This file belongs to the TeX Gyre collection of fonts. The work is
released under the GUST Font License. See the MANIFEST-TeX-Gyre-Termes.txt
and README-TeX-Gyre-Termes.txt files for the details.
For the most recent version of this license see or

Ver 2.004: 07.10.2009
* malformed `estimated' glyph corrected

Ver 2.003: 16.09.2009
* this is the first official release of the TeX Gyre Termes fonts since
  June 22, 2009, when URW++, represented by Dr. Peter Rosenfeld, its
  Managing Director, kindly agreed to release the original 35 base
  PostScript fonts as shipped with Ghostscript ver. 4.00 under the LPPL
  (LaTeX Project Public License). This should be understood so that the
  35 base Postscript fonts may be used and developed either under the
  LPPL or one of the GPL (GNU Public Licence) or AFPL (Aladdin Free
  Public Licence). The latter were put in force with the initial release
  of the base fonts with Ghostscript ver. 4.00 in 1996. Hereby we thank
  Dr. Rosenfeld. The TeX Gyre fonts are being develped from the
  Ghostscript ver. 4.00 base. For reasons explained elsewhere, we prefer
  to provide our work under the GUST Font Licence (GFL) which is legally
  equivallent to the LPPL. However, since 1996 the 35 PostScript base
  fonts were enhanced under the GNU Public License with Vietnamese glyphs
  by Han The Thanh and Cyrillic glyphs by Valek Filippov. Han The Thanh
  kindly permitted his additions to be retained under under GFL/LPPL in
  this and future TeX Gyre fonts releases. Unfortunately, we were unable
  to receive a similar permission from Valek Filippov for his Cyrillic
  glyphs, thus there are no Cyrillic glyphs in any of the TeX Gyre fonts.
* with the removal of the Cyrillic glyphs all t2a-*.tfm, t2b-*.tfm
  t2c-*.tfm files and the relevant LaTeX *.fd files were also removed.
* typos in ligature schemes in `' corrected
  (`quotedblbase' and `quotedblleft' instead `quotedblright')
* percent and perthousand in regular and bold variants modified
  (the original shape had too much from the italic form)
* the outline of a letter `w' in italic variants slightly changed
* positions of accents corrected so that the \accent primitive
  yields satisfactory results
* spaceskip make consistent with the width of space --
  qtmb, qtmbi, qtmr, qtmri: 0.25em plus 0.125em minus 0.083em;
  thanks to Jarmo Niemel\"a for pointing out the problem;
  previous spacing (0.333em  plus 0.167em minus 0.111em) can be restored:
  (a) in plain -- by setting \spaceskip=0.333em plus 0.167em minus 0.111em
  (b) in LaTeX -- by using option `oldspacing'
* OTF structure corrected and improved (in particular, the ligature ffi
  works now properly)
* `visiblespace' renamed to `uni2423' (suggestion of Werner Lemberg and
  Karl Berry) -- hopefully everywhere...
* `Dblgravecomb' renamed to `dblGravecomb'
* `nomero'  in MT1 sources renamed to `numero', shape altered,
  name `afii61352' no more used
* undertie added (suggestion of Werner Lemberg)
  U+203F -- undertie (smile-shaped glyph placed below baseline)
  U+2040 -- tie (frown-shaped glyph placed at the top line)
  U+2054 -- undertieinverted (frown-shaped glyph placed below baseline)
  nota bene, there is no code point in the Unicode table for the inverted tie...
* glyphs `acaron', `Acaron', `icaron', `Icaron', `idieresisacute',
  `Idieresisacute', `jcaron', `J_caron', `ocaron', `Ocaron', `ucaron',
  `Ucaron', `udieresisacute', `Udieresisacute', `udieresiscaron',
  `Udieresiscaron', `udieresisgrave', and `Udieresisgrave' added
  (proposal of Oliver Corff) -- all the glyphs but `J_caron' have code
  points in the Unicode table and names assigned in the Adobe Glyph List
  (incidentaly, in J_caron apostrophe is used alike in lcaron and tcaron --
  cf., small caps were assigned
  code points in Private Unicode Area  
* glyps orogate and Orogate (`rogate' in Polish means `with horns')
  added -- they are used to denote nasal vowels in ancient Polish texts
  (ca. XIV century)
* uni2010 (hyphen duplicate) i uni2011 (non-breakable hyphen duplicate) added
  (suggestion of Hans Hagen)
* LaTeX *.sty and *.fd files reworked:
  -- option `oldspacing' provided because of the change of default spacing
     (see above),
  -- files l7x*.fd (Lithuanian) refer to `L7x', as they should,
  -- scheme of referring to slanted variants improved,
  -- option `scaled=<size>' added which allows to rescale font
     at loading,
  -- in TeX Gyre LaTeX packages, text bold is defined as
     \renewcommand\bfdefault{b} (`b' instead of `bx')
  -- options `matchlowercase'/`matchuppercase' added which scale
     the font such that its `x_height'/`cap_height' matches
     the respective dimension of the main font of the document;
     one can say also, e.g., `matchlowercase=1.1' if scaling to 110%
     of the `x_height' of the main font of the document is needed;
     sample usage:
         We put TG Termes (main) with \textsf{TG Heros} and
         {\fontfamily{qag}\selectfont TG Adventor}. \textsf{As~a~result},
         all small letters have the same heights.
  (note that now TeX Gyre LaTeX styles require the `kvoptions' module
  which, in turn, necessitates using etex)
  very many thanks to Marcin Woli\'nski

