File: /pub/resources/text/Our.Daily.Bread: db940529.TXT ------------------------------------------------------- OUR DAILY BREAD Sunday, May 29, 1994 ---------------- READ: Psalm 146 "THE WIDOW'S COMFORT" The Lord watches over the strangers; He relieves the fatherless and widow. - Psalm 146:9 A Christian knew he should visit a woman whose husband had recently died. He dreaded the idea because she had been despondent, yet he decided to go. He knew it was right "to visit orphans and widows in their affliction" (James 1:27). When he arrived at her door, he was surprised to find her in a cheerful mood. "What has changed your attitude," he asked. "Well," she answered, "I've been reading my Bible more faithfully since John died, and I found in Psalm 146 that the Lord would take care of me. I've received new courage because I was so comforted by His promise." Those who saw the woman's radiant face and renewed trust in God were impressed by the transformation He had brought about in her life. She was greatly encouraged when her church rallied to her support and supplied her needs. The Bible tells us to honor widows and strongly condemns those who take advantage of them (Matt. 23:14). Again and again we are told of God's special care and concern for bereaved women (Ex. 22:22; Prov. 15:25). If you've recently lost your spouse, God's words in Psalm 146 are clear and comforting. He cares about you and wants you to put your trust in Him as you face the future. Author: Henry G. Bosch He will be your heart's sure comfort, Counselor Divine, and Friend; Coming years need not distress you, He will guard you to the end. -Anon. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: --------------------- God's comfort compensates for life's losses. THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 145-147