file: /pub/resources/text/Prolife.News/1992: pln-v02.topics.txt --------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== ProLife News Topics from Volume 2: ===================================================================== v2n1 ------------------------------------------------------- 256 lines March for Life, 1992 [Announ.] Remember Initiative 120 in Washington State? [Followup to v1n16] "Between a Woman and Her (?)." Commentary on Title X ammendments What Works - Personal Attention (A Testimony) Our Tax Dollars at Work - An analysis of family planning promises. v2n2 ------------------------------------------------------- 245 lines Who Decides [Editorial] A Letter from the Future - the meaning of protecting life Corporate Contributors to Planned Parenthood The Other Side - irregularities in Time Magazine March for Life - a followup suggestion. v2n2s ------------------------------------------------------ 167 lines To Support Our President Bush's Sanctity of Human Life Address, 1991-92 Annual Reader Survey v2n3 ------------------------------------------------------- 199 lines Are We Prepared to Win? Reader Response to "A Letter from the Future" "Abortion Sucks" [Annon.] Priests for Life Granted Formal Approval Reader Questions v2n4 ------------------------------------------------------- 315 lines 14-year-old Irish Girl stopped from having an Abortion Motherhood is for Losers What Works - avoiding doublestandards on pregnancy and religion Reader Responses: "A Letter from the Future" Reader Responses: "Are We Prepared to Win?" Reader Questions (& Answers!) v2n5 ------------------------------------------------------- 281 lines Physician-Assisted deaths in Holland Pa-IFL Spring Convention [Announ.] What Works? - Avoiding doublestandards on the adoption issues When Comparing Abortion to Slavery - An Idea Reader Requests (& Answers!) v2n6 ------------------------------------------------------- 245 lines Federal Legislative Action Alert The Other Side - What'S Important to Them Dates to Keep in Mind Some Feminist History - Alice Paul What Works? - Avoiding doublestandards on the death penalty Dentists For Life [Annon.] Scriptural Support for the Sanctity of Life [Request] v2n7 ------------------------------------------------------- 236 lines Roe v. Wade: A Closer Look at the 1973 Decision An Eyewitness at the Capitol Ladies Home Journal Rally in Columbus [Annon.] What Works: from the 'Other Side' - pregnancy as slavery v2n8 ------------------------------------------------------- 232 lines Mandatory Abortion on Demand Act Repeat Abortions, Another Inescapable Ghetto? Shari Richard - Ultrasound Evangelist Catching Flak - A reader's plea A More Centrist Position - reader commentary Reader Responses - surveys and crowds v2n9 ------------------------------------------------------- 256 lines Will the Media Ignore Oklahoma Baby Dumping? ProLife Boycotts - Do They Work? Heritage Home, San Jose, CA What Works - Facts Are Not Enough An Apparent Scam v2n10 ------------------------------------------------------ 202 lines The Irish Abortion Debate - news from accross the pond The Defence of Fetal Eagles - why not people too? Looking for Interns - Feminists for Life Some Non-Christian Pro-life Organizations Reader Responses Goodbyes v2n11 ------------------------------------------------------ 236 lines When a Calendar isn't just a Calendar - Pro-Abort bias at OSU GU Choice Defunded GOP Politics in North Carolina ProLife Retreat [Announcement] List of Planned Parenthood Sponsors made available Pro-Abortionists at George Washington U Reader Responses v2n12 ------------------------------------------------------ 241 lines M.A.D. Act out of Committee- Hr. 25 Write for Life - the why and hows of Pro-Life Letter Writing Big Lie Exposed - research on the 'back alley' before Roe-v-Wade Want to Support Republicans For Choice? - a survey that isn't free. Another Glamourous Survey - "Glamour" asks for pro-life opinions. Numbers, Numbers - The media and pro-abort crowd counting. v2n13 ------------------------------------------------------ 201 lines Proposed Guidelines for Infant Euthanasia in Holland Pro-lifer's in Politics - what to expect at a Convention College Pro-Lifer's to meet at Penn State [Announcement] Reader Opinion: A Case for Casey v2n14 ------------------------------------------------------ 281 lines Is Development in the Womb Irrelavent? - Dr. Alan Keyes RU-486 - The Battle Continues Across the Pond - Drowing Babies to Decrease Infant Mortality Maryland's Referendum - Question 6 A Pro-Life BBS [Announcement] v2n15 ------------------------------------------------------ 251 lines The Nurturing Network Necessity Defense Wins in Kansas Across The Pond - The Irish Abortion Debate Resumes Officials Probe Cause of Teen's Death at Abortion Clinic College Students in Northeast to Meet [Announcement] Reader Questions v2n16 ------------------------------------------------------ 277 lines Did Gore Flip-Flop on Abortion? A Hoosier Abortion Poll Across the Pond - Irish Abortion Controversy Blows Up Again Looking for Supreme Court Decisions? Pro-life Companies v2n17 ------------------------------------------------------ 302 lines Proposition 110 - An Arizona Citizens' Initiative Proposition 110 - The Media Commentary Bishop Speaks Out on Legalized Euthanasia FFL Organizer Looking for Help [Announcement] Reader Responses v2n18 ------------------------------------------------------ 262 lines Election '92 - What is Going On [Editorial] Where Do the Candidates Stand on Abortion? Single Issue Voting: More Important Than Ever Across The Pond - Proposed Constitutional Change in Ireland Tales from a Clinton Rally v2n19 ------------------------------------------------------ 246 lines Ivy League Coalition for Life Conference Attacked Doctor Assisted Suicide Fails in California Proposition 110 Fails in Arizona Pro-Abort Incumbent Loses in SC Back-Alley Assisted Suicide Hits National News Scientists For Life Being Revitalized [Announcement] Reader Responses Reader Questions v2n19s ----------------------------------------------------- 339 lines -- SPECIAL ISSUE ON SEX EDUCATION IN THE U.S. -- Parental rights challenged Children's Rights Advocates What are the results? The Psychological Perspective v2n20 ------------------------------------------------------ 282 lines `Catholic' Nurse To Lead Planned Parenthood Election Victories Irish Abortion Referendum A Christian Comment on "PP v. Casey" New Group of Student Activists Formed Reader Questions Reader Responses v2n20s ------------------------------------------------------ 214 lines Special ACL Issue - What is American Collegians for Life Spring 1993 American Collegians for Life Elections Upcoming Events =================================================================== Other on-line resources that are available: (80-column ASCII format) "The Durham Declaration: To United Methodists on Our Church and Abortion" - issued February, 1990 [ask for "DuramDeclaration" ] "Why Christians Oppose Abortion" - A Scriptural approach to why Christians oppose the destruction of the unborn child. [ Ask for "WhyChristians"] "The Courage to Oppose Abortion" - Text a speech delivered at the American Colegians for Life 1992 Leadership Conference Banquet. Ask for "CourageToOppose" ] "Public Square Speech" - Text of a speech given by Feminists For Life member Jean Graham in Cleveland in April of 1992. A solid talk on why true feminists are _for_ life. [Ask for "PublicSquare"] "Casey speaks" - The pitch Governor Robert Casey of Pennsylvania made to the Democratic Committee platform hearings in May, 1992. He was the only pro-life speaker at the hearings, and his call was rejected by the Committee out of hand. [Ask for "CaseySpeaks92"] "Pro-Life Video Lending Library" - A listing of over 20 current and classic pro-life videos available for loan from the Pennsylvania Intercollegiate Federation for Life. [Ask for "VideoLibrary"] "Casey vs Planned Parenthood of SE Pennsylvania Summary" - brief summary of the Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act (1990) and what the resulting Supreme Court decision left intact. [ Ask for "PaAbortionControl" ] "Media Addresses" - Lists the addresses for 32 major radio and television news/talk shows, as well as 24 mainstream newspapers. The address and phone number are listed, however they are from 1991, so they might be dated. [ Ask for "MediaAddresses" ] "Heritage Home" - Tells the story of Heritage Home, a non-profit support home for mothers in San Jose, California. [ Ask for "HeritageHome" ] "v1Topics" - Listing (similar to this) of all topics covered in volume 1 (v1) of the ProLife News. Covers issues from January through December 1991. [Ask for "v1Topics" ] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- To request any of the above items, please send a list of items by title to the editor, eg.: Please send v2n14, v2n15, v2n17, HeritageHome, and CaseySpeaks92 If you ever wish to get another copy of this list, please write to the editor: and request "v2Topics"