These fonts are based on Utopia font which was released by Adobe for TeX
users group with following license:

Adobe Systems Incorporated ("Adobe") hereby grants to the TeX Users
Group and its members a nonexclusive, royalty-free, perpetual license to
the typeface software for the Utopia Regular, Utopia Italic, Utopia Bold
and Utopia bold Italic typefaces, including Adobe Type 1 font programs
for each style (collectively, the "Software") as set forth below.

Adobe grants the TeX Users Group a license under its copyrights, to use,
reproduce, display and distribute the Software for any purpose and
without fee provided that the following copyright notice appears in all
whole and partial copies of the Software and provided that the following
trademark symbol and attribution appear in all unmodified copies of the

Copyright 1989, 1991 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
(alternatively, @1989, 1991 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.)
Utopia is either a registered trademark or trademark of Adobe Systems
Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Used under

Adobe also grants to the TeX Users Group a license to modify the
Software for any purpose and redistribute such modifications, for any
purpose and royalty-free, provided that the modified Software shall not
use the font name(s) or trademark(s), in whole or in part, unless
explicit written permission is granted by Adobe. This restriction
applies to all references stored in the Software for identification
purposes, such as the font menu name and other font description
fields. The TeX Users Group is also permitted to sublicense, and grant
such sublicensees the right to further sublicense, any or all the
foregoing rights through multiple tiers of distribution. The licenses
granted herein are granted in perpetuity and may not be terminated by
either party unless such termination is based on a breach of the terms
and conditions herein stated.

Adobe retains ownership of the copyright in the Software. The TeX Users
Group agrees that Adobe and its suppliers are the sole and exclusive
owners of all rights, title and interest, including all copyrights,
patents, trademarks, trade names, trade secrets and other intellectual
property rights in the Software. No title or ownership of the Software,
any copies of the Software, or the patent, copyright, trade secret,
trademark, trade name or other proprietary rights contained in the
Software is transferred to the TeX Users Group.

The Adobe trademarks shall not be used in advertising pertaining to the
distribution of the Software without express prior permission from
Adobe. Any such use shall be in accordance with the Adobe trademark
guidelines, available on the Adobe website at GuideforThirdPartiesFinal.pdf.
If any portion of the Software is changed, it cannot be marketed under
Adobe's trademarks unless Adobe, in its sole discretion, approves by a
prior writing the quality of the resulting implementation.

The TeX Users Group shall have the right to evaluate the Software
provided by Adobe.

Then the TeX Users Group (TUG) gave all such rights, irrevocably and in
perpetuity, to any and all interested parties.

Heuristica fonts contains glyphs from Vntopia font family, which was released by Han The Thanh on 2006
according to the conditions of the Adobe/TUG license agreement.

Build and install instructions

You need fontforge (, xgridfit
( and font-helpers
( ) in order to build the fonts from
the sources. Also you should have GNU make and coreutils. At first you
must unpack/copy files from font-helpers into the directory where the *.sfd
files are located. Then type


and the truetype fonts will be produced. On systems with X.Org you may do

make install

as root to install the fonts system-wide (/usr/share/fonts/TTF). Otherwise
copy the *.ttf files into ~/.fonts/ directory. Then run fc-cache if you have


2014-06-06 Andrey V. Panov
	Added ruble sign.
	Version 1.0.2 is released.

2012-03-06 Andrey V. Panov
	Added more smallcaps.
	Added substitutions for the Ewe language.
	Added several extended Latin characters.
	Added ligatures with "esh".
	Version 1.0.1 is released.
2011-12-28 Andrey V. Panov
	Added panose values.
	Changed Win and HHead OS/2 metrics.
	Added more ligatures with "f" and "longs".
	Added "beta", "gamma", "lambda", "theta", "chi" to Regular;
	Version 1.0 is released.

2011-02-15 Andrey V. Panov
	Added subscript, superscript and tabular oldstyle figures.
	Added more vulgar fractions.
	Added several extended Latin and Cyrillic characters.
	Version 0.4 is released.

2010-10-28 Andrey V. Panov
	Added small capitals (basic Latin and Cyrillic) in Regular.
	Added more phonetic characters to Regular.
	Version 0.3 is released.

2010-06-09 Andrey V. Panov
	Added several characters mostly for support of Polish and Romanian.
	Version 0.2.2 is released.

2010-02-15 Andrey V. Panov
	Tuned some kerning pairs in Cyrillic.
	Added U+211F, U+2123.
	Added LaTeX support.
	Manually instructed "g" in Regular.
	Version 0.2.1 is released.

2009-08-09 Andrey V. Panov
	Version 0.2 is released.

2009-08-08 Andrey V. Panov
	Added Cyrillic letters to support modern Abkhazian alphabet.
	Added "Euro".

2009-08-07 Andrey V. Panov
	Added kerning to Cyrillic.

2009-07-08 Andrey V. Panov
	Added old style kerning ('kern' table).

2009-03-21 Andrey V. Panov

	Some elements of truetype control value table are now modified
	with xgridfit. So build process requires ttx from fontutils and

2009-03-11 Andrey V. Panov

	Merged glyphs from Vntopia fonts of Han The Thanh with modifications for
	more condensed accents.
	Added U+494, U+495, U+4C7, U+4C8, U+512, U+513.
	Added several IPA charters to Regular.
	Updated scripts for producing fonts.

2009-01-25 Andrey V. Panov

	Fixed spacing of generated rotated glyphs in italic fonts.
	Added longs, u+268, esh, several extended Cyrillic letters.

2008-12-24 Andrey V. Panov

	Added more accents.

2008-12-07 Andrey V. Panov

	Added capital variants for "ring", "tilde". Generating script now builds
	a lot of accented Latin and Cyrillic glyphs and several IPA rotated 

2008-11-25 Andrey V. Panov

	The first beta version (0.1) is released.