file: /pub/resources/text/Our.Daily.Bread: db940228.txt ------------------------------------------------------- OUR DAILY BREAD February 28, 1994 --------------- READ: Romans 8:14-17 MORE THAN A CONTRACT The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs. -Romans 8:16-17 We are all accustomed to contracts. We are often required to sign them, whether with a builder to construct our house or with the department store when we purchase an appliance. Contracts, formal or informal, specify what happens if one of the parties fails to live up to an agreement. When we put our trust in Christ for salvation, however, we do more than sign a contract. We enter info a binding relationship with God whereby He makes us His children by the new birth and by adoption ( 1 Peter 1:23; Ephesians 1:5). Because of this close family relationship, we are permanent heirs of an eternal inheritance reserved in heaven for us ( 1 Peter 1:4). Contracts can be broken if one of the parties fails to keep his part of the promise. Fortunately for us, out eternal destiny is based on more than some legal agreement we make with God. Rather, we are secure because of our family relationship with Him. If a youngster fails to show up for dinner, the parent's obligation isn't canceled. The parent starts a search for the child. One member's failure doesn't cancel the relationship. How thankful we can be that eternal life is based on our relationship with God through Christ. -HWR We're members of God's family, We're children of the King; Because we've put our faith in Christ, To us He'll always cling. -Sper We are heirs of God not merely by contract, but by birthright.