Let's go back to direct quotes from Watchtower publications: "Sodom and Gomorrah will receive a second opportunity" ("Plan of the Ages", page 110) "Sodom and Gomorrah will receive no second opportunity" ("Watchtower, Feb. 1954, page 85) "Sodom and Gommorah will receive a second opportunity" ("Watchtower", Mar. 1965, page 139) According to reliable sources who researched this very closely, Society literature has said "yes" four times and "no" four times over the last 125 years. This rebounding from one to the other also clearly shows that the Watchtower cannot even stay consistent on their prophecies. ----------------------------------------- WILL THE MEN OF SODOM BE RESURRECTED? YES... WATCHTOWER 7/1879, Page 8 NO... WATCHTOWER 6/1/52, Page 338 YES... WATCHTOWER 8/1/65, Page 479 NO... WATCHTOWER 6/1/88, Page 31 YES... LIVE FOREVER (old), Page 179 NO... LIVE FOREVER (new), Page 179 YES... INSIGHT/SCRIPTURES, Vol. 2, Page 985 NO... REVELATION book, Page 273 -------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/apl/jw: jw-026.txt .