file: /pub/resources/text/ProLife.News/1992: pln-0215.txt --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Life Communications - Volume 2, No. 15 September, 1992 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This newsletter is intended to provide articles and news information to those interested in Pro-Life Issues. Questions to readers and articles for submissions are strongly encouraged. All submissions should be sent to the editor, Steve ( ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) THE NURTURING NETWORK The Nurturing Network (TNN) is a nationwide charitable organization dedicated to providing practical and loving care to any woman experiencing an unplanned ... and possibly unwanted pregnancy. Throughout their national network of members and organizations, they offer immediate assistance to any woman seeking medical, counseling, employment, educational, residential and financial support during her unplanned pregnancy. Their research shows that behind most abortions statistics lies a hidden truth...that most women who choose to have abortion feel it is their only alternative. TNN exists so that every mother-to-be may experience the comfort and freedom of knowing that abortion is not her only option when faced with the crisis of an unplanned pregnancy. The Nurturing Network is made up of caring individuals who can offer the nurturing support a woman needs to give her child life...and make the most of hers as well. TNN is dedicated to helping ANY woman with an unplanned pregnancy give life to her unborn child. Organizations with whom we network offer comprehensive, compassionate support for many of the women who request help. Specialized resources offered by our members meet the specific needs of college and working women...offering them a real which recognizes their unique values, needs and circumstances. They offer: Nurturing homes Guidance and Counseling Medical Assistance Carrer Programs Educational Programs Adoption Counseling Financial Assitance Preparation for Parenthood "Network members are caring people who believe that if you are `for life' you must provide the means of support and nurture life on a very practical basis. It is irresponsible and unfair to say to a woman, `Don't have an abortion', unless you are prepared to provide her with loving support throughout her pregnancy and as long as needed thereafter. Won't you please join us in nurturing this Gift of Life?" - Mary Cunningham Agee Exec. Director, founder, and volunteer. How to help: Contribute financial support. Volunteer your professional time and experience. Open your heart and home to a mother in need. Provide opportunities for employment. Encourage your college or university to join our consortium. Spread the good news to your friends and colleagues. Coordinate the development of a resource "cluster" in your community. Clients may call 24Hours, toll-free: 1-800-TNN-4MOM ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (2) NECESSITY DEFENSE WINS IN KANSAS A Judge in Wichita, Kansas accepted the necessity defense and has overturned the trespass conviction of an abortion protestor because, "the scientific community is of the opinion that that life begins at conception and harm is the result of termination of life under most circumstances." According to Catholic News Service, Judge Paul Clark overturned the conviction of Elizabeth Ann Tilson who admitted trespassing to prevent the loss of potential life during last summer's Operation Rescue protests at an abortion clinic in Wichita. Judge Clark ruled that Mrs. Tilson "sees through her heart" and her "wrongful act is forgiven in the eyes of the law under the doctrine of justification by necessity." Defense witnesses included a French geneticist who testified that life begins at conception. Father Norman Weslin, a Catholic priest who leads the Lambs of Christ, a group that blockades abortion clinics, hailed the ruling as a major pro-life victory. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (3) ACROSS THE POND - THE IRISH ABORTION DEBATE RESUMES A sermon by the Archbishop of Dublin made the front pages of the Dublin Newspapers. Dr Desmond Connell asked the congregation at the Pro-cathedral to pray "that our Constitution may once more be enabled to express the will of the majority of our people to reject abortion". It is expected that, when the Dail resumes in early October, the Government will introduce the necessary legislation for a referendum on the issue of abortion. The Archbishop chose to raise the subject at this time because he will be abroad for much of the next month. The Pro-Life Campaign submitted a twelve-page booklet to the Government. This detailed the action which they thought necessary. A total on ban abortion is being demanded, rather than just introducing the right to travel and to information. A spokesperson said that such a ban did not preclude a pregnant woman from receiving life-saving medical treatment, even if such treatment resulted in the death of the foetus. