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All files are stored in compressed (.Z) format, and each subdirectory has an non-compressed file that describes the contents of the files included in the directory. =============================================================================== ProLife News Index for Volume 3 (January - December 1993) =============================================================================== v3n1 ------------------------------------------------------- 279 lines Genetic Testing and Abortion Coersion Freedom Of Choice Act [FOCA] Hotline [Announcement] Young Americans for Freedom Essay Contest [Announcement] Pro-Life Internships Available [Announcement] Another Anniversary - Roe vs Wade Reader Comments: on Sex Education (Followup on v2n19s) Reader Questions: Concerning the ACL (Followup on v2n20s) v3n2 ------------------------------------------------------- 231 lines Roe Versus Wade: 20 Years [Editorial] Post Abortion Syndrome - Things To Look For Some Followup News: ILCL Conference Attacked (followup on v2n19) Social Gathering Following March For Life [Announcement] Reader Questions: Improve the Quote-of-the-month On-Line Resources: (Annual Announcement) v3n3 ------------------------------------------------------- 271 lines Hope Vs. Perales - A collusive NY Lawsuit? Gender Conflict of Interest Among Teens "It's a Child, Stupid" - report on the 1993 March for Life Upcomming Events [Announcements] Reader Questions: Looking for a Lincoln quote v3n4 ------------------------------------------------------- 222 lines Jewish ProLifers Speak Out Across the Pond: Italy - Story of Carla Ardenghi Across the Pond: Northern Ireland - Catholics and Protestants agree Net Rumors: Clinton puts an ear to the internet House of Representatives to join the Internet? Reader Questions: Abortions in Canada Announcements v3n5 ------------------------------------------------------- 283 lines Butcher of New York Convicted The Bray Case: Court Rules KKK Law does not apply to OR Helpful Hints: Things to remember when... Reader Responses: Children's Rights Movement, Animal vs. Human Rights Reader Questions: Legal Abortion Deaths, JAAL Address v3n6 ------------------------------------------------------- 271 lines Murder Has No Justification: Report on Murder of Florida Abortionist Editorial: Abortion, Victimization or Responsibility? Across the Pond: Poland, England and Ireland College Pro-Life Information Network (InfoNet) Students in Action: St. Thomas Annual Reader's Survey v3n7 ------------------------------------------------------- 224 lines FOCA Faces Committee Vote Notes on RU-486 Across the Pond: Poland New FFL Chapter in Buffalo, NY A NYT Editorial Submission (on the Pensacola Killing) Reader Responses: to v3n6 Editorial; to the Pensacola Killing Reader Questions: on an OR Tactic v3n8 ------------------------------------------------------- 279 lines Casey Speaks out on National Health Care Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act [HR 796] Ivy League Coalition for Life Spring Conference [ Announcement ] New Resources Added [ RU-486, RusselHittinger, HR796 ] Reader Questions - help answering 'tough' abortion questions Reader Responses - 2x The Pensacola Killing (v3n6) Reader Responses - Abortion, Victimization or Responsibility (v3n6) v3n9 ------------------------------------------------------- 298 lines Military Doctors in Europe Unwilling to Abort Florida Heating Up - a court battle over 1st amendment rights New Resources Added [MADact, JohnHass, HIV+condoms, ScaliaDissent] Reader Questions - 1 in 5 dies of 'Choice', Fetal Tissue Uses Reder Responses - Lukewarm Pro-life response, the Pensacola murder, responding to "Hard" cases v3n10 ------------------------------------------------------ 295 lines Will the Real U.S. Supreme Court Please Stand Up? Mitchel Amendment to FOCA a Sham What the NRLC really said about Dr. Gunn's Murder The Media, the NRLC, and the Pensacola Murder Guest Editorial: News Media Distortion of the Abortion Issue Wofford Waffles the Abortion Issue A Pro-Life Spring Break (followup to v3n6 announcement) Reader Questions: Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act Reader Responses: Number of abortions Re: The Pro-Life Response to the Pensacola Murder v3n11 ------------------------------------------------------ 252 lines Pro-Life Group Buys Ex-abortion Clinic - Chattanooga, Tennessee Pennsylvania Fights Back - Order saught to let law take effect MAD Act before Congress - Legislative Alert Clinton Moves: RU-486 to be Licensed in US Wanted: Pro-Life Opinions [Announcement] Reader Questions: Adoption Help Wanted Reader Responses: Media Bias: v3n10 Reader Responses: Response the Pensacola Murder: v3n10 Goodbyes v3n12 ------------------------------------------------------ 267 lines Accross the Pond: Germany - A Victory in the Constitutional Court Pro-Abortion Vandalism Makes the Press (Boston) Pennsylvania Continues the Fight - PP deined more state funding International Pregnancy Loss Project [Announcement] Scientists For Life [Announcement] National Organizationn of Episcopals for Life (NOEL) [Announcement] Reader Responses: v3n11 Legislation Alert...Chattanooga Clinic Purchase...RU-486 Reader Comments - An Analogy for Rescuers v3n13 ------------------------------------------------------ 261 lines Free Speech Attacked at UCR Feminists For Life Join The Net [Announcement] Corrections - News Media Distortion of the Abortion Issue [v3n10] New Resources Added [ 93SenateList, 93HouseList1, 93HouseList2, AmericanHolocaust, CaseySpeaks93 ] Fact For The Fortnight - 1990 PP Statistics Reader Comments: Has the MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour Become Biased? Reader Responses: v3n13 An Analogy for Rescuers v3n14 ------------------------------------------------------ 254 lines The American