* we are not going to introduce any extensions that would result
  in yet more TFMs files (e.g., for more convenient handling
  of oldstyle/normal digits) -- in such cases we suggest using
  the OTF fonts versions
* improving hints is a kind of Sisyphean job -- there are no tools
  for automatic hinting checking; the only method is to check
  optically/manually each and every character with various display
  agents, on various screens under various operating systems and various
  resolutions. We are not totally opposing Sisyphean jobs in general,
  but having had that much time as we had, we decided to spend it on
  other improvements...

Ver. 1.103: 22.02.2008
* math glyphs shifted horizontally (widths left intact)
* kerns between half rings and `A' (also `') added 
* in the OTF files, the features `salt', `ss01', `ss02',
  `ss03', `ss04' added

Ver. 1.102: 19.02.2008 -- inofficial release
* compatibility with the recent Latin Modern release (1.106) implemented,
  see --
  main changes: the repertoire of glyphs extended by Arabic transliteration
  glyphs, OTF structure modified (`size' feature implemented, the ligatures
  `i_j' and `I_J' available only for Dutch, the ligature `f_k' -- for Polish,
  the `locl' feature reimplemented -- an artificial glyph `i.TRK' is no
  longer needed)
* glyphs uni03C6 and uni03D5 used to be interchanged in all TeX Gyre fonts;
  the unicode specification is not explicit too much:
  but FileFormat.Info is:
  (spotted by Michael Zedler, thanks)

Ver. 1.099: 30.01.2008 -- unpublished
* `copyright.alt' added
* an underlining stroke added in `ordmasculine' and `orfeminine';
  `colonmonetary' and `guarani' touched

Ver. 1.030, 12.09.2007:
* width of `trademark', `servicemark', `copyright', `copyleft', `published',
  `registered', and `registered.alt' changed; moreover, the outline of
  `lslash' was repositioned in all variants and the width of `lslash'
  in the bold italic variant was decreased by 20 units; now, the widths
  of the TeX Gyre Termes glyphs are almost consistent with the relevant
  Adobe metric data (for the glyphs from the Adobe Standard Encoding):
  exceptions are: `logicalnot' and `minus' in the bold italic variant
  (Adobe: 606, TeX Gyre: 570 which is consistent with other math glyphs)
  and `exclamdown' in the regular italic variant (Adobe: 389, TeX Gyre: 333
  which is consistent with the width of the `exclam' glyph)

Ver. 1.020, 10.09.2007:
* width of `fraction.alt' set to 0, widths of `hyphen.alt' and
  `hyphendbl.alt' set to the half of the `hyphen' width

Ver. 1.012, 07.09.2007:
* oldstyle numerals in the ts1 encoding replaced by tabular oldstyle ones
* Type 1 names `lessorequalslant' and `greaterorequalslant' translated
  to `lessequal.slant' and `greaterequal.slant', respectively, in OTF

Ver. 1.011x, 16.04.2007 (internal version number not changed):
* only OTF files re-generated -- hhea and OS/2 tables set explicitly
  following the recommendations contained in

22.01.2007: no version change
* Lithuanian *.fd file corrected (reported by Sigitas Tolusis): L7X -> L7x

Ver. 1.011, 14.01.2007:
* LM-compatible corrections: `[Ll]dotaccent' renamed to `[Ll]dot'
  (in both PS and OTF), `[SsTt]commaaccent' renamed to `uni0218', `uni0219',
  `uni021A', and `uni021B', respectively (in OTF only), `[gklnr]commaaccent'
  duplicated to `[gklnr]cedilla', combining accents supplemented
  (`commaaccentcomb', `Breveinvertedcomb'), AFDKO's Glyph Order
  and Alias DB file (GOADB) modified (now both Latin Modern and
  TeX Gyre font engines share the same GOADB)
* OTF feature locl fixed

Ver. 1.010, 18.12.2006:
* OpenType structure corrected, a few dozens of glyphs
  added, small caps slightly tuned

Ver. 1.000: 27.10.2006