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (4) OFFICIALS PROBE CAUSE OF TEEN'S DEATH AT ABORTION CLINIC From a UPI Posting dated 10 Sept. 1992 CHICAGO (UPI) -- Toxicology and tissue studies could take weeks to determine the cause of death of a 13-year-old North Side girl who died after surgery at a Chicago abortion clinic, officials said. The Cook County Medical Examiner's Office said an autopsy on Deanna Bell was inconclusive Sunday and said it could be six to eight weeks before results of the tests are released. Police planned to wait until the complete autopsy results were available before deciding whether to proceed with a criminal investigation. ``Right now we don't know if any crime as been committed,'' a police spokesman said. Bell reportedly died of amniotic fluid embolism Saturday, a rare condition that can occur during abortions and childbirth. Officials at the Albany Medical Surgical Center would NOT say whether the teenager had an abortion at the clinic. The girl experienced ``sudden and profound cardiac collapse in the recovery room'' after an ``uneventful procedure,'' clinic officials said. A statement said the girl's ``clinical picture was consistent with amniotic fluid embolism, in which amniotic fluid surrounding a fetus leaks into the bloodstream, travels to the heart or lungs, and can cause heart failure. Illinois does not require a minor to have parental consent before getting an abortion. ``Abortions for teenagers that young are a tragedy. But abortion is a very safe medical procedure...safer than a delivery,'' said Amy Coen, executive director of Planned Parenthood Chicago. Joseph Scheider [Joseph M. Scheidler, Ed.], of the Pro-Life Action League, said his group has documented 19 deaths in Illinois and 327 deaths nationwide in the 19 years since the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion. ``Those are the one's we have records of,'' he said. ``That was not supposed to happen. We're talking serious stuff, and they're talking like it is like having a tooth cleaned,'' Scheider said. - Caleb Cohen -- -- -- -- Does anyone think we will hear of Deanna Bell's sad fate again? Joe Scheidler is the Executive Director of the Pro-Life Action League, 6160 N. Cicero Ave. Chicago, IL 60646 (312)777-2900 (Office) (312) 777-2525 (Newsline) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (5) COLLEGE STUDENTS IN NORTHEAST TO MEET: The fourth semi-annual Ivy League Coalition for Life Convention will be held at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, on Saturday, October 17, 1992. The ILCL is an umbrella group for pro-life organizations at colleges throughout the Northeast. Everyone who is pro-life is invited to attend (read: not just college students). Campus groups do not have to be at an Ivy to be members of the ILCL, and individuals do not need to be in a member school to attend the Convention. The convention will consist of three public talks on life issues, a meeting of the ILCL General Assembly, and the obligatory pizza party. The $15 registration fee covers dinner Friday and breakfast and lunch Saturday. Speakers will include Dr. Susan Stanford-Rue, co-director of the Institute for Abortion Recovery and Research and an expert on Post- Abortion Syndrome. Also speaking will be Anne Coulter, Esq., a Cornell alumnus who has worked for the Justice Department; she will debate a pro-abortion speaker if we can find one. There will also be a speaker on euthanasia (sponsored by the Cornell Coalition for Life). The schedule is as follows: Fri., 10/16: 6:00 - 11:00 PM : Registration & Pizza Party Sat., 10/17: 8:30 AM : Breakfast (Bagels, Donuts, Coffee, etc.) 9:30 AM : Euthanasia Speaker (CCFL) 11:30 AM : Lunch (provided) 1:00 PM : Dr. Susan Stanford-Rue, Post-Abortion Trauma 3:30 PM : Anne Coulter, esq. (Debate?) 5:30 PM : End of Convention Members of the CCFL will provide lodging both Friday and Saturday nights for those who need it. Please plan to arrive Friday night so we can get an early start on Saturday. This convention is costing over $3,000 to organize, most of which we have to front, so it's important that we receive your registrations before October 2. Please make checks payable to the Cornell Coalition for Life, Box 81 Willard Straight Hall, Ithaca, NY, 14853-8201. For more information about the Convention or about the ILCL itself, contact George Paci ( (607) 277-1831 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (6) READER QUESTIONS: (a) Does anyone know an address or other info on the "Arthur S DeMoss Foundation" ? This is the foundation that has sponsored positive pro-life ads on television in recent months. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- (b) I was looking for a list of all the companies that support pro-life activities - and I suspect I can all the help i need from the pro-abortion movement. What we should all do, is go to the NOW or NARAL office near you, and get their boycott list. Then, for the pro-life companies, send them a letter with the companies listed, saying: "Thank you very much. I have several friends who were interested in knowing which companies support causes opposing legal abortion. "I will be sure to inform them so that we may buy their products in earnest." One rumored company, is Snapple Products (makers of the Snapple drink). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote of the Month: "My logic is based on ... a religious perspective which says that personhood begins at birth (actually a month after birth if we want to be precise)..." - Gloria Feldt, chief executive, Planned Parenthood of Central and Northern Arizona +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Credits: | | 1 - For more information write: The Nurturing Network, 910 Main St.,| | Suite 360 PO Box 2050 Boise, Idaho 83701 (208)344-7200 | | FAX:(208)344-4447 | | 2 - From the September "Catholic League Newsletter", v19 n7 p16. | | write: Catholic League for relig- ious and civil rights, | | Suite 227, 111 Presidential Blvd. Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 | | 3 - From the September 13, 1992 issue of THE IRISH EMIGRANT, Issue | | No.293. To subscribe, email: | | 4 - from a posting by (UPI), before 10 Sept. | | 1992. Posted to newsgroups, | | clari.local.illinois,,, | |, | |QOM- Excerpts from 10-Sep-92 Re: Oh, so Rush | | ISN'T serio.. Official U. A. virus@nex (1832). Many thanks to | | reader Caleb Cohen. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ Anyone desiring information on specific prolife groups, literature, tapes, or help with problems is encouraged to contact the editor.