU! v. Vs.13. AN OPEN HEARTED GENEROSITY. Paraphrased: When God's children are in need, YOU BE THE ONE TO HELP THEM OUT, and get in the habit of inviting guests home for dinner, or if they need lodging, for the night. vi. Vs.14. AN OVERFLOWING BLESSING THAT REACHES EVEN OUR OPPONENTS. vii. Vs.15. A COMPASSIONATE SYMPATHY WITH OTHERS. Entering into their lives and needs. viii. Vs.16. A HARMONY BUILT ON HUMILITY. Work happily together. Don't try to ACT BIG. Don't try to get into the good graces of important people, but enjoy the company of ordinary folk. AND DON'T THINK YOU KNOW IT ALL. ix. Vs.19. LIVING PEACEABLY WITH ALL MEN. As far as it depends on you - live at peace. x. Vs.21. CONQUER EVIL WITH GOOD. 4. FAITH. Gideon pleased God as he Believed God. We can only TRULY ACT UPON THAT which we fully believe. HEBREWS 11 has a great deal to tell us about the composition and action of FAITH. NOTE the SEVEN THINGS the writer of the Hebrews tells us about FAITH:- 1/ FAITH IS THE SUBSTANCE OF THINGS HOPED FOR. SUBSTANCE = Confidence - Support - Ground work (Foundation) - Subsistence - REALITY - Essence. THE THINGS HOPED FOR - Our Salvation - our Calling - our Righteousness - our Reward etc. I am not only going to be saved - I am saved now. etc. 2/ FAITH IS THE EVIDENCE OF THINGS NOT SEEN. EVIDENCE = Proof. THINGS NOT SEEN - It is the PROOF of THINGS TO COME. Things to come cannot separate us from the Love of God. Rom.8.28. Things of the Spirit Rom.8.5. They who are after the Spirit mind the things of the Spirit. Things prepared for us: 1 Cor.2.9. Eye hath not see, ear hath not heard, neither have entered into the heart of man. THE THINGS THAT GOD HATH PREPARED FOR THEM THAT LOVE HIM. Faith gives us the proof of these things. 3/ FAITH IS THE ABILITY TO PLEASE GOD. Enoch had this testimony that he pleased God. It was his faith, lasting 300 years, that so pleased God. It is by believing we please God. Without faith it is impossible to please Him. Faith is not the ability TO GET SOMETHING FROM GOD. It is the ABILITY TO GIVE SOMETHING TO GOD THAT NO-ONE ELSE CAN GIVE. My faith is something only I can give Him AS ONLY I CAN GIVE MYSELF TO HIM. 4/ FAITH IS TRUST IN AN UNKNOWN FUTURE. Heb.11.8-10. Abraham went out not knowing whither he went. God does not give you a MAP, He gives you an assurance. 5/ FAITH IS AN ASSURANCE OF GOD'S FAITHFULNESS. Abraham offered up his only begotten son - Heb.11.17-19. - ACCOUNTING that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead." The ASSURANCE goes beyond the grave. We are engaged in the service of the Lord, a work that goes on into eternity. 6/ FAITH IS A CONFIDENCE IN THINGS TO COME. 11.20-31. Heb.3.6-14. We are of Christ's House IF WE HOLD FAST THE CONFIDENCE AND REJOICING OF THE HOPE, FIRM UNTO THE END. Heb.10.23. "Let us hold fast the profession of our Faith WITHOUT WAVERING. (For He is Faithful that promised.) 7/ FAITH IS THE DEPOSIT OF THINGS DESIRED. HEB.3.12-14. "Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the Living God. BUT EXHORT ONE ANOTHER DAILY, while it is called TODAY." HERE THEN IS OUR ENDUEMENT - VISION - WILL - OFFERING - FAITH THE DUNAMIS OF THE SPIRIT. Copyright (c) 1996, Hedley Palmer. All rights reserved. ----------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/hpalmer/snotes: serve-5.txt .