Right to Life [Essay] by Terrence Hughes The Dark Moments of American Jurisprudence [Essay] by Robert P. Casey Hyde Amendment to Stay - Passes House Vote Help From Unlikely Corners - Illinois NOW opposes amended FOCA Hold The Sandwich - Court allows deli owner to not serve clinics On-Line Resource Update ["MADact" and "1993FOCA"] U.S. Department of Justice JURIS System - petitions available Reader Comments - Diversification of OR v3n15 ------------------------------------------------------ 270 lines Michigan: Informed Consent Bill Passes Philadelphia: Anti-Blockade Law Declared Invalid Missouri: Fetal Killing Results in Murder Charges Washington DC: Clinton's Surgeon General Nominee Fighting Abortion: The Right to Write Reader Questions v3n16 ------------------------------------------------------ 311 lines "Butcher of New York" faces 29 years Editorial: Paternal Rights and The Magic of Birth A Grotesque, Obscene Exploitation of Human Life - on Fetal Tissue Research A Village Voice of Moral Outrage - D&X The Right to Write: Part Two - The Truth about Fetal Tissue Harvesting Reader Comments: Fetal Killing Results in Murder Charges [v3n15] Reader Comments: Clinton's Surgeon General Nominee [v3n15] On-Line Resource Update: PLN ftp site now available v3n17 ------------------------------------------------------ 275 lines Clinton Appeals to the Supreme Court "Who Decides?" a Michigan Euthanasia Case Across the Pond: Ireland - Advertisements for Overseas Abortions Across the Pond: People's Republic of China - M/F Birth Ratios The Right to Write, Part Three - email Addresses What Works: Turn to the Experts - Defusing Population Control Arguments For Your Information: Organizations of ProLife Doctors Announcement [New Book]: _Politically Correct Death_ Reader Responses: Protests in the 60's, Supporting Military Doctors, D&X v3n18 ------------------------------------------------------ 269 lines Abortionist Tiller Shot in Wichita Catholic Priest's Zeal Makes The News Editorial: Is it permissible to kill a doctor who performs abortions? Miracle Baby Spawns Troubling Questions Coalition for a Caring Society Formed Reader Responses: Population Control v3n19 ------------------------------------------------------ 262 lines Feminist Launches Pro-Life Political Action Committee (PAC) Spiritual Crusade to End Abortion Book Reviews: _A Social History of Abortion_ Off-Line Resources: _Consider the Sources_ and _Matters of Life and Death _ Reader Comments: Mother-to-Child AIDS Transmission: v3n18 Reader Comments: Morality of Rescue: v3n18 Reader Questions: Islam and Judaism v3n20 ------------------------------------------------------ 261 lines Fetal Surgery in California Home Abortions in the Media Abortion Choice - Your Baby or Your Job Do Americans Really Support Roe v Wade? Assistance to Pregnant Women Most Useful Tactic Resources Added: FreedomOfSpeech, PastoralOnAbortion, RespectForLife Reader Responses: HIV+ Children, Islam/Judaism and Abortion Reader Questions: Abortion rates in Netherlands and UK, Medical Schools v3n21 ------------------------------------------------------ 292 lines Is Abortion a Catholic Issue? - excerpts from Robert P. Casey The Untold Story of Abortion and Breast Cancer Catholics For Free Choice - No Members Here Fall '93 College Pro-Life Convention Slated for Grove City Help Wanted: Trying Lite the Fire at C.U.P. Reader Comments: The Lakeberg Twins Reader Questions: Looking for UMC Pro-life groups. Reader Responses: Re: Medical Schools v3n22 ------------------------------------------------------ 279 lines Across the Pond - England - NFP Defended in _British Medical Journal_ The National Front - Elders' Appointment Approved Missing the Feminist Perspective - Followup Book Review Youth for Life active in California Ivy League Coalition For Life Convention [Announcement] What Works - Counter the Sidetracks Off-Line Resources: _Supernatural Rescue Mission_, _CA ProLife News_ and _Christian Research Journal_ Reader Responses: Some Pro-Life Methodists Reader Questions: _Born Unwanted: Developmental effects of denied abortion_ Reader Questions: Breast Cancer and Abortion: Citations wanted. Looking for Help: Info on FPA, Research on MS, help finding an article v3n23 ------------------------------------------------------ 288 lines Across the Pond - Belgium: King Baudouin I From George Washington University: A Brave New World No Need To Wait for RU-486 In The News (US) [recent news notes] Book Review: From the Comics -- Icon and Abortion CALL Weekend in Bloomington [Announcement] Feminists For Life to Speak at Cornell [Announcement] Reader Comments: _BMJ_ specifics and Our Lady of Guadalupe v3n24 ------------------------------------------------------ 286 lines South of the Border: Mexico On the National Front: NJ, MA, CA, PA, MN The Right To Write: Companies that produce abortifacients Annoncements: MCFL & ILCL Convention - ACL Convention On-Line Resources Added: "BeforeYouChoose" and "DeadlyEffect." Off-Line Resources: Life Dynamics, Inc.. Reader Comments: Clinton's speech for World Youth Day v3n25 ------------------------------------------------------ 291 lines FACE Passes Brady Bill Passes [Editorial] Across the Pond: Germany On the National Front: DC, MS NY (2x), MI College Coalition Forming in North East Attorneys Who Fight for Life: The Rutherford Institute Announcements: Henry Hyde to speak in Boston Advance Publication Notice: _The Abortion Controversy: A Reader_ From The Other Side: Request for Stories Reader Questions: Who supports fetal tissue research? To subscribe to the ProLife News, please contact the editor, Steve at or the assistant editor Sean at =============================================================================== This file was last updated on 2 March, 1994 ===============================================================================