File: /pub/resources/text/Our.Daily.Bread: db940527.TXT ------------------------------------------------------- OUR DAILY BREAD Friday, May 27, 1994 ---------------- READ: Romans 6:1-14 "MADE TO SOAR" Sin shall not have dominion over you, for your are not under law but under grace. - Romans 6:14 When I visit the zoo, I skip the eagles' cage. I can't stand the pain of seeing those majestic birds sit there on their perches day after day, their burnished brown wings draped over them like an ill-fitting old coat. They were created for the heights, to dance among the clouds, not to be prisoners in a cage. Those birds were made to fly. Many people who profess that they are Christ's men and women are like those caged eagles. They are made to live as free citizens of heaven, but they are imprisoned by their own sin. Their condition must break God's heart. He knows what they could become, but they have put themselves in a cage. And the irony is that it is a cage with open doors. The apostle Paul said that we who have put our trust in Christ have died with Him to the sin that confined us in our old life. And we are now alive in Him. We are not the per- son we used to be. Therefore, we must stop facing life as we used to face it. Think long about those truths. Remind yourself of them often. Through Christ, you have been set free! You were never meant to be imprisoned in a cage. Confess your sin and trust God anew. You were made to soar. Author: Haddon W. Robinson Lord, I thank You for salvation, For Your mercy, full and free; Take my all in consecration, Glorify Yourself in me. - Anon. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: --------------------- Christ is the open door out of the cage of sin. THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 